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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. How does one go about getting jobs teaching English in places like Tailand and China? I have heard you do not need to have a college education to do it. My sister is wanting to go someplace just to get away from things and work. She wants exotic so maybe this is a good idea?
  2. Aside from agriculture and "adult entertainment" what areas does the US far outpace all other nations?
  3. Sad part is that with the recession many people in their 40s and 50s have lost good jobs that will never come back. These people now have to find something else to do. Experience can kill your chances of getting a job in your previous field. A man in my ward is an unemployed teacher. He has almost 15 years experience. Schools know that they would have to pay him more due to his experience and degrees. So no school district has called him for any interviews this year. He has tried to get some job to do so he feels like he is paying the bills but he cannot even get a pizza delivery job. My priesthood teacher is turnig 50 and he has had to go back for training in another field. Many jobs in tech have been outsourced to Bangladesh. Manufacturing jobs are in Indonesia and China. Even when the recession ends,, if it does, it will be like a big game of economic musical chairs for everybody.
  4. He should run for president. Is he a Democrat or Republican. I heard he voted for Obama. I wonder what insights he has. I also wonder if he has been warned to not say too much after he retires.
  5. I was talking to someone who is a nurse teh other day. She said that immigrants from Somolia are generally infected with TB. I know that cases of chagas have gone up in the USA from Latin immigration. I think most of the cases of TB in Europe are from Russian and north African immigration. At Ellis Island anyone with a communicable disease was sent back.
  6. This made the front page of The Oregonian today. Don't think it will go away now.
  7. OregonLive : Prosecutor: Al Gore was focus of sex crime inquiry in Portland I know the rumors of an affair are out in the public now. However, if this is true it would be worse than an affiar. I hope the woman in question has the courage to take this to court. Elected officials should not be above the law.
  8. I did not see the second one. A co-worker explained the plot of it. The werewolves have a high body temperature so they need to go shirtless. I asked if there would be female werewolves in the movie. She said in the book there is but that she doubted they would show a topless female werewolf girl in the movie. I asked my wife if she wanted to see the movie on DVD but she said it sounded dumb and juvenile. Glad she felt that way. She does not usually like vampire movies except for the one that had James Wood in it a few years ago.
  9. Power corrupts. I wonder if the spirits of The Gadiantan Robbers still roam the earth.
  10. Why did I just get an image in my mind of the woman in Napoleon Dynamite who was married to the martial arts instructor?
  11. Sorry, I thought you may have seen 2 1/2 Men before.
  12. Best to err on the side of caution. Women should wear clothes that cover where the garmets would be if they were not dressed.
  13. I have heard that women like men who are different. Show her you are unique. Don't pretend to be interested in Twighlight. If you like vampire movies then just mention you understand why she would like it. If she is quiet, she probably admires outgoingness. Show her you are not timid. Ask her out and see what happens. And remember to be more like Charlie and not like Alen in how you act/speak to her.
  14. There was a little hint of one of the vampire girls being interested Belle, but they did not develop a sub plot around that, did they?
  15. The quote was about families in general (caring guardian, fathers and mothers, an duses the term families in many forms). The point is that he has made a major point to include gay male parents rather than just say dads in a generic sense. Kremlin? Do the Russians have gay rights and gay marriage?
  16. It does not seem that fatherhood today is as standard as it was back when Richard Nixon made Fathers Day official in 1972. Presidential Proclamation--Father's Day | The White House Why did he ignore single moms and families with two women rasing kids?
  17. I heard on the radio the other day some famous author of marriage books say that studies show young men now have lower male hormones than old men did back 30 yers ago. Wonder if this is part of it.
  18. Hello. I home teach a friend of mine. He is adopted and I guess it was an open adoption. He is friends with his biological sister and they keep in touch with each other. I guess two days ago he gets an email and she informs him the mother is dead. He asked me if I thought his reaction was normal. His reaction was nothing. He said it was strange but he felt nothing at all, in spite of having met her before. I guess he did not like her. I told him it was not strange since he really did not know her. He wondered if what he called "coldness" was natural. What do people here think?
  19. Why? Isn't what is best for the kids the important thing? If two people are both good parents then they should get total joint custody. If one is better than the other, then gender should not matter. I think we will eventually have gay marriage in the whole USA. What will courts do in custody battles then?
  20. I read today that even the British press hates Obama now. So let us see, the Israeli people don't like him, the Arabs have soured on him, the Chinese do not respect him and the Russians think he is a lightweight. Is he popular in India or Brazil? I feel sorry for him. This is not meant to be mean but he reminds me of an experience I had in college. I took a part time job that required me to park cars. I did not really know how to drive a stick shift but I tried. I did my best but every time I saw a stick I panicked because I knew it would be an ordeal. Sometimes I did the right thing, sometimes it was a major task. I quit the job after just a few days. Obama has to face the stick every day for four years.
  21. The following article caught my attention. It deals with men being thrown in jail for not paying child support on time. The problem I think most people ignore is that the very term "deadbeat dad" makes it clear that men are less likely to get possession of their kids. I do not believe women are less likely to disolve a marriage or mess around on their husband. Maybe men need to make a better case for defending their rights. Don’t pay support, go directly to jail
  22. Wow, Jesus on guitar hero playing progressive rock. Never know.
  23. I have seen LDS teens and non-LDS teens interact socially. Sometimes it feels they are from different countries and the LDS young people may seem arrogant, but maybe they are unable to totally understand what the others are talking about, or how they are acting.
  24. I would seriously go to higher authorities. The Church is set up to where if people at the local level are not doing what is right then there is always taking it higher. Hang in there and remember that how we care for our families is of far greater concern to our Heavenly Father than how some branch leaders might feel.
  25. Totally agree. He has what many young men have and that is a fear of commitment. If you are meant to be married waiting 3 years will not make it any more right than setting an earlier date. If you do give in to your standards and then break up then you will feel betrayed and used. Hold firm to your virtue and remember that if he pressuring you to abandon them then I would suggest you find a man who respects you and who you can trust.