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questioning_seeker's Achievements

  1. The replies to this question, and to many other questions, highlight the difficulties of scriptural interpretation. One particular approach to scriptural interpretation might result in a correct understanding of this verse, but the same approach might produce a faulty understanding when applied to another verse. Is there any non-spiritual means of determining which interpretive approach might apply to which verse? How can we know which is the correct tool to use for each particular verse? I suspect that sometimes, as Latter-Day Saints, we apply the interpretive tool that is most likely to produce the result that fits with our pre-conceived ideas, regardless of whether that is the correct tool to use.
  2. I guess the essence of my ponderings is the question of whether God does things without first revealing those things to the prophets. My guess is that He does, and if that is true, then it raises questions about the accuracy of our usual understanding/interpretation of Amos 3:7 which I believe is normally understood to mean that God does nothing unless He first tells His prophets.
  3. No doubt God has something in store for you, you will be led to it when you are ready.
  4. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all. Hi all Here are some notes that I made during yesterday’s Sacrament meeting when a speaker referred to Amos 3:7. Being only brief notes, they are not as polished as they could be, but I think they are sufficient to give the gist of my thinking. I'm not sure how to interpret Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing save He shall reveal His secret to His servants the prophets.” One interpretation of this scripture leads to the conclusion that the extent or number of God's daily activities, or possibly only those activities which are secret, are limited by what He can reveal to the prophet in a 24 hour period. I suspect there is a limit to how much revelation a prophet can receive in one day, given how many other daily activities he is involved in. This leads to one of only three conclusions: 1 God does things which He does not reveal to His prophets. 2 He reveals all His works and secrets to His prophets but perhaps very few of His works are secret. 3 God does reveal all His secret works and acts to His prophets but perhaps He does very few works. I’d be interested in any feedback on these thoughts, or any comments which might explain how Amos 3:7 could be correct.
  5. I look forward to keeping in tough with your learning journey Hala.
  6. Just a quick question Lynn - how strong/noticeable is the Mormon presence in Independence?
  7. I think God might have some difficulty in making round triangles or three sided squares
  8. I think that if casting out His children was how God chose to respond to rebellion, then your question might have some validity. However, I think He was simply separating two incompatible groups, which would be an appropriate course of action if indeed the two groups truly were incompatible.
  9. This is just an inconsequential comment, but knowing God's strongly held preference for modesty in dress, were Adam and Eve, by being naked, already acting in a manner inconsistent with God's preferences prior to taking the fruit? Probably the answer has something to do with God not having previously given them any guidance on how and how not to dress.
  10. Ram, your comments bring to mind a question I have been thinking about for some months and which I would find profitable to discuss further, with you and others. The question is - to what extent, and by what means, are God's values discoverable by empirical means? It seems to me that liberty is one thing that a person or God could value, and security is another. Most people, and possibly God, value both, but it seems to me that in the pre-existence, God and we chose a plan that valued liberty more highly than security. Hence, my question - to what extent, and by what means can God's values be discovered, as they have been here to a slight degree, through means other than revelation. Its not enough to simply say yes, God values all and everything, that is an easy, meaningless answer. I think it is possible to explore and find answers to some sort of ranking of God's values - what does He value most, to what does He value least, and the relative ranking of every value in-between, and under what circumstances will one value be more influential on His actions and decision making processes than another value? We can make reasonable proximations about the values of our friends if we know them well enough, and by knowing their values, we can make reasonable guesses about how they will react in a given set of circumstances. To what extent, and by what empirical means, can we come to acquire the same understanding about God and His values and likely actions in a given set of circumstances?
  11. Our old architecture is important, especially now that the wardhouse building process has become so streamlined and generic. How will we have any old architecture to admire in the future if we don't start building it now? (A flippant and silly comment, but I couldn't resist) :)
  12. So LeKook, its been one month since your baptism, how are you travelling? How does the reality compare with the promises?
  13. hmm, I look forward to reading the responses your post will attract. Welcome. :)
  14. God can do and give what He wants, to whoever He wants, about anything at anytime, although He does tend to stick with His standard operating procedures and usual protocols.