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  1. As humans fell with Adam so did the animals. And they are also tested here on earth. They have bounderies, they have duties, they have their way of life. Their soul is eternal and they will also resurrect. The resurrection from Jesus Christ is not only for humans. its also for animals and even for the earth itself wich will have been baptised with water and will be cleansed by fire. So.. in some extent animals can think for themselves. And there are apocryphal sources that suggested that all animals could talk in the days before the fall of Adam and that the snake and other animals joined Lucifer. So they had a choice. And even before the flood of noah some animals bowed before noah and some did not. They who didnt bow were banished. But will all animals fit into heaven? when earth will become a celestial planet it will be geological different. Our human bodies will be stronger, and animal bodies will also be different so that they can endure the eternity in their new habitat. Hopefully all mosquitos will follow the sons of perdition to the outer darkness :) Seriously. You will all meet your favorite dog buddy again.. not all dogs will go to heaven. you can not blame parents for their kids if they have done all they can, and you cant blame those who owns the dog if they have done all right and the dog became deranged or "evil".
  2. The book of Abraham is authentic as much as the book of jasher, jubilees and the book of Henoch is. They found the scrolls in egypt. as with many other scriptures today found in the dead sea, qumran. I believe there are pieces here and there. But the most important fact is that Jesus is the christ. savior of Man. But to get to know the true history we must study a lot. God have only granted us some pieces.
  3. It is clear that we believe God once was a man and that we shall become Gods and that there are several Gods out there, The elite of the universe. And to me this makes perfectly sense. God is like us, he is our father. In fact. God and his wife landed on earth. His wife was pregnant with Adam and she gave birth. Adam and Eve grew up and eventually got married. So Adam is literally the Son of God like Jesus Christ was. But Adam was the son of two Gods. Elohim and his wife. Jesus was halfblood. He was the son of God and the son of Mary, a human being. But because Adam fell and became a mortal man. After the fall he was weaker than Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ received blood from a human descendant from the fallen Adam wich was Mary and she was mortal and from God wich is immortal. Therefore Jesus could not die only if he allowed it. But Adam on the other way was after the fall fully mortal and died before one day passed of Gods time wich means before 1000 years. Complicated? Humans is a intelligence form, a spirit form, a terrestrial, telestial and celestial body form. We have different shapes or names and we are masters of the universe. As far as i know. And in the beginning all intelligences were equal. But the most intelligent created laws, and he progressed and became a man, or a spirit. He became the first God. The rest is the beginning of history.
  4. I apologize if it feels that i have offended americans. I can think of ten times more qualites that makes me like you and your country. For many years i have thought of moving to US, but your immigrant laws are quite hard. Yesterday i was on the negative mood, i am a little bit more positive today. Feels good that you love me though. i hope God will cool and ease my mind.
  5. I bet i would defeat him in benchpress and greek roman wrestling, those are my specialities.
  6. Hey.. i weighed 75 kilogram and made 175 kilogram in benchpress. Whats your score BenRaines. I can see that you workout, thats why i am asking.
  7. I have read so many bad things about CIA. Iran contra for example. Drug dealings in vietnam where they hide drugs in dead bodies. Drug affairs in central and south america. Killing Allende, John F Kennedy (most probably). Training Usama Bin Ladin in Afghanistan in the 80. Training Fidel Castro in the 60s. Probably training Hugo Chavez. CIA is undermining United States and the constitution. CIA to me what i have read and heard doesnt seem like nice guys. So that mormons are in that organisation at all doesnt sound good in my ears. To much government control will kill you. It is the government who should be afraid of you, not the other way around. I will give you some quotes. “There are none so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.” Goethe Quotes: Thomas Jefferson "Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have .... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." Quotes: Alan Greenspan "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation.... The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. "Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights... Quotes: Thomas Jefferson "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Quotes: Committee of 300 medlemmen Zbigniew Brzezinski "It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen, in addition to the more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information.... This will encourage tendencies through the next several decades toward a Technotronic Era, a dictatorship, leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them. Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century, the possibility of biochemical mind control and genetic tinkering with man, including beings which will function like men and reason like them as well, could give rise to some difficult questions." Quotes: Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl "The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations], The Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for, and are now moving to, implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens." Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner. “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England … (and) … believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.”– Professor of History Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University, in his book “Tragedy and Hope” Anthony C Sutton The Federal Reserve Conspiracy (1995) "Nothing is more dangerous to the power of the elite than the public discovery and understanding of the private control of the money supply." Quotes: Henry Ford "It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Thanks...
  8. I believe spiritual matter is incorporated in all physical matter. Its the electricity in everything. I cant prove it, but i think so. also earth is a giant spirit. i dont understand why our spirit bodies would cease to exist if our physical body died when the coexist. Physical matter is programmed to die after some years. All cells have a built in program to die after they have been copied for a while. but spiritual matter born from God is different. Eternal. but our resurrected bodies also consist of flesh and bone. But this time our brain immunesystem have a different programming. They are programmed to repair themselves forever, if they even are damaged, i dont know. I just know that the body will exist forever, english forever. Not hebrew forever because that would be a limited time.
  9. I must admit that whats i have heard about mormons joining CIA and Hitlerjugend. But my point was that mormons generally more than others obey and submit to governments wether they are communist, nazi or capitalist governments. I can not prove to you that God flies a spaceship. but i can give you this website.. check it out. I have his book. The Bible UFO Connection
  10. Well.. its this false prophet and the antichrist. They have an android with them and put some technical device on everybody.. Well.. maybe.. But this mark, we dont know what it is, why speculate and argue about it to much when we have so few references about what it could be. Except for giants and nephilim. There are a lot of evidences. Keep track on the right side and i think this will appear in daylight to us when it happens. It will be the world that will be in darkness then. Until then. do some research on other things that are more likely to be solved and understood.
  11. we were considered a cult because they accused freemasons of the same and our rituals in the themple reminded a lot of the freemasons. they also accused us of blood atonement wich is that some sin must be atoned for with blood. Of course these are false accusations. But myths about different religions hang on to people for a long time.
  12. In the spiritual world there are doors, windows, floors and a roof. Exactly on the same scale as our buildings because spiritual matter is incorporated with physical matter. That is why we need special temples were only chosen and worthy ones can enter. at the same moment we open a door and enter, spirits from the spirit world enters with us. If we dont open the door here, they can not enter because spiritual matter can not effect physical matter.
  13. Prove it. The truth is that mormons blindly follow the leaders of the world and the governments because we are taught to do so, even from articles of faith. So we have a lot of mormons in CIA, they like us. Because we obey them. Exactly what nazi mormons did in Germany, there were a lot of them there to. So John Doe. what do you think about Steven E Jones and Alex Jones. You talk about that you in Utah and US mormons are so educated. Then prove it. give me your opinon about what i have talked about on this forum, webpages i have been given and books you can read. And how do you try to change the world, except of preaching the gospel, and preaching the gospel, and preaching the gospel? There must be more things in this world than always preaching the gospel. We have a high tech society with laws everywhere both in law and science and organisation. I know mormons are high educated. Im just saying that you are uneducated on nephilim, UFO and New World Order. It feels like you are above those things, like you dont need it. You have revelations. You dont need to read my suggestions, because you feel in your heart it is wrong. Believe me, i have meet 400 missionaires from United States here in Sweden, during my mission i have meet even more. I know you americans, sometimes you just live in a dream fantasy world. Its either black or white, not balanced. everything sugarcoated. Everything wonderful, amazing, superlatives... Its not how we express ourself in Sweden, we are more moderate in general, careful. Of course people are different in all of Europe, and so are people from different states. But when i see an american i instantly recognise you. Dont get me wrong, i like americans, But sometimes. Wake up man. Its not holloywood, its not the tabernacle choir. Its just the fact. realise it. God is a human being, with a star fleet. yes maybe Millenial Falcon :) How can you else explain from the psalms that he have thousands of chariots. What are these chariots? And Hezekiel said they had Wheels. Not feet. How can an angel, a physical being have Wheels? thats a mechanical thing. Explain that to me.. please.
  14. I really wish to help mormons, i have been a mormon all my life and i have a strong faith in this church. But nowadays i have my doubts on the leadership and of some doctrines about what happened in human history. I have seen that mormons lack knowledge in so many areas that i have come to the conclusion that they maybe are not inspired from God. I dont want to think that, but these times are not easy to live in and understand. I would like to meet the leadership in USA and get organised. But if we agree in some subjects, we disagree in others. To me it is most important today to expose and defeat "the new world order" super elite movement, The UFO connection between US government and angelic fallen angels cooperating together. What else is a threat in the world. It is secret combinations that have already overthrown america. You havent just realised it yet. These secret combinations the book of mormon warned us about. These secret combinations killed the jaredite nation, the nephite nation and today the anglosaxian US nation. You are on the brink of destruction and yet you dont know it. Remember the words of Jesus when he will come, some will just be lifted up, others stay in the field and work. he will come as a thief. It will be suche surprise to ordinary people. They will work, eat, live and then the end comes like that. We mormons know a lot. But we need to be humble to others, scientist, journalists, authors, pastors. in some cases they know more than us, in other cases they have knowledge in various fields that exceeds us. Mormon nation is a small nation 12 million. We cant cover all knowledge on earth.
  15. I recommend Jonathan Grey Dead mens Secret. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Textual Controversy: Mischievous Angels or Sethites? - Chuck Missler - Koinonia House I just posted some good links. This world is hard to understand and it takes a lot of effort to do understand. It has taken me roughly 10 years to get where i am right now. I recommend Alex Jones and his movies. This is out of the subject it seems but i believe that it is all connected on a great spider web. Or pyramid if you want to. You americans are in big trouble. Take 911 for example. It is clear that Bush is responsible. Your government have deceived you. And its easy to cry out conspiracy theory. Steven E Jones. Joel Skousen and other have a website Home - - Quotes, Articles & Downloads from LDS Prophets on America, Freedom, Constitution. our awful situation is a great article. You mormons in america must understand that your government have lied to you and that some there are in war against americans and humanity. get outside mainstream media. Get outside for a while LDS teachings and read other things, listen to other people. be humble about it. is it true that George Bush, the neocons, CIA, NSA and the military, the super elite carried out the 911 attacks? YES.. its true.. realise it, get a grip of yourself, wake up to reality. Do something about it. otherwise will China and Russia attack USA and destroy you. It is the super elite that has funded China and Russia to become super powers again to destroy America, the US dollar against amero and destroy the US constitution. Implement the new world order, the antichrist eventually. chip everyone, mix human and animal dna, create the nephilim again.. and so on. This is going on right now.. wake up.. dont wait for the prophet to speak. Do your own research.