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Everything posted by sherrillgraff

  1. I have a strong testimony that the gospel can be shared in all we do and in all we say. Over the last 15 years our family has gone through trial after trial, mostly with health and job loss only to see time and time again the hand of God in our lives helping us and supporting us each and every time. I have seen first had the answers to fervent prayers, the power that daily scripture study has in our lives. I have seen lives touched and service rendered out of love and the desire to improve the lives of others to help them come to know they are children of God, that he loves them, that Jesus Christ is their redeemer and that we have the responsibility to serve and teach at home, at church, at work and at play. Thank you again for reminding me that I can influence others for good by writing the spiritual experiences I have had and sharing them with others. Bless you for all you do.