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bay2boy's Achievements

  1. I'm sure it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that many members of the church feel this way. The church requires a lot of it's members. Firstly, the biggest reason we go to church is to renew our covenants through the sacrament so you, of course, have to be present for that. Secondly, the Lord needs us to fellowship other members and investigators to further his work. It doesn't mean you have to become everyone's best friend. But, it does require that we step out of our comfort zone every once in a while and make sure our brothers and sisters feel welcome. Can you imagine if everyone stopped going to church and relied only on their own volition to live the gospel? You might be fine, but a lot of people (most people) would fall away. Lastly. Sometimes, especially if you are well read, you feel like you aren't getting much out of the lessons, talks, etc. because you've heard it all before and it just feels so basic and fundamental. Just remember; you may be smart, but, the spirit is smarter. If you would allow the spirit to be a part of your church going experience, He will teach you things you never knew or things you need to be reminded of, regardless of the subject matter. Just a few thoughts. He knows its a sacrifice for you to go and I really think you will be blessed for it. Maybe blessings that come at the hands of other members.
  2. Are we not to believe that procreation cannot exist while in a garden state? Satan should be aware of this obviously. Or is there more to it than that?
  3. Additionally, I always wonder how Satan planned on removing something as eternal as agency. I tried to tie that with him being the creator, referring to your comment, but I'm not sure.
  4. Very interesting take. I never thought about it in terms of their marriage covenant. Thanks for that insight.
  5. Yes that's what I mean. I don't mean they are officially representing the church but when you hold up a large banner that says "Mormons building bridges" or something of the like, you are representing your faith in some fashion. Why do you need to label yourself as a Mormon? Why can't you just walk in the parade and offer your support as a human. The "Mormon Church" does not support that lifestyle. Period. In a sense, its almost a slap in the face of the LGBT community marching in their pride parade. You are saying, "We love you. We want you to stop doing what you're doing so you can return to the fold because we know that will make you happy. In the meantime, to show our love, we're going to march in your PRIDE parade, key word "Pride". We have no pride in their lifestyle or at least any member of the church should not express pride in that lifestyle. There are other ways of showing you love them. We love porn stars too but we're not going to go to the adult convention in Vegas and hold up banners saying "Mormons Building Bridges".
  6. This reminds me of the members of the Church who march in gay pride parades REPRESENTING THE CHURCH. I don't like people representing me and my faith while celebrating the gay lifestyle. You can march and cheer all you want but don't go representing the Church, an organization that would love nothing more than to see that lifestyle disappear.
  7. I have a question concerning the following scripture. Moses 4:6 And Satan put it into the heart of the serpent, (for he had drawn away many after him,) and he sought also to beguile Eve, for he knew not the mind of God, wherefore he sought to destroy the world. When you compare this scripture to what we learn in the temple about Satan doing what was done on other worlds, it seems Satan knew the plan and was only doing what was being done on other worlds. Many will say that Satan was duped thinking he was ruining the plan. However, what if he already knew the plan but just wanted to be the instigator of Adam and Eve transgressing the law.
  8. I know that I'm happy and at peace when I am being faithful to the commandments. I also know I am not happy in sin. What else is there?
  9. You just said we shouldn't judge then in the same breath say you wouldn't be surprised if Brigham Young doesnt make it to the cel. kingdom. Ummmm. bit of judgement?
  10. Elder Oaks' book "Pure in Heart" is a great read revolving around why we obey and our true intents. Highly recommended. We all obey for different reasons. As long as love is the reason we are striving for, the Lord knows where our hearts our. Im glad the church (at least in my experience) does not use fear to motivate as others might. This is the reason I was never a huge fan of the book Miracle of Forgiveness as I fealt it left you overwelmed with fear and hopelessness sometimes.
  11. Some have mentioned that we bring Satan in with us because of our thoughts and desires. Does every negative thought come from the devil? Is he the source of every negative desire that we have? If and when he is bound, will evil be eradicated? We can be in the temple and have immoral/negative thoughts. Does this mean Satan is automatically there with us?
  12. Maybe there isnt a separation but there are places like temples in the spirit world where the Lord can go and visit his spirit children in paradise. Long shot?
  13. "And there's the rub. A skeptic will always find a reason to not believe." There is nothing wrong with questioning or being skeptical. Everyone has to come to that place where they put complete trust in the Lord for an answer having a completely open mind and heart. (Moroni's promise basically)
  14. Joseph Smith was called not only as a prophet but a The Prophet to usher in the last dispensation of the fullness of times. Why shouldn't he be prophesied of? I have no doubt that it is true. As mentioned before, it comes down to your testimony of Joseph Smith and the writings he has brought forth.
  15. Traveler, Do you really expect members of the church of investigators to become authorities on every piece of doctrine we claim to believe? Must I read every book written about Joseph Smith to finally earn the privelege of asking concerning whether he was a prophet or not? I agree we must put forth the effort but where do we draw the line?