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  1. Thanks everyone for your replies, I guess I knew the answer deep down but was unsure. I guess now I have another question... ...Will I be able to still talk to him while he is going through separation? Can I just be friends and still talk as long as I don't date him until the divorce is final? This question will probably be more difficult to answer, if someone could give me scripture or some type of authoritative answer rather than opinion, it would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone for your help! I wasn't expecting so many answers this soon. Everyone's insight was helpful. Thank you again, this has been weighing heavily on me.
  2. Thanks for your advice, I will take that into consideration.
  3. Are you sure it is law? I am not doubting you, I just haven't found anything specific on this. Could you point me in the right direction where it states this specifically? I hope I don't come off dismissive, that is not my intent...I just have been searching for a specific answer and haven't found it. I am interested in reading what is stated about this and to learn more on this matter, I don't want to do something I am not supposed to!
  4. Hello... I am a committed practicing Mormon now. I am currently dating a guy who is separated from his wife and about to get divorced. I am wondering if it is ok to date someone who is currently separated? He isn't Mormon, but he is open-minded to my religion. Do I have to wait until he is divorced to date him?