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  1. Good point that I completely agree with. I probably should of rephrased it as I do not want to be persecuted or treated unjustly because of my age. I used a poor example. Timothy 4:12 comes to mind.
  2. I think that what people view as entitlement is we don't want to work for lower pay than adults for same jobs, etc. not out of laziness.
  3. I am a part of this youth that is so often misunderstood. I can not count how many times i have been called irresponsible by adultsbecause i dont have a job at the moment. I am in high school right now, i am playing basketball right now, i am a member of the bsa. Many adults don't realize how much we youth do for zero pay. Listen to many conversations, jobs are about money. Many of The kids you described were trying to support the family but many were doing it for personal gain. This is not responsible in my mind, but responsible is staying home and studying for AP or practicing for basketball till 8:00 at night without pay. I feel that many kids today do sit around playing MW3 to much, but to say a whole generation is not working in my mind is either a skewed reality or a nostalgic view of the past. Many kids do work in fact also, many people i know work for a local water well service, grass farms, HEB (a Texas grocery store that hires a LOT of kids.) And other things. The school work is harder now than it used to be. Just look at the standardized testing from the 80s. If you think it is easy now, just look at the difference being back then makes. It was much easier to be considered academically acceptable back then than it its today. People have said that america has fallen behind on education in the world and is now below average. Actually we are 7th in the world most of the other 6 (including China) have a six day school week and all of them have much longer days. If we want to be one of the best, than we need to improve our dated education system. Now, stepping off my podium.... I dont mean to argue or sound rude, i just don't like hearing about how my generation is amoral from 60s teens (who as a generation, not all people, were WAAYYY less moral), or dont work. I may be skewing it from my perspective, but to me, we are the most misunderstood and strong people on the face of the earth.
  4. Thanks for your advice so far. This brings me to my second question. So the BOA is kind of like Genesis 2.0? I am currently reading the D&C and Ive heard about the BOA and read things about its generalities, but I do not understand the points it makes to doctrinw completely. Ive read FAIRWiki and on the Book of Abraham it is moatly anti-criticisms. Can somebody please outline the the new doctrine that is presented.
  5. So, I am a junior in high school at thr moment. I am currently involved in 2 programs here called Christ 4 life and FCA. It was in these programs that I started to doubt the teachings I was being told. I always was at odds with trinitarianism. I never understood how Jesus would explictly say not to pray to him but through him and that he prayed to the Father in the garden of Gethsamine. The LDS faith seems to answer all of my questions about the gospel. I studied for the span of about a year about it and found that it is yhe closest thing to what I believed and fit in with the bible very nicely. I now consider myself to be an unofficial member of the Church. But I do have one nagging question of the doctine. I do not believe that anything was before God or can br equal. Now I know that the church has no official stance on this issue, but I was wondering what people think/believe on this manner. I personally have a belief that the gods (notice lowercase g) which we can become are in no way the same as God (notice uppercase G) for we still worship our Heavenly Father. I believe from my studies that we can become (for lack of a better word) akin to Angels as we are a celestial being that still worships God. This brings me to my third question. Is any of this allowable to the church. Is this in conflict to any church doctine. All inputs to this manner are greatly appreciated