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Everything posted by MisterT

  1. Except for those dumbole Dixie Nitwits. I did kinda agree with them though. W wasn't exactly one of my favorites either; although I voted for him the last time. I unfortunately fell into that "gotta vote for the lesser of two weevils" crap idea. A weevil is a weevil is a weevil. The last time I obstained from voting; I thought both candidates were trash, and I believe we will be held to account for how we excercise political force in the form of voting when we meet the Boss.
  2. Remembering ABBA, or liking them if you've been introduced to their music lets say, after 1980, should not only get you kicked out of a singles ward, but out of the USA entirely.
  3. I've been a fan of KISS for about 10 years; I decided I liked them better, and would rather my kids listen to them than Brittany Spears. Imagine my surprise to see Gene Simmons on tour with the USO!!! Most musicians, especially those in the Rock and Roll field, are anti-Military, anti-USA, and phenomenally anti-conservative. Like Jeoff Tate from Queensryche (one of my favorite bands - Operation Mindcrime and Mindcrime II are probably the absolute best rock "opera's" ever written). Good on Gene Simmons and his band!
  4. Here's the secret. Are you ready for it??? Stop looking at pictures of me; I regularly cause women to feel flush and faint.. and its not because of the peperspray or tear gas either! Although that does get them running.. usually away from me though..
  5. Good darn advice there. You must be expert at winning over parents!!!
  6. Oh yeah, one more thing. Always end the date on an upswing, and not when things start to die down. Always, always, leave them wanting more!!! Even if its the best date you've ever been on and you're having more fun than you ever have had before, end it a little early so she's desperate to get a little more of you ASAP.
  7. 1. Its always appropriate to ask anything that's not illegal, immoral, or fattening. How are you supposed to know if you don't ask? 2. I think you got a little frisky there, trooper. I think its best to wait a date or two before holding hands. I also find that women, most anyway, absolutely melt if after a few dates you shyly look at them, while looking back and forth to your feet, to, with a shy voice, ask her permission to hold her hand. I worked that angle with a number of gals and all of them responded very, very well. It went even better when I used the same track to ask for a kiss. They were all practically begging for it at that point, but I played the niaeve and innocent track to a "T." One gal, a physician (long story about her, gawd I miss her. I wish I hadn't screwed that one up, and that she was a nicer person - she was the love of my life), after the 4th date looked at me and said "At some point it becomes ungentlemanly NOT to ask for a kiss..." Yeah, she was a little bit agressive. I liked it. I wish things could have worked out between us;; she'll always be 'the one that got away.' 2. On texting. Its pretty common nowadays to txt people you're dating. At first, I thought it to be very.. disrespectful, but its just part of modern courting. I adapted a procedure of txting about a half-hour after the first date, with a shy message of "phew, were you as nervous as I was? I barely kept my knees from knocking together. I really enjoyed your company; than you very much for spending the evening with me. I'd like to get together with you again very soon, may I call you tomorrow to make plans?" I found out immediatey if they were interested in future dates, and if they enjoyed themselves. No having to wait and wonder for days. And it gave them the chance to politely and unpainfully let me know if they weren't interested in a future date. No harm, no foul. It was also a chance for me to politely beg off if I didn't want to see her again; I simply thanked her for her time and said how much of a pleasure it was to meet her in person. I found only a couple of women who didn't read the subtext, and they were psycho's anyway. like finding out where I lived and showing up at 3 in the morning with alcohol, sex toys, and a girlfriend type psycho. 3. Church. I'm not sure I'd want to go to church with a gal until we were dating exclusively. The appearance would be.. akward, for both of you, as would the misinterpretation that would be bound to be expereinced by the other members of her/your ward. 4. Vehicle. Owning a vehicle isn't a necessary thing (I didn't when I met and courted my ex-wife - I worked out of town during the week and had a company work truck; only spending one or two nights per week in town on average. I had plenty of friends who were more than happy to do the driving if I paid fuel, and I always had a wingman wherever I went - the Ex-wife woud either meet me places, or when we got more serious, drop by my office when I got back into town and pick me up. Eventually I started staying at her parents house when I was in town - no hanky panky - so I could spend more time with them. Having just gotten out of the Army and having had the traumatic experiences that I did, it was helpful for me to get back into civilian life by spending time with her dad and mom. My parents were.. not too good). Owning a vehilce is convenient. If you're car-less because of finances, I'd probably reconsider dating right now. You're likely not financially stable and could better use that money for bills, school, or to buy a car so you can be completely independant. If you're vehicleless because you don't regularly need one, you might consider a rental for the next date. That way the burden isn't constantly on her. I like having lunch or something similar during the afternoon as a first date. No real stress (you can always beg off by having something critical at work pop up), lots of inexpensive activities like the museum or art gallery, can be short or as long as you want, is in the light of day and you're fully awake and aware. I think the theatre, especially a motion picture theatre, is best held off for future dates. The lighting is terrible, you have little interaction or conversation, its expensive, and it takes a lot of time out of a night. Live action is slightly better because its more ok to critique the performance queitly, and there's interaction between the audience and performers, but is usually also very expensive. Last thing. Women like to tak about themselves, even if they pretend not to, or don't know that they do. Ask her opinion a lot, do things she's familiar with - preferable something you've no experience with and she has to 'show you' what to do - look her in the eyes a lot, use her name regularly. Never be discourteous or rude. If asked for a controversial opinion, state it politely and as inofensively as possible, but never apologize for it or try to explain it away. Confidence is attractive. As is assurity. If asked to make a decision, make it immediately and don't waffle. And never, ever, say to her "Your mother is HAWT!" Unless you want to ask the mother out on a date. Then you should say that to her mother. Never say to her "your mother is hawt.. and as the old saying goes, look at the mother to see what the daughter is going to look like," because that's just rude. We all already know that's the truth; why state it???
  8. Send me his address. I've been needing to polish my 32oz framing hammer on the skull of a wife-beating drunk. Its been about 7 years since I polished it last...
  9. First, I can't sleep not wearing something. Never have been able to. Before I was endowed I tried a number of times; some places I've been were so hot that even a T shirt felt like a fur jacket. I'd always wake up in short order and couldn't get back to sleep until I put a shirt on. Bottoms don't bother me either way; I just think most people would prefer it if I kept my bits to myself when having to share a room with me.. out of jealousy, you see... On tithing, I don't know what to say. Recently I've had so little income that were I to pay my tithing right now, I literally could not afford the fuel to get to church. Or eat more than a couple of times per week. And that's no exaggeration. I do in actuality forgo a full day of meals and contribute that money as an offering whenever I fast; latey that's been multiple times per month. I fully intend to pay my tithing in full at or before settlement; I keep very accurate records. But right this minute my budget for food is less than $5.00 per day; many days being half of that. Work is non-existant where I'm at; I've maybe had 45 days of labor in the last 12 months. I can't even afford a telephone at the moment; my internet is courtesy of a neighbor who doesn't know how to, or doesn't care to, secure his wireless access point. All I can say to you is follow the dictates of your conscience. And FWIW, I only pay tithing on my actual take-home; that is all I'm 'gaining" IMHO, since I don't use welfare benefits and SS won't be there when I retire (it doesn't really exist now). The CHurch has no stand on whether tithing is to be paid on gross or net; that is for the individual to decide based upon the dictates of his concience.
  10. I don't need to roar or spit. Yelling unnecessarily is pointless and obnoxious; the only reason to yell is to be heard over loud noises. I never raise my voice, ever, unless its to be heard. The angrier I get, the quieter and more sincere (and severe) I get. Plus, spitting in unhygenic and spreads disease. I remember seeing an old sign somewhere that read "Gentlemen should not, and all others shall not, spit in public." By and large I agree with you. There are occasions where its very appropriate for a man to seek out professional intervention though. Instances that include severe emotional trauma or illness, for help with grief due to a severe injury, illness, or death of friends or family, for intervention and help with dependancy on substances, or with immediately ceasing abuse or abusing, and things of that nature. I believe that it is manly to know when to ask for help, and when to help One's self. I don't have a "man card." I think it got burned about the same time you broads, er, I mean "Dame's," were burning your brassiere's.. Yeah, that's the last thing the world needed; a bunch of ugly broads telling me that they didn't want to sleep with me. Well, who was asking them anyway??? I do think it manly to listen to and openly communicate with your significant other; even when the topic is unimportant (to you) or even droll. A Man does the unpleasant without ever complaining; he endures the unendurable.
  11. You and the Author of "The Man Book" are formally invited to meet me outside my house. Bring anything you want; wear anything you want. I'll even let you take the first swing. You might (and likely won't) make contact with your first swing, but I'll let you swing first. Then after I eat some Quiche I'll come back outside and pick you up out of the dirt, dust you off, and sit you down to tell you what it is, really, to be a man.
  12. To the guy who posted the photo of the can of "faygo" soda. I prefer Zam Zam Cola.. its the official soda of the Hajj... Zam Zam Cola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia No kidding.
  13. K-ni Gett's are what's used to get a shrubbery for those who say "nee." Almonds up around chico I always heard pronounced as "Ammins." I even recall seeing a history channel interview where the Chairman or President of the Blue Diamond Co-Op gave a lecture about how to pronounce the word. As long as they're free of botulism, I like ammins a lot; raw, roasted; they're both good. I really like marzipan, but am not a fan of almond butter; the texture is difficult for me to handle.
  14. School is pronounced shool.. if you're hebrew. I'm originally from California, but I've lived all over. I've intentionally adapted words into my vernacular that sound funny to many people, because I pronounce them in the most.. excentric way possible. I don't know why I do that, other than I think its funny. Its also a great way to start a conversation with someone new, or even family. "Why do you call pecans "pee cans?" Why? Because I like the way it sounds. Because it makes people stop and think about stuff from another perspective. I've never called my nephew Jacob "Jaycob," I always refer to him or about him as "yakob," the historical and literal pronounciation. Not as a form of disrespect, on the contrary. I hope one day he'll ask me why I do and I'll be able to tell him about the wonderful lineage of his name. Maybe at that point I'll start calling him "Jaycob." But I doubt it. I also like to frustrate people who are too.. stodgy. Have you ever wondered what will happen if you use 'southern' dialect around a person who's pretentious? I sure have. So I did it. And not in a fake southern accent, although I can do one pretty well - well enough to fool most native speakers, but in my most neutral west coast and college educated accent. It makes me laugh to see their eyes bug out when talking about 'temmaters' or such. I also really like to call "Basil" "basil," as with an aah, like the British. Not the "ey" sound that's familiar to us American English speakers (I really like "The Queens English," I use it regularly. I also really like "Oxford English," and regularly adapt it for use in a modern society. It drove my ex-GF the physician nuts. She'd throw things at me and punch me in the shoulder when I pronounced it the way I like to, which was every time. And I like basil, so I always had it growing fresh; even as a houseplant during the winter. Anyway, to the topic. 1. Jello: I like real gelatin, as in from rendered connective tissue of animals (or people if they make me angry enough). I like to eat it cold, heat it up and put it in soup, spread on toast, etc. Its primarily collagen and rendered fat/cartillage; very tasty and healthful. In 'unflavored' or desert style, I like it mixed with cream cheese or nuts and served as a 'salad' or desert. Of course, I have to have a little lime jello at every church function; preferably with grapes. Not because that's the best, its the worst, but because its tradition. I also really like flavored sweet jello that's really firm; so high of concnetration that it remains very firm at room temperatures and is chewy (thai style is known as 'crunchy jello'). 2. Soda: I like to call it "pop" because I like the word pop. I call my dad "Pop," first because I know he doesn't really like it (I couldn't care less - I mean that), and second because its.. not disrespectful, but it lets him know what I feel his place is in my life. Anyway, back home we called it either "coke" or "soda;" when I went off to basic training they called it "pop." I came back and adopted "pop" because it was 'exotic' and it let people know I'd actually done something with my life and gotten out of that hell-hole I was raised in. 3. Mac-N-Cheese. Have tried to stay away from it as much as possible; reminded me too much of being dirt poor as a child and having not much better, ever. 4. Biscuits and Gravy. I like to use a fork, because with rare exceptions (such as cuisine that's traditionally eaten with the hands), I prefer not to touch my food. Not because I'm afraid of eating something bad on my hands (I wash them a lot - but I've used them to eat when I've had the worst things on them you can possibly imagine because I had to) and then into my mouth, but because I prefer to display fine mannerisms at most times, even when I'm by myself. I use a knife and a fork for everything (unless I'm using chopsticks or my fingers - I use chopsticks better than most people will ever be able to use a knife or fork.. or tongs for that matter) the European way. The fork in my left hand, inverted, the knife in my right. I just think its classy; and when eating with others, very respectful. I've never liked it when people shoveled foor into their gaping maws like using a shovel to load coal into a boiler on a steamship. A lot of the things I do are to demonstrate respect towards others when we're together. Consequently, in person, I'm one of the most polite people you'll ever meet; even when discussing potentially disturbing or offensive topics. I make to excuses or apologies for my beliefs or opinions, but I state them as honestly and politely as can be done. A Gentleman always does; and though I was not born into a noble house, and Congress never saw fit to declare me one (Officers when receiving their comission are declared, by authority of the Congress, the receiver to be an Officer and a Gentleman), I am, in every way possible, a gentleman when it counts. 5. Grits. I'll eat them any way, but my favorite is with peanut butter and maple syrup. Fast grits are pretty good, too. Don't let anyone look down on you for eating them, neither. They may not have the same flavor or texture as traditional grits, but just as quick oats or pressed oats differ from steel cut, Irish, or Scottish in texture and flavor, they're still good. Better them than none at all. In fact, I think I'll go get a box tonight (just finished making traditional "Dirty Rice," Livers, gizzards, hearts, sausage (boudan - homemade), chicken skin, onions, garlic, peppers, celery). 6. Bathroom tissue. Over, when I bother to put it on the holder. Since I wrecked my shoulder (right) I find it hard to reach over to get it, so I like to leave a roll off the holder to I can get to it easier. I'm also able to control the unspooling of the paper much better, so I never have a runaway roll. 7. Green onions or scallions. I prefer chives, personally (a grass). But if I had to choose.. I'd prefer shallots. I mean garlic greens.. I mean scallions. It just sounds more.. exotic. I highly recommend trying chives if you're never had them; garlic chives are especially good. They grow well in a very small container, and are perennial, so they come back every year; even after the harshest winters. They also grow very well in the house, in with appropriate feeding, grow many inches during season; I've had to throw away more chive cuttings that I ever could eat because the two little plants I had grew as fast as alfalfa. I also recommend trying garlic greens; they're very mild and utterly delicious. The immature bulb is also fantastic sliced thin and grilled; no need to peel the cloves. Slice through the bulb and put a round on the grill or ungreased pan; all of it is tender and flavorful; taking months to dry up and become flaky after harvest. 8. Pecan. I like to call it "Pee Can" because it makes people laugh or get spitting mad. Just like saying "I need to do the warsh." or my ex-wife's favorite "Breakfrist." It was that second "r" that drove me mad.
  15. Having been in a relationship with an abusive drunk, well maybe not abusive but surely neglectful (thereby abusing the family by being absent - myself) I say this is good advice. I also advise her to get away from him as soon as possible; I'm sad that I lost my family (my drinking problem wasn't the only issue, or the biggest), but if she hadn't skipped out, I'm sure I'd never have stopped drinking and come back to the church. If she leaves him one of two things will happen. 1. He'll stay the same. 2. He'll re-evaluate his life and have to decide which is more important, the booze or his woman.
  16. Wait, $600 for what??? Two days of sitting in a seminar? I don't care if they call it "New Warrior Training" or "Next Stupid Sucker Looses His Money;" I pay for service, not to '...stand shoulder to shoulder with a diverse masculine crowd that's as diverse as masculinity...' You want to be a warrior? Join the Army, Marines. Want to spend 2 years staring at something doing nothing for 12 hours a day? Join the navy and end up a machinists mate watching a shaft for lubrication failures. Want to ride a bike a lot? Join the Air Force and you can haul mail or parcels onto the flightline. Join an adventure club. Join a fraternity. Heck, join AA or AAA. But don't give some grifter POS $600 so you can feel like you're a man afterwards... I'd feel like a sucker instead.
  17. I eat quiche regularly. What's wrong with eating a pie made from egg, cheese, BACON, sometimes vegetables or mushrooms? If it was called Manly Egg Pie, would it somehow be manly to eat, rather than when its called Quiche? The first time I heard anyone make fun of Quiche eating men was Jim Varney as Ernest P. Warrel in his movie Ernest goes to camp, when he spoke about "Men of iron...Men who had never tasted Quiche." I'd rather have quiche before going on a patrol; besides being really tasty and full of nutrition, protien, calories, and immediately convertable starches; its low.. gas creating, which is good when you're humping the boonies. Crashing through the jungle in big rubber-soled boots with a hundred kilo's of gear and "the Pig" makes enough noise without adding the sound (and smell) of gaseous emanations caused by a lunch of frijoles negros y masa tortilla.
  18. From Goshen University: Genitourinary structures Uterus - The fetal pig uterus is of a type called bicornate, compared to the simplex human uterus. This means that the pig uterus has two large horns in addition to the body. These horns are sometimes confused with the much smaller Fallopian tubes. It is the presence of these horns which allows pigs to have a litter of 8 or 10 pigs. (See p. 57 of the FPDG.) Untitled Document
  19. I don't think that was part of the story or idea being portrayed by the creator of the movie; but I imagine there's nothing wrong with seeing parallels that might exist, even if they were not intentionally written in or placed there. Many people love to make a philisophical comparison between Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the rise of Nazi Germany and the second world war; even though Tolkien very adimantly and planely stated it was an origional work of fiction having no basis in any factual event and was in no way a parable. I found the movie to be droll and preachy. The special effects were not spectacular to me, but seemed to be nothing more than flashy window dressing on a tired used up story. You can put lipstick on a pig, or a loose woman for that matter, but it'll still be a pig or a loose woman. I enjoyed Cameron's early work; Terminator, Aliens (although it was in no way a good story - it was just well put together and presented. Much of the dialog is non-sequiters, double-negatives, carelessly worded, factually impossible, irrelevant, rediculous, or otherwise inappropriate when viewed in context.. Yes, I watch it once or twice a month. Cameron ruined the look of Geiger's Necronomican-Alien, changed the behaviour, intent, and purpose of the creature, and used special effects to mask defeciencies of the story and to crete suspense instead of having a good script; in stark contrast to Ridley Scott who well adapted Dan O'Bannon's screenplay and invented the special effects that are now standard industry practices), The Abyss. I did not care for Titanic as a story; the visuals were incredible and very well rendered, the script was engaging, the cinematography was groundbreaking; as was the realism of the sets (the engine room scenes and those of underdecks and machinery spaces were actually filmed in one of the two remaining seaworthy Liberty Ships built during the Second World War). The emotional impact was carefully designed, and I believe that Cameron either consulted with psychoterapists in order to maximize sentiment, or is almost inhumanly 'gifted' with the ability to tell a story that'll make you feel like crap. His more recent work has been, in my never to be humble opinion, nothing more than special effects pieces; instead of telling a new story, a revolutionary one; with good dialogue, premise, and well researched 'science,' he's gone in the direction of putting lipstick on loose women, sticking them in a white dress, and marching them down the isle towards the audience who he treats as though they're blushing virgin bridegrooms. I don't like 3D film; I like a film because of the story, because of how it makes me feel. The best movies ever made were black and white with no special effects; lighting, music, diaglogue, and excellent premises made the movie funny, suspensful, frightening, heartwarming, invigorating, angering, or just plain fun. Take "The Philadelphia Story" with Jimmy Stewart for example. Or the original "The Haunting." Oh well, talk about being really off topic. Please, go back to your comparison of Avatar to Mortal life.. I'll get out of your hair... :) "Scotty, this place sucks! Beam me up."
  20. Need support? Join a gym. Take up bowhunting. Try fishing with your hands. Eat a live chicken. Walk up to your best friend and punch him in the shoulder - then if he whines about it punch him in the face. Drink a cocktail of toilet bowl cleaner and dish soap... Then you'll be a man. Seriously, I have no experience with those kind of support groups, but I went to a few whiny crybaby one's put on by some veterans groups. "I feel so bad...I wanna cry...My best friends intestines got blown all over my face and lap in Fallujah...I saw little kids shoes fly up in the air when we bombed than mud hut... waa waa waa." No, I didn't get any benefit from them. I felt those guys should just do like the rest of us; suck it up, literally and from the bottle, kick the wife, slap the cat, throw the kids outside until they stop whining... Eat a box of potato buds (dry), and when you're feeling really bad, strap on all your old armor, helmet, gear, grab a rifle and squat down in the back yard until dawn comes or the sprinkler runs you off. I went to a divorce support group for awhile after my ex-wife left me. A group called "Divorce Care," sponsored by another church because the LDS faith doesn't have anything like that. Anyway, besides having their obvious religious theology pushed in all aspects of the program, from the organization to the video's and topics for discussion, which is in no way a bad thing; there was nothing offensive about it. It was very lovingly done and designed to help people by giving them the knowledge that God is love and Jesus does truly love them. People shared things about their week; all the petty nasty things their STBX's were doing, how hard it was to make ends meet, what new drugs their doctor put them on. I just found it impossible to be honest with them. Funtamentally I don't feel I've ever been completely honest with anyone, ever, my whole life. I've always had to reserve parts of myself, bits of information, or reasons for doing things; I don't know why, but I think I learned that as a defense mechanism because of very traumatic events as a young child, teenager, and young man in the Army. Because I wasn't able to be completely honest with them I don't think I got a lot out of the program. Someone who could be maybe would. Anyway, I'm not sure what my point was, other than to say perhaps you'll be benefited by the experience; but I'm very suspicious and skeptical of any 'support group' or meeting that's nothing more than a weekend long. Issues of a deem emotional or spiritual nature aren't formed or solved in two days, but over long periods of time after deep introspection, reflection, study, prayer, consultation, and reasoning. But I also see nothing harmful in the idea if it gives you a solid base from where to work towards those things you need help with. Beware if they want a lot of money; I'm OK if they charge a small fee for meals or materials, but if there's no 'scholarships' or 'grants' for people without the budget for it, I'd probably steer clear as its likely to be a business designed to make money rather than a service to help and care for people.
  21. I was impressed. By the title, I was expecting to see a montage of skaters bashing their faces, heads, and nether regions because of failed attempts to defy the laws of gravity; not a well designed and performed piece of performance.
  22. Pigs have seperate 'spurs' of uterus and are able to be pregnant with seperate litters several weeks apart from eachother. Its hard on the sow, but its a common practice to pmpregnate them that way in many developing countries. Farrowing time is quite exciting when they give birth. Sow's aren't too good to their offspring; often eating them shortly after birth. Hence they're placed in a 'farrowing crate' that prevents them from turning around for quite some time during and after birth. Of course, seeing how some children behave throughout their lives, I sometimes think that swine might have the right idea. Yeah for me, I resisted uttering the terrible joke that maybe this woman has some pig in her.. or has had 2 pigs recently..
  23. Have you ever smelled a wine soaked Frenchman??? I had the unfortunate experience as a late teenager to be stationed in France for awhile. Lemme tell you, the "stereotype" of Frenchmen drinking wine a lot isn't a stereotype, its the truth. And it isn't good wine, but cheap $1.00 a bottle type stuff that smells, and tastes, like turpentine and antifreeze. Frenchmen, by and large, are drunk by 2 in the afternoon on most days, which is why they have the cuisine that they do.. True "country" French cooking is based on fresh vegetables.. because they're TOO DRUNK to use the stove safely... No, I do not like France very much. I do like the cooking education I got while I was there though.
  24. Yeah, stupid stuff like dressing their cat up in hats and sweaters... j/k Localfarms: You need a hug. I need one two. You get all pouty and dramatic when you need one, I simply put on my jackboots and goosestep down the Champ Ulysses. Both are acceptable forms of grief, I guess. I simply prefer invading a neighboring country where you prefer to get a tissue.
  25. Darwin was very correct in his Origin of Specis; Anyone who doesn't believe that people, plants, and animals evolve is an idiot and probably should bathe their prosthetic limb in flammable liquids before pole vaulting over a bonfire... We can see evolution everyday in organisms as small as prions and virus'; to those as large as apex predators. But even more important than Darwins theory of evolution was his theories of adaptation and specialization; landmark pieces of thought that completely revolutionized the way people perceived their environment. Whether his theories are completely correct is, well, impossible to prove. But it is an absolute certainty that the Earth is much older than 6,000 years, that entire specis have lived for millions of years before becoming extinct, and that man as he is today is fundamentally different than Adam, or even homosapien of just a few hundred years ago. Genetic lines that were incapable of adapting to their environment, whether natural or engineered ceased to flourish and were replaced by those who could; Man has adapted himself to living in the most extreme of environments. And except for the occasional "Forrest Gump" who sets himself on fire as part of a bet, man will continue to evolve as the environment its self evolves. Just think of this bloke in the same way you would the Dodo bird.. too stupid to survive on its own. Well, that's not true. The Dodo was hunted to extenction by Europeans, but that's because they were too stupid to evolve a defense mechanism in time. Something like, I dunno, a feathered George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. Wow, way off track now. So far I've covered Darwin, Bill Grahm, The Founding Fathers, Heavenly Father, Eskimos, Equatorial Aboriginies, and extinct foul. Tomorrow I will make a trietise on the spermatazoa of fungal colonies and tubeworms. Plus a little note on sea snakes, conch, and urchins.