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Everything posted by mirkwood

  1. No surprise. Hopefully they give her the death penalty.
  2. Making this one a criminal act, would be a nightmare for enforcement and abuse. It is not illegal to be verbally/emotionally abusive. While both are detestable, making it criminal would be a massive mistake.
  3. As @Vort said, it seemed more like you wanted a fight. See Vort's response above. I am going to do some strikethroughs on what you posted to more accurately reflect what I have experienced during my 26 years of investigations. I have been on THOUSANDS of domestic violence calls. This is a factor. Frequently it is about control. It is also about alcohol and drug addiction, anger management, impulse control, stress, being generally disagreeable as a person, some are even just plain evil. There are numerous reasons and combinations. Very few are charismatic. Nope. All kinds of abusers out there. Most victims are pretty good at hiding it during social situations. Most people don't know what to look for and will most likely not see the clues. That can be true, in addition to the factors I listed above. I struck through the disorder part because we can debate back and forth ad nauseam about what disorder in the context of domestic violence entails. Sexual abuse is not generally visible. Physical abuse can be visible, but many abusers also know this and strike body parts that are covered by clothing. If you meant that there are other underlying issues besides those, ok, I would agree. I'll take you at your word on this. Ok, but I question what your actual motives were based on things said above. I hope you will find the help you need to overcome what appears to be YEARS of abuse at the hands of the person who is supposed to be your closest and best friend. If you stay with your husband, I hope he finds the help he needs to overcome YEARS of abusive behaviors.
  4. Philippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
  5. Also important to note...those essays were not written by Americans, nor was the editor an American. Much of the American left embraces communist and socialist philosophies.
  6. One of the few things he has gotten right.
  7. Not discounting other things you have posted, but a stat of 10-1 is way off. Somewhere between 70/30 to a 60/40 split would be more accurate (my knowledge comes from 26 years responding to domestic violence calls.) I would lean towards 65/35.
  8. Yea, try that with an aggressive dog. You're going to miss.
  9. An aggressive attacking large dog will not be deterred by a squirt gun. Pepper spray sure, but no squirt gun is going to do the job, even with ammonia.
  10. Yes, well in the D&D world, as stated, a wizard at first level only has 1-4 hit points. The domestic cat has two attacks that cause 1-2 each. That cat might go first, might hit both attacks and might max out damage. Wizard = dead in that scenario.
  11. Dogs provide more meat if you're thinking along those lines.
  12. You're welcome to come visit my cat first if you want to interact with one first.
  13. Most definitely not my experience. I even had a lady argue with me after her dog left his crap behind in my grass and started to walk away (with plastic bag clutched tightly in hand.) I told her she could clean up her dog's crap out of my yard. She turned and started to argue, but stopped as she saw the marked police car in the driveway, cleaned up and walked away in a huff. She never walked her dog on my side of the street again. I have frequently cleaned up after dogs have left their crap in my yard. If I knew where the dog lived I would return it to their owners. Maybe I should invest in Ring. He was informed correctly. Would we arrest someone for putting down their pet on their own...probably not.
  14. Eli's decision was personal, not one made by the church for him.
  15. There was also this guy (among others in the sports world.) So yeah, you do you and discuss decisions with the Lord.