Last Sunday, at church, while waiting, in the hallway, for the youth to set up chairs for Priesthood opening exercises. I saw a HP walk up behind a teen girl and swat her on the butt.It made me feel uncomfortable, because it didn't seem like the proper thing to do.
The girl, who is very beautiful. ( don't know if that has anything to do with it. But, it might)
was not upset. In fact. When she turned around and saw who it was they exchanged pleasantries. I don't know. Perhaps she could be his daughter. But even if she is the gesture just seems inappropriate, for inside the church.
I have talked to an old friend through e-mail, and she says that I should talk to the Bishop. I also belong to another site LDS Singles. I posted about this. The ones that commented on the post all said I should talk to my HP group leader or the Bishop.
My concerns are. I don't want to take up the Bishop's or HPGL's time if this is nothing I should be concerned about.
I was thinking about watching and waiting to see if it happens again, in which case I will talk to the Bishop.
What do you folks think? Wait to see if it happens again, or talk to the Bishop now? Thanks Brother Ray.