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  1. It is something you will probably have to share with your wife at some point, as there are likely underlying emotional issues behind the pornography use. It is extremely dangerous & destructive, and my recent interviews with our stake presidency have impressed on me how important the law of chastity is to worthiness. I would agree that you should talk about this with your bishop/leaders so you can get on the path to repentance, before, as another poster said, you lose everything you love. It is that serious.
  2. My wife was a gambling addict and would return our son's diapers so she could play bingo. She would gamble away the last of our money on online poker. I could not have a checking account or a debit card because mysteriously, money would vanish from my account (because she stole it). I would have to pay all our bills with money orders. It was cheaper than paying all the overdrafts. I did everything to stop the behavior. And none of it worked. I couldn't take it anymore. It was not worth all the heartache.
  3. He has the characteristics of an abusive spouse. He has seriously wronged you with that abuse & his infidelity.
  4. The first missionaries who taught me taught me the plan of salvation with matchbox cars and quarters. The missionaries who brought me back to the church used a bunch of stacked cups to teach the apostasy & restoration. The 12 apostles were on the bottom & once they were gone, the rest of the church fell apart (the other cups stacked on top fall ie priesthood). They were actually really good.
  5. Life isn't always about being right or wrong. I can't think of any scriptures off the top of my head.
  6. I think there are significant differences between LDS and protestants. I don't really see the point of the restoration if we can all just be unitarian universalists. I thought that God revealed that all churches upon the earth in the time of Joseph Smith were "abominations," so the kumbayaing and all the warm fuzzy stuff the LDS church is pushing makes little sense to me.
  7. jbeggs


    Visitors are always welcome at LDS church services. I'm sure they would be thrilled to have you visit. When you're ready.
  8. I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but your summary made me think of this little story that I read or heard not too long ago.
  9. I had the opposite experience reading Ether 5--I found it to be faith-affirming. But nevertheless, I have had my doubts while reading The Book of Mormon as well. It is important for us to receive revelation about it:
  10. Missionaries are pretty eager about baptisms. Preach My Gospel places an emphasis on getting others (you as an investigator in this case) to make commitments. You should not proceed if you do not feel ready. You make covenants at baptism that you will have to keep for the rest of your life. You don't have to be stern to the missionaries--you could talk with them about how you don't feel anything when you pray. Being able to hear and listen to the Holy Ghost is an important first step. As someone else said, another missionary should interview you before baptism, and you may be able to use that as an opportunity to back out if the missionaries continue to be pushy.
  11. 1 Corinthians 7:14-15 also seems to suggest that divorce is permissable when a disbelieving spouse abandons a believing spouse. Some relationships are just plain dangerous to the life and health of parents and children. Some would counsel people in such relationships to remain in them no matter what, but I think this is contrary to Christian dignity.
  12. Hi, Converted to the church while I was in graduate school, about three years ago, then became inactive just after I was confirmed. Missionaries showed up at my doorstep only like five months ago now & I've been faithfully attending church since I returned. My branch president said it was important for me to receive the Aaronic Priesthood, had one of the missionaries ordain me. I've gone out on several team ups with the missionaries and the Elders Quorum President of our branch is my home teaching companion. I am grateful we can repent of our sins and return to the church so that we can then help others. I am very thankful the branch never gave up on me.