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  1. Has to give a talk in another ward today and took the sacrament there. Then I went to my own ward and there took the sacrament. What is the churches vie on this? I have always assumed it is ok. Any thoughts?
  2. In the Book of Mormon it is prophesyed that it will be brought forth unto the descendants of the Lamanites by the gentiles. Yet in modern day, we know that the house of Israel is being gathered and the early days of the church it was primarily Ephraim. Joseph Smith himself is of the house of Ephraim hence the "stick of Joseph" thing. So why does it refer to them as the gentiles. I know that sometimes gentiles can mean those without the gospel, even if they are decendants of Isreal. In that case however, the Lamanite descendants would also be gentiles right? Yet it disctinctly says that by the gentiles will the Book of Mormon be brought to the house of Isreal. How to interpret?
  3. I think it's a little different being able to carry on small talk and doing one's best to share the gospel. In lessons and on the street I was pretty good at keeping conversations moving, but even on my mission I had a hard time talking to memers and the like about random things with no significance. I'm not a social cripple, I just don't really know how to break the ice with dating.
  4. Thanks everyone. It seems like I just need to be confident and take a chance not really worrying about what happens. I just need to figure out how to start a conversation with her. That's more the problem in general.
  5. I'm a recently returned missionary attending a singles ward. I honestly am a pretty shy guy. I'm good at being friends with people, as in I can get along with pretty much anyone and I can RELATE to them as well. My problem is the MAKING friends. Once I'm in a situation where I have to make friends, I am good at it (like on my mission for example I got along with the other elders great and made great friends with them) but I'm not good at innitiating it myself. The same is true with dating. I actually haven't been on a date since getting home 2 months ago. There's a girl in my ward I might like to ask out, but I've never actually talked to her. I'm a decent looking guy, I can be nice, I have a strong testimony... I'm just not very good with conversation with people I don't know. I'm looking for some advice to get a date. Especially from a mormon point of view. I can find stuff online, but it is usually talking about things like clubs, alchohol, etc. I realize there is no one fix ll solution, but just some tips. Thanks.
  6. I am leaving for the Provo MTC in 2 days to serve in the Russia Rostov-na-Donu mission. I am allowed and even encouraged to to bring an audio player with music and conference talks on it. I am looking for some advice as to some good conference talks for a missionary. Keep in mind there has to be an audio file available which means 2006 or later. Give me as many as you want. I have lots of room still. Let me know what would be some inspiring talks for missionaries and which would be good sources of information or ideas for myself or those I teach.
  7. YES for sure! Check your messages. :)
  8. thanks I'll have to check it out
  9. By the way can you give me a pronunciation of выберите истинo. To the best of my understanding it would be Vib-yehr-eet-yeh ee-stee-noe. Would that be pretty close? Where are the accents?
  10. You're right, except I get истина. Thanks for pointing that out. I was using a different one.
  11. Thanks for the replies. I'm not saying translators are perfect but playing around with what you said isn't working still haha. I tried... English to Russian: Choose the Truth, You Choose the Truth Russian to English: выберите истинo In the translation to Russian it is still giving me words that don't start with и. The translation to English is not recognizing истинo. выберите does seem to be translating to select or in other words "choose." Thanks for the replies so far. Any other ideas as to perfect translation, or is MarginOfError correct and the translator wrong? haha
  12. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this thread. I couldn't think of another one that would work. I am going to Russia Rostov-na-Donu on my mission and my bishop got me a Russian CTR ring. I am confused though because the ring says "ви." When I type Choose the Right into a translator I get a direct translation of "выберите право." Where is the и coming from on the ring. Is there another meaning to it other than the exact words Choose The Right? Thanks.
  13. I agree, I wish there was a little more guidance. As for the tempter, I believe to a certain extent they will be held accountable. The choice still ultimately comes down to the person who commits the sin however.
  14. Haha, that made me laugh. I guess I am merely assuming from my own observations that women do not encourage immodest behavior in men as much. I agree with the skinny jeans, shirts off etc. etc. It just seems to me to be more for lack of a better word "suggestive" on women than men. Correct me if I am wrong as this IS coming from the mind of a guy haha.