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Everything posted by mirkwood

  1. There is not enough time or bandwidth to answer that question.
  2. That's commendable, but they are still woke.
  3. Taylorsville, Utah. There is gonna be an open temple there soon. Just mark my words.
  4. Are you comparing some people on the right who are defending Tim Ballard with the majority of the left defending Clinton as "the same?"
  5. Which is what makes me suspicious...well that and it is Vice. Even @NeuroTypical's link to the Deseret News does not have a direct connection to the Newsroom site which I find very strange.
  6. My only issue with your last sentence is it appears you are implying that only LDS counselors are abusers. As you will see below, that is not the case. Doing due diligence in your research for any counselor is wise. Therapist sex abuse case reveals dark past, ethical concerns (boston.com) Wisconsin therapist charged with sexual exploitation of a client | Fox News Counselor at Boulder Mental Health Facility Arrested for Sexual Assault, Police Looking For Other Victims – Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Colorado (psychiatricfraud.org)
  7. They have both lost a great deal of money.
  8. That or everyone dies in a diabetic coma.
  9. There were a few times I had no co teacher in Primary. I propped the door open, sat next to it and requested the Primary Presidency walk by a few times.