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  1. Why not just talk about all the concerns you have with her? Whenever I feel like my girlfriend and I's relationship is getting sorta stuck due to worries and things, I just talk about the things that are troubling me with her. It's not always easy, but it's a good thing to get used to sooner rather than later. We're also looking to get married....buuut from a financial standpoint that's kind of impossible at the moment.
  2. ^My guess is that those kinds of guys either a)don't know what they want from a friendship/relationship or b)aren't all that emotionally mature, or both.. ...or something like that I tend to be pretty up front with my intentions like Maxel, because if I want to see about having a relationship with a woman, communication/openness is a good place to start.
  3. Are you quite certain that that was the case? It sounds sorta like some lame excuse/lie to get out of a date to me....
  4. Paul, the only answer I can give is to pray, pray, pray, and pray some more. God has all of the answers we's up to us whether we are attentive enough to hear what we are being told and whether we have the faith and courage to do His will. Also, thankyou for posting this topic, it has been a good read. I have a catholic-but-interested-in-the-lds-church girlfriend of three months, so this hits close to home. I wish you all the best of luck, no matter what happens.
  5. It's different for everyone, and there are varying degrees of it. You can probably say that you "love" someone fairly early on, but it may only be a shadow of what is actually possible.
  6. Yes, because there's some pretty nasty chemicals in Coffee and Tea...and it's pretty much the norm to drink those very often (and possibly become dependant on them) rather than once in a while...
  7. I think some members make far too big a deal out of this subject... Others' views are different, but I don't see it as a problem at all as long as you don't become dependent on it (i.e., need it to 'wake up'). Same could be said for almost any food/drink that is not expressly prohibited in D&C 89... Personally, I don't drink it that often, because it's really unhealthy..more so for the insane amount of sugar in it than for the caffeine for me.. When I was on my mission I met a crazy guy (had 8 children, wanted to move his family to a farm so they could grow all of their own food..) who would've said YES in answer to your question....the very mention of 'mountain dew' sent him on some sort of righteous tirade about the subject..
  8. Yes, this^^ Many members tend to (whether knowingly or unknowingly) cross that 'what's doctrine and what's not' line quite often...and it's not always a good thing.
  9. My older brother (now 28) has asperger's. He doesn't date (and never has), but no longer considers himself a member of the LDS church, and he uses his condition as an excuse/crutch to not try and better himself. When I was on my mission though, there was a married couple (and they seemed to be happy) in one ward where both of them seemed like they had asperger's. So, I suppose it may depend on the person. Also, if you're shy and have or have had social problems, that doesn't necessarily mean you're autistic. I don't have autism, but in my younger years I had big social problems. My girlfriend also can be very shy at times, but she doesn't have it either. So yeah, shyness =/= autism.
  10. Thanks. :) I'm thinking electrical engineering, but I'm not really sure. I know I wouldn't want to do software engineering, at least. I enjoy solving problems, and I like the physical sciences and math, but I enjoy the former much more than the latter.
  11. That's exactly it. The Lord knows what's best for you, and remember that you can always turn to Him and the scriptures when you are having a hard time...
  12. Thanks for the welcomes. :) John Doe, do you like X-Files?
  13. Hey, I'm new here. :) I regularly post on other forums around the net, but I've been looking for some LDS-centric forums for a while, and am glad I've found one that still has people posting regularly Well, about me? I'm a student, I'm halfway through my bachelors degree (started out slow lol), looking to possibly be an engineer, I'm a nerd , regularly attend church, etc. So, uh...I look forward to posting here.
  14. I hope things work out for both of you. You mentioned having nothing in common with her and also the fact that you argue often...I found myself asking "what's the point? :huh:" I wouldn't want to be with someone that I couldn't relate to on more than just a few levels.Also, as others have said, your outlook on life may be completely different when you are done with your mission. Just trust in the Lord, and things will work out fine in the end...