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  1. You are all right! Every one of you. I haven't been fully committed. I am on dangerous ground. I have had others in mind. And, I have been so foolish. So foolish, to not lock my heart, and allow my feelings to wander farther than they should have. I am not saying the love I have for other women is not real, just that I know it is not right. I certainly would want my wife to have more than one spouse if there were certain men she wanted to be with, that wanted to be with her. But, this entire discussion is all just craziness. Like a few of you have said or implied, why in the heck would some one even THINK about this kind of stuff. You are all probably thinking, "Does this idiot have anything better to do with his down time?!" I need to get over my feelings for others, because my wife should be my total focus. I know men whom are NOT very religious at all, that are so much more faithful in thought and mind to their spouses than I am! And, that's because they are just inherently good, better than me in that aspect, and I look up to them and appreciate them for that! I will asking forgiveness for this post and wasting all of your time :) Well, I am hoping that it has been a valuable venture for some one, I know it has been for me. I am going to recommit to my wife and not worry about all of this stuff we can't comprehend and shouldn't much meddle with. Thank you every one for all of your time and insight into this, it has been very valuable. Our hearts, and brains are good things. We just need to keep them from taking things too far that are not apporpriate. Why on earth would some one bother with these things anyway. Seriously, I need to move on, and am praying to have help with it. My wife and I have discussed these things, and she knows of my feelings, and we haev recommitted to each other. She is the greatest thing in my life, and I can't believe she chose me. Take care every one!
  2. I know that I am in jeapordy of crossing the faithfulness to my first wife line when I think about wanting to have more than one spouse in the hereafter. Just_A_Guy's comments and pastes from other leadsrs was amazing. That makes so much sense. If my finds me unworthy of her love because I am not a good husband, don't put her and the kids first, then God might well say no to my taking other spouses. I really need to work on treating my wife like she is number 1 in my life. In response to my wife wanting to NOT share me, no, that doesn't make her any less of a woman. But, I also feel that because I want to have other spouses, it doesn't mean I don't fully love my first wife, or that I am any less of a man because so. My final thought on that though, is that I am currently not the best man for her, to her, and I might well not be able to have other spouses if I am not careful. Also, in response to the, "Why I would want other spouses...?" question. Well, honestly, I feel that it is certainly possible to love more than one person, and love both of them fully, with all of your heart. And, attraction was certainly part of choosing other wives when it was commanded here in this life during the early days of the church. So, my dilemma and worry comes down to this! I either shape myself up, and be the man my wife wants and needs me to be all throughout this life, or I can kiss my desire to have other spouses good bye, even if I love those other women with all my heart. I really need help with this part, because I really want my current and first wife to give her consent. I really need to work on my proving to her that she is my life and that I am faithful to her and none else. Otherwise, it looks like no matter whom else I love and want to be with in the next life, I won't be able to. God help me! If I feel like my ultimate happiness depends on having more than one wife and I can't, I am struggling with this terribly!!! By the way folks, I also tend to believe in Polyandry as well, so I am not a jerk. At least, hopefully all of you will know this. I am struggling with the things mentioned above.
  3. Thank you for the current responses. But, my question ultimately is, what if I WANT to enter into a polygamous marriage, but my first wife doesn't want me to? Does that mean I cannot have another wife if she says no? I guess I am feeling like I would want to have another wife, but can't because she says no, and I will be stuck with her decision.
  4. Hi Folks, I am new to this site. I have only one question. I know Brigham Young said we can be exalted with only one wife. I know he said there were people in the Celestial Kingdom of God with only one wife and they were justified. And, the D&C says that if I choose to marry another wife, and the first give her consent, I am justified. So, to me, that means my current wife must consent to my taking another wife there in the Celestial Kingdom. So, my question is: What if I want to be married to more than one wife, but my first wife doesn't want me to? Can I still do it? Will I be damned for wanting to? Will I ultimately be happy if I want more than one wife and can't because my first wife says no? These are sincere questions, and I know the doctrine is not exactly clear on this specific of a question. My current (and first) wife has always hated Polygamy and detests it with every fiber of her being. But, like I asked earlier, what are my options about itin the next life? Thank you for your help and I want to be replied by only sincere people, not seeking to judge me for my post here! Thank you!