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Everything posted by jayanna

  1. School loan? Move into the dorm? Stay with a friend/get a room mate while you look for a job? I moved out of my parents, only having had a driver's license for two weeks, and had never had a job. This is possible, not easy, but possible. I went without furniture for a while, I had 1 towel :) that I used for mulitple purposes...no one is going to ride in and hand you a new home. You will have to go out and find your way. It is hard, it is scary, but if you really want to get out of your home situation, you have to do it, not someone else. At 25 you can get a school loan and live in the dorms. you can do this.
  2. I was just thinking, get rid of anything that mind remind you of pornography, this would include watching movies with se*ual references, books with scantily clad people on the cover, and yes, limited internet use. I don't know if you use the internet for your work, but I would highly suggest keeping your computer monitor in full view of your family at all times. I don't think there is a filter in the world that can completely keep it out. I work at a public library and we have an imposing, impressive filter with IT personnel occasionally going through the websites being visited, and still quite a bit gets through. Even elementary children are smart enough to get around it. You might have to make some drastic changes in your computer use. Also get some healthy family activities in your weekly routine, as well as maintaining date nights. Your wife needs to see you actively seeking opportunities to spend time with her, it will be very important for her self esteem. Remember that the goal of this date night is not to achieve your goal of physical intimacy, but rather to help her feel like you want and look forward to her company, and that you admire her. Most importantly, don't get frustrated and give up! Your Heavenly Father loves you and cares for you personally, He knows your name, your struggles, and your efforts to grow closer to Him. Like all tests in this world, this too can be overcome through Christ's atoning sacrifice.
  3. I have found that while we use the most common translation of the Bible, that being the King James version, a lot of other religions use other translations...some use a 'New International' version, some a 'New King James' verson, some use a 'teen' Bible that I've seen and even a 'children's Bible' . There is a Messianic Bible, and many, many more. There is a JST of several Bible passages...but the Bible that I purchased through the church library is the King James verson of the Bible with JST in the footnotes and in the Bible dictionary and references in the back. When someone says to you that their Bible says something else, reply that you are using the King James version, and they will probably know what you are talking about since most of the other ones are quite a bit more recent translations.
  4. My hubby was pouring himself some Dr. P the other night when the missionaries were over for dinner. The one from Utah just looked completely shocked that he was doing so. LOL his mouth was hanging open. So I said, "oh yeah, no one has told you yet that around here a person can drink soda and still be considered in good standing." Although I do think the word of wisdom is a base line to go by, there are some things that we as individuals can not eat in order to maintain good health. I, for example, should not have caffeine because it makes my heart jump around though a little bit of chocolate every now and then seems to be okay. Some others I know cant eat seeds because they cause intestinal issues for them. So while the WOW and current doctrine on it teach the letter of the law of health, we must also remember the spirit of that law...that we are responsible to maintain our health by eating and drinking for the purpose of caring for our bodies (temples for our spirits), not just to please our tastebuds. I think soda in moderation is fine. Heavily drinking it though can cause a lot of problems that may or may not be associated with caffeine, for example your teeth. I love hubby dearly but he does drink quite a bit more soda than I think he should as it melts his teeth. My dentist agrees with me. His dental issues are appalling. My kids don't drink very much of it and my youngest is 14 and has never had a single cavity. Salt is another one, in moderation it is fine...I personally can't seem to get enough salt, according to my EP who has threatened IV's! My sister on the other hand eats out all the time and gets too much salt, making her blood pressure really high. A lot of people seem to think that living up to the requirements of holding a temple recommend is the greatest expectation we should have for ourselves. I think that the temple recommend requirements are not the greatest, but the least we can expect from changes in ourselves preparing to meet our Heavenly Father again. There is a very important spiritual element missing in our lives if we are only holding our spiritual growth to the measuring stick of the temple recommend questions. There is a higher law than the one we are currently living, we will be expected to live it at some point, for example the law of consecration. The Lord has been very merciful with us, but there will be a time when we will be expected to live as He already does.
  5. I would like a much bigger garden. My current favorite possession is the new cell phone I got this year, because I can listen to books while I'm shelving and doing housework. Or I can listen to music. Books are my favorite though.
  6. i like adele, I mostly like love songs. The cheesier the better.
  7. My stepson, when he first moved in with my husband and I, was very disrespectful towards me. I told him that he was being disrespectful and he replied with, "Respect has to be earned." I don't know where this phrase came from but it is not any gospel principle I am familiar with. So I asked him, "who says it has to be earned?" I told him that the man who drives the school bus says he is very respectful on the bus, and his teachers have commented that he is very respectful in class. I asked him, had I not done at least as much for him as they had? At what point would I earn this respect that they evidently deserved? I had treated him with respect and care, cooking his meals, cleaning his clothes, taking care of his needs, and helping him with his homework....but if I asked him to take out the trash, whoa, I get yelled at. Well, I told him that if would like me to continue my service to him, he could at least give me the common courtesy he offered to adults that were in his life that barely knew his name. Things were much better after that. He did agree. I still don't know where that phrase came from, but if you are a Christian, I think it would be an incorrect phrase to live by.
  8. I did work for someone once that put something in my food. As you may or may not know, I have heart issues and have been medicated for quite some time. Well, my employer at the time was selling some 'diet' product that supposedly gave one energy. They were some kind of pill or powders. Well most of my coworkers were buying the stuff and I politely refused thinking that would be the end of it. Unfortunately the stuff had some success at first with my employers and coworkers, and they continued to attempt to push it on me, saying it would give me so much energy and supposedly had cured many heart problems for those who had given testimonials on the stuff. I continued to refuse it, it was just not a good idea...a stimulant no thanks. So they put it in my lunch and waited for a result, I was like, "why is everyone standing around grinning at me?". Hardy har har, all was fun and games until things went south pretty fast. My bp dropped immediately, heart rate skyrocketed, I was sweating and could not stay vertifcal. Thought I was gonna die. I figured out what happened, and asked someone to get me some ipecac. Still had to go to the ER. It took a few days to get my rate back to normal. People suck. When I got back to work, my employer gravely informed me that there must be something wrong with me since everyone they knew could take it with no problems at all. Gee, ya think? Oh, if I could have a nickel for every time someone told me that I didn't need any medicine, I just needed some coffee to start me up, I would be sitting pretty I can tell ya.
  9. I think I found it, but I was hoping for a quote from some church material. The posts on that thread aren't quite as definitive as I would like.
  10. I have tried searching that one, but I'm not having any luck. What forum was it in? We have been married for 12 years this September, and we have been sealed for about 6.
  11. jayanna


    this is really common, I worked in daycare for about 10 years....when she bites you, dont do the surprised thing (they think it's funny) simply look her in the face and frown and set her down. Children love attention, if she does something good give her lots of attention...when she does something bad set her down and give something else your attention. She won't like that. It just takes like half a minute, you might even set her down and walk away a few steps... but come back soon. She will soon learn that when you bite someone they stop playing with you.
  12. I think gratitude is acknowledging that every thing you have, you have because the Lord has allowed you to have it. I think it is remembering that we are all unprofitable servants.
  13. I know this might seem like a commercial, but I have been doing Weight Watchers since January, and it has been amazing for me. I like having a group of people who are facing the same eating hurdles that I am. I like having the support group, and I have learned a lot about eating, why I was eating, and what I should eat. One of my biggest problems has been the inability to work out. I used to be quite athletic and one day had to suddenly stop. It is hard to even think about losing weight when the standard exercise methods are out of the question. Remember that exercise for you should be very gradual and keep in mind that the more you weigh, the more your bone structure has to carry....you don't have to work out for as long as a 120 pound person does, for example. Also the types of foods you eat should change, and it will be hard at first, but after a couple of months you will find yourself craving those foods that you have changed to. I can say at this point that I have completetly changed the types and amounts of food I eat and crave. When I eat I think about what I want to feel like after I have eaten, and then I choose what I am going to eat. High sugar and high carbs will make you sleepy, carrying around excess weight will tire you out fast. I remember one day when I started to stand up, I braced myself, even using a piece of furniture to help my knees, only to realize I didn't need the help because I weigh so much less now.... you can do this, I know you can I know that it might seem like a lot of money to join something like weight watchers, but I have saved a whole bunch of money on my grocery bill, enough to easily justify the amount it costs for my membership. Go to a meeting near you, you don't have to pay, you can just visit for a while if you want and then decide.
  14. Okay this might sound really strange, but bear with me. For the past several months my husband and I have had an inexplicable feeling, a kind of pressure that we need to ' get ready' for something. It has hung over us...get ready get ready. I have been making a more regular housekeeping schedule, we have been improving family scripture study, he has been doing a ton of yard work we have increased our food storage. That feeling is still there, he has put his resume on monster, and gone back to school, and we still don't know what we are getting ready for. I mentioned this to my visiting teacher and she was immediately under the impression that my hubby would be called as a bishop, saying that he has been in the bishopric for so long and that we would surely be changing bishops soon. I seriously doubt this, really. But the feeling was still really heavy. I work with my bishop, and I mentioned it to him. He suggested that maybe we would be moving...and I asked if my hubby would be changing callings soon, I mean he would know since hubby its his counselor...and he replied, and this was the weird part...that well he certainly can't be the next Bishop. At first I laughed and agreed, and then I said wait, what do you mean by that? He said that since my husband had been married and divorced before he joined the church that he could not be a bishop. While I think our lives are certainly way too busy for him to be a bishop, and I can't in any way imagine being the wife of a bishop, being not even 40 yet and having a Lot to learn, I can't help thinking of all the reasons for him to not be called for something, why choose a divorce that he did not want and had to go through long before he was baptized? Was this someones odd opinion or is this actual church policy?
  15. I'm Captain America! Yay! He is my favorite!
  16. Come on, get it over with, you will feel better. Maybe it won't be as bad as you think. Don't let your pride get in the way of repentance. This is not something that you want to question yourself about while you are on your mission. If you don't go through with the repentence process, you will probably always question whether or not you are truly worthy of whatever priesthood you hold and will hold in the future. Hurry up, so you can put this behind you, you have great work to do :)
  17. I get a lot of questions about ereaders at my work. Whenever there is a problem, downloading, the app, etc. it is always a kindle fire that has the problem. The nook is definitely easier to use. Also if you need wifi, your phone might be able to be a hotspot. That is what we use for our home wifi now, My hubby even uses his phone as a hotspot to play his army killing people game on our playstation 3, so it must be fast.
  18. It is true, you can read a lot of threads about marriage advice on here and not know why anyone would get married. There are a lot of happy marriages out there, especially in the church we are members on...there is a lot of focus on nurturing a marriage, etc. There is also a lot of opportunities to learn and grow on a very personal, individual level. All of the ordinances are very independent, including (oddly enough) the sealing, because the covenants you make are between you and Heavenly Father, not between you and the other spouse. As one develops in these individual areas, one can become much closer to Heavenly Father, but without the trials and changes we experience in an eternal relationship we can't really be like Him. We learn some things in these relationships (including parenthood) that we can't learn by reading, or going to the temple, or serving in callings, we need these types of relationships to learn how He feels about US, among other things. Yes there are lots of happy, healthy marriages, there just aren't a lot of threads about them. They don't get a lot of attention. Squeaky wheels get oil, etc. I, personally, am in a really great marriage. It hasn't always been one, and sometimes we take turns being selfish. I am pretty sure I just had the worst Mother's Day of my life this year...next year will be different, I'm sure. It is hard, we are none of us perfect, but with the atonement active in our lives, and with the ability to forgive and let go, we can help each other be each other's helper to the celestial kingdom.
  19. Yes, it is significant. There are so many instances of the number 7 and multiples of the number 7 in the scriptures...if you will look in the book of Luke...chapter two...read verse 7, 14, and 21. Read Isaiah 7:14...in Luke chapter 3 you can read and count the generations from Adam to Abraham, which are 21 generations! 7's all over the place. Chapter 7 of Genesis, more sevens. The loaves and fishes...Matthew chapter 15:36 and 37... how many loaves , how many sevens involved in that miracle? How long did Jacob work for his wives? Gen. 29:27 There are over 700 7's in the Bible! In the seventh year, people were released from debts, and servants were again given their freedom...look up the significance of the 7's for the Jewish , it is pretty interesting. I've read somewhere that 7 is the 'divine number of completion' can't remember where at the moment..
  20. Interestingly on this topic, this week our Bishop suggested that we read the description of charity found in Corinthians, and in the Book of Mormon, and insert our name every where we see the word charity. When we see the people who are downtrodden (which can be people who are rich in worldly things too sometimes) and our heart is moved in compassion towards them, first we feel that pure love, identifying them as one of God's children, and then we act on that feeling. In order to truly know how to help them we use revelation from the Holy Spirit to know what they need, or what we have/can do to truly help, and then we act on it. Any action, any commitment we make and stick to, should come from an inward feeling, not just a status situation, or for appearances. But, if you do at first only help someone out of obligation, you should continue, and then the love will come later, after you have learned the 'why' behind what you are doing. All of the commandments we are given have a 'why' behind them and are not just temporal laws. The Pharisees, for example, during Jesus time on the Earth had all these laws, and they were very concerned about keeping all of the letters of these laws very specifically, but had lost the 'why'. The Lord reminded them that the first commandment is to Love God, the second is to Love each other...and all of the laws hang upon those two. Love is the 'why' behind our devotion. Why do we do the things we are asked to? To get God to love us? nope, He already does, and He has already proved it, for God so loved the world, etc. We do in order to show Him that we love Him back...If ye love me, keep my commandments....If ye love me, feed my sheep...By this shall men know ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.... I think that the message you recieved from the Spirit might not have necessarily been to teach us or correct us, but rather that it is time to share your testimony. When we recieve a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, we are excited and want to share it. It is great, it is wonderful, and it is another example of that Love of Christ to want to share it with the world. I think you have been prompted to share your testimony. I answer your words with a challenge, time to move from talking the talk to walking the walk. Time to get baptized my friend. Pray about that one, and let others know your answer. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment just like love is. I hope you continue to recognize and act on those precious promptings. Congratulations!
  21. Tv, whats TV? Just kidding, I hardly ever watch, it annoys me. I like movies
  22. Ummm, are they dieing? Do they need to deliver some bad news? Or are they talking like a lunch, or the entire trip? Lunch with just the siblings, sure. The entire visit without, no, that would be kinda silly. My Mil had a trip to Hawaii with her siblings I think, and that sounds like fun, but I gotta say it would be so much more fun with everyone! At my wedding, we were taking pictures outside, and my bil says, "okay, one of just the family" so I stayed where I was until I realized he didn't mean me, he meant just him and his siblings that he grew up with. I had already thought of myself as 'family' and he didn't. I can tell you that it really hurt my feelings...I mean I did just change my name, gave up my family's name and took theirs, so ya know? and a year later his grandmother was doing the family history, and listed my hubby's ex wife, but not me, saying that second wives didn't count! That was a real blow for me considering the ex wife didn't stay faithful (or sober) at all, and they weren't married for long, but whatever, it's their rules in their own minds...nothing I can do about it.
  23. I have asked my hubby many times about the specifics of the temple recommend questions. Those questions are not only to prepare us for the temple, but also for the celestial kingdom. If soda drinkers will not be allowed in the celestial kingdom, then they would not be given temple recommends. Plus my husband drinks soda, and he is the one asking the questions, and has recieved quite a bit of direction concerning the specifics of the recommends...and my bishop drinks like 3 a day and has no problem discerning the spirit, and I have a testimony of that. So, do I think it's okay? Yes. Do I think it will always be okay? I don't know, the Lord has a habit of raising the bar, so... But I also think it is important to have it in moderation. Self-discipline is so important. I think one reason we have a regular fast period is to remind us not to put anything on the earth ahead of our relationship with the Lord, including food and drink.
  24. My Bishop works in the same building with me. There are about 20 people between our two departments I guess, and we celebrate each other's birthdays, etc. If I referred to him as Bishop I don't think my coworkers would realize I'm talking about him, they don't think of him as a Bishop since they are not members and aren't aware that he is their bishop too, and when people call for him they also ask for him by his first or last (or both) name. I know his wife refers to him as Bishop when at church, or speaking with a church member, but she certainly doesn't when they are together at home. We have someone else on staff that has the same first name, so I usually call him by both names. I do occaisionaly call him Bishop, and then whoever I am speaking to waits for me to explain who I'm talking about. I am not sure what to call him in the temple though. My Stake Pres did tell us once in a talk that when he is in the temple he is not the Stake President, he is bro so-and-so and that regardless of what calling we have in our ward, we are all equal in the temple. So, I guess when I am in the temple with him and his wife I should call him bro so-and-so...shrug. Whatever I call him, I hope I am as respectful when I am addressing anyone at all, ya know? I know Bishops are important, but I don't think they are more important than, say, the primary teachers or the chorister :) I would not call them by their calling all the time, lots of people have callings and we do not always refer to them by the calling rather by their name on a personal level. If I were, say speaking to another church member about the Bishop, like he has asked us to do something, or he said such-and-such, I always say Bishop.
  25. I have had instructive dreams, predictive dreams, and warning dreams. I have also had visions, and have been taken places to see things... Some of my instructive dreams have been the same situation played out over and over again, and I make decisions, but the cycle continues until I make the correct decision. I usually wake from this state sweating and exhausted, but wiser. If there are others out there who have experienced these things, please know that you are not alone. They are usually for my sake exclusively, except possibly the predictive dreams...I'm not exactly sure about the purpose of them. Maybe they are to help me understand the weight that the prophets carry in knowing things, but people just don't want to believe them until it is too late.