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Everything posted by lizzy16

  1. I drove back from Christmas break at my grandparents house to BYU-Idaho on a Sunday. I didn't really like it. I've traveled on sundays before but it felt so different when I was among church members besides my family. My grandfather was very upset with me and the driver. 'Can't your friend drive you tomorrow?" ect. "It's the sabbath. You'll be damned to Hell!" (Note: My grandfather who I adore has a very interesting character. When I traveled with these other students the driver stopped at a fast food place..which kind of really bugged me. It takes one day to travel from OR to rexburg, ID. They could've packed a lunch. Like, it wasn't keeping the sabbath day holy. I know I've got issues when I forget what day it is. And that often happends on days I travel on Sunday. My rule of thumb: If it can be avoided, then avoid it.
  2. Thank you for the comments. I sent a very heartfelt letter to my mom for her birthday in a package. My dad called later saying she kept rereading it crying. I think she finally understands how much I love her and how I view her as a parent. She later talked to me and said she didn't realize thats how i viewed my childhood ect and she's glad that I was happy with how I was raised. I'm excited for the time in my life when i can take care of my mom because she has done so much for me. I'll look into the fowler stages they look quite interesting:) I love theories and things.
  3. So, I know my parents share everything. Whats my moms is my dads. What my dad earns, my mom is welcome to. What my mom earns, my dad is welcome to. Everything goes into one account. My mom and dad will switch off who sends the check to the electric company ect. Often times i hear a "David go pay the electric bill" or "Rebecca, this bill needs paid. Can you do that today?' Everything's shared. I always thought this was odd when they bought presents for each other, since technically they were spending each others money to buy each other gifts haha. My friends parents do things a bit different. They keep the money seperate. And, the dad covers housing expenses, the mom covers groceries and they each have there own car payments ect. So, if its not too personal, What do you and your spouse do? Did you try different things? What works best? What would you wish you could do?
  4. I don't mean to get too off topic. But, a gaming rig? Is that like xbox, nintedo ect? A family I know is doing good with finances. The wife take trips to see her sisters across the country a few times a year. I'd babysit for them :) The husband was happy the wife was spending time with her sister.
  5. The quiz is completley inappropriate, but I LOVE the idea behind it. How words have connotations ect. However, it definitively could have been taught a better way. Although I understand the teacher trying to get the students to pay attention in class to the point of doing stupid things.
  6. I'm so glad you didn't have an ugly baby!...theres a family in my ward. When i refer to them its 'the family with that ugly baby." I know its not nice..but cute babies like yours make it so hard to see the cuteness in this lil boy! Liz
  7. Not sure about primary. My first Calling in young womens was Beehive President. But my first calling after I left YW's was Temple Comittee member. First talk was probably something from the strength of youth about prayer I think, then a talk about family history, and I gave a talk at a converts baptism.
  8. It was my understanding that you were either going on a mission, getting married, or spiritual ready/older (25ish) before you got your endownments. A friend of mine was telling me about a few of her friends who got theres recently here at byu-idaho. And they're all 19/20, unmarried, not seeing anyone and aren't planning on missions. has the churches policy changed?
  9. Whenever I tell my mom I'm upset, or when I tell her something bad has happened to me. I'm so worried she'll be freaked out, worried, upset, cry and see herself as a failure as a parent. So, today she sent me a facebook chat message saying "Whats with you not wanting to be a member anymore?" Lately I've been really struggling and having some problems. I don't wanna be here at school, I don't want to be going to church, i'm not sure if i even believe in God anymore. ect. So I told a friend here this all and she and I were talking about it. However, I never mentioned it to anyone but I did talk to her about how i wanted to tell my mom but was worried she'd feel like a failure ect. I know a lot of parents in the church get really realy upset when they'er children want to 'leave the fold." So, it surprised me that my mom was so intune with what I was thinking. So, i tell her all this stuff and now shes all concerned. I hate worrying her. I can't stand the thought of her being concerned about me. Yeah. I know its what moms do. So, for those who are daughters. Do you feel this way about your mom? And mothers: If you knew how concerned your children were about you and how they didn't want you to worry ect what would you tell them? And, to those with children who fell away. How hard is that for you?
  10. I wouldn't feel responsible for that because its a law for the road. On campus parking can be tricky and he wouldn't have brought his car over if I hadn't asked to see it. Normally he walks over, and I was going to walk to his place but he offered to just drive here instead. I haven't heard back from him and I sent him the text probably 6 hours ago. If he doesn't respond I plan on offering again when he comes over to HT me.
  11. Well. I offered via text, and I'll offer again on Sunday when he comes over. Yes, i'm in the dorms.
  12. Theres signs yeah but i can easily see how someone could just drive up and park to see someone and not realize it. I'm insiting right now. He's the kinda person thats going to be like "no big deal dont worry about it." which drives me insane. Because, I want to do right with this all.
  13. So, my home teacher is really nice and does a lot for me and my roommates. He's so willing and helpful to do whatever I need and its really sweet. So, I'm in an auto class and I ask him if I can look at his car. He's all "Sure liz! ect." So we decide to meet up today. And, he comes to my apartment, I open the door we chit chat for a second and we go to his car. So, he starts to pop the hood and then sees a parking ticket. He didn't have a permit to park on campus which he didn't realize he needed for parking right outside the dorms. I apologized a few times and everytime he was just like 'No big deal. I'll just go in and talk to them. ect. It's okay. It's not your fault." So. I feel really bad. He wouldn't have gotten that ticket if I hadn't asked him to come over so I could use his car. He's coming over on Sunday. I plan on asking him if he went in yet, appealed it ect. Should I offer to help pay? Is that the right thing to do? I don't think I'll be asking him to let me use his car again :/
  14. Arriety from the borrowers?! I believe in borrowers. Maybe not Arriety exactly..but. I do believe little people exist. I still remember the first time I related a Dr. Seuss story to history/politics. I think I was 12 or so. I was liek "oooooh!!!" It was an amazing moment.
  15. Well, we actually called the place. Apparently they suggest not going or staying to the side and not participating. :/ Andddd, she was going to be our ride. Oh well. Always next year :)
  16. ...Pornography has been described mutltiple times as a plague. Does a plague sound like a 'small potatote." ? We've been directed to flee from it, avoid it, run, hide ect. Go see the bishop. He loves you. Really. You'll feel so much better.
  17. A few friends and I were thinking about going. Has anyone ever been? Also: One of my friends is pregnant wants to come. Would this be harmful for her to breath in?
  18. Congrats!! not gonna lie though..I woke up this morning, did my homework. Then my roommate was like "ITS LEAP YEAR DAY"...and then I came here to check Jenn's baby was a leap year baby
  19. this leap year baby business sounds fun!.....maybe I'll try and plan my kids that way. Cheaper on birthday parties
  20. I've thought about this a lot..and well. They say Satan can't tempt us in the Temple.... But, sadly, I've thought some really bad things while I've been in the Temple. So I kinda concluded that I have my own bad thoughts ect..and Satan doesn't tempt me as much as I think he does.
  21. Well, my view on this as a 17 year old is probably a lot different. Things like drinking and WoW things have no appeal to me. I never did those things before, so I don't see the appeal. Other things I have a hard time with. But, with the LDS enviorment I'm it at BYU-Idaho it helps. And, i just pray for the desire to be good.. Liz
  22. My mom tried to put me on birth control. I was really P.O'd to say the least. "I trust you. I don't trust him. And, sometimes things just happen. Hormones take over." ect. My mom and I have always had a great relationship. But I was upset at the fact she assumed i'd make the same mistakes she did. I hoped she had trusted me enough to know my values and if I decided to do something I'd make sure to handle it in a safe way. She knows I've never even swallowed a pill before. (" You'll just have to suck it up liz. I think this is a good idea for you.). I informed her very clearly nothing was happening, not to worry ect. And, nothing did. And then right before I came out to BYU-Idaho she again brought it up. It makes me angry. But, I understand why shes concerned, she was a teen parent. And, while she loves my brother, she doesn't want that for me. Being put on birth control is a cop out. It's a 'I'll be safe to have sex now." And, for everyone who assumes girls aren't thinking that...we so are. Like, the second my mom suggested birth control it was a tempting idea because I knew I'd be safe. But, if I started taking pills I'd be less careful to avoid situations. Its almost like a temptation. However, for those who know there kids are sexually active, and are having sex repeatedly and plan to in the future. It's a good idea.
  23. It's questions like these that scream to me "Justification of sin" and how we as "saints' have a long way to go before becoming pure in action, thought and reason. The 2,000 strippling warriors were so successful because they "Obeyed with EXACTNESS." They didn't focus on technicalities. Alcohol l is Alcohol. Beer is beer. Whether its lite, near or comes in a bottle or can.
  24. Dang it :/ thanks! For my ed200 class we're talking about how the US governments education budget is 4%, And, we wanted to see comparability the churches budget.