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Everything posted by Book_of_Mormon_Warrior

  1. "Down deep inside I'm not sorry for what I did..." Then you still have not completed the repentance process. Keep praying the Lord will soften your heart.
  2. I had to endure a week of John MacAurthur speaking about it on Christian radio. I'm all 5-Point Calvinisted out.
  3. I like the ideas of converting to service missionary work. Kind of the "Ammon Approach", redirect the money towards projects that get members involved in serving their local communities on a large-scale basis.
  4. You mean like the stories of Esther, Ruth, and Deborah? Or the stories of of Mary, Mary and Martha, and Mary Magdelene? I'm not buying the idea of your anti-woman Bible.
  5. I do share Dr. Peterson view on Calvinism. As a believer in the Book of Mormon, but not LDS, I wouldn't approach them with this view as a warm up session. :) I would, as any Book of Mormon Believer should do, invite them the read the Book of Mormon and pray to Heavenly Father about it, waiting for the fruit of the Spirit to confirm it's validity. I would then share the verses that speak of how Jesus invites ALL men to come unto Him and how we are not merely creatures to be acted upon, but we have a choice whether to follow God or not. By the way I love Pastor Mark, he is just simply wrong on this issue.
  6. I think this is one time I must respectfully disagree with you, Fiannan. Jimmy bent over backwards to kiss their hindquarters and look where it got us. Iran has no intention of ever becoming friendly with us, their entire philosophy is based on their version of Islam dominating the world and will use any means to accomplish that end.
  7. White Pages on YELLOWPAGES.COM Start calling the ones in the Kirkland/Pasco area and see if they know Andrew Jon/Jon Andrew.
  8. What's funny (or sad) is the news media is just now realizing what Iran is really all about... Iran's response to US shows mind-set of leadership - Yahoo! News
  9. Not exactly, but if that's how you want to take it, run with it.
  10. I have learned very much over the last couple of days and have gained a new insight into the thinking of the members of the LDS church. I wonder what the future holds for the organization considering what I have read. Should be interesting to watch.
  11. Here is a excellent sermon by Mark Driscoll on this subject... Mars Hill Church | Trial | Marriage and Women
  12. I was actually a census worker for a very short time, and we were very definately instructed to go to homeless hotspots. Under bridges, known "tent cities" etc... And surely there are more balanced organizations that could be involved other then ACORN and the NAALCP
  13. He is taking away women's rights by making it some type of bad thing to have children and be homemakers.
  14. What has been breaking up families? Lack of women's rights? How so? Since the women's lib movement divorce and broken homes have only skyrocketed. Thank you, Gloria Steinam and NOW.
  15. Apples and Oranges. Jack is out to sell hamburgers to as many people as possible w/o regard to color, faith, or political leanings. ACORN, on the other hand, is a far-left political organization who's sole mission is to get Liberals elected. And this last election wasn't the first time they've pulled this crap. It's a pattern and apparently they have yet to learn their lesson.
  16. With ACORN's habit of "accidentally" bungling names and numbers, and the NAACP's race baiting, am not so sure either is much different then having the Arayan Nations (which in itself could reach "hard to reach" populations... holed up anti-government racists, which are counted as citizens also)
  17. Your just adding to the joke, right? The NAACP and Target? You kidder you.
  18. You are ignoring the totality of the scripture. It plainly acknowledges you can't possibly achieve what it asks, for in the same verse it says... "that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ;" Cease to purposely misinterpret the scriptures and fight against the word of God.
  19. .Or it could be that now freed from the fetters of public funding they more actively pushed abortion instead of other contraceptive methods? You don't feel a moral objection to creating human life for the express purpose of killing it? That tells me more about you then anything. .Janitors should not have to clean up abortion scenes, the doctors can do it if they are so fired up to kill babies. And I am sure there are plenty of people on staff that think killing babies is fine that they could find someone to pencil in their appointment. Could have fooled me since the only people I ever hear you argue against are conservatives. I am sorry I haven't taken the time to examine the finer points of moral relativism, so I can be socially acceptable to the liberal elitists and the politically correct crowd. But I think I'll continue to take a pass, in spite of my, apparently, socially unacceptable position.
  20. We both know that a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is a far cry from purposely creating a human life for the express purpose of destroying it. I don't see how you can even compare the two. Yes, stem-cell are helping certain people... adult-stem cells, not embryonic stem-cells.
  21. According to your own post the reasons for more abortions is because fewer contraceptives were given out. Here's a solution... Instead of being so gung-ho to have abortion as part of the "advice", the groups denied funding could agree to only speak of the other things and thus get back funding so they can hand out contraceptives. Then I am saddened, if the LDS church can't recognize that creating a human life for the express purpose of destroying it is immoral, then inspiration must be lacking. God will not stand idly by as we play creator and then destroyer of human life. Wait for judgments to fall upon us. One thing I forgot to mention is this policy redirects funding from adult stem-cell research, which has actually yielded results without killing human life, to ESSR. Can you explain how this is acceptable? Please explain what you feel is vague and needs to be changed. Do you feel it is ever acceptable to force someone to participate in abortion against their moral objections? I see you are well studied on liberal hyperbole. This has nothing to do with politics, but the sacredness of human life. Some things just don't succumb well to moral relativism. Some things are black and white... Protecting the most innocent amoung us is one of those things.