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Everything posted by circusboy01

  1. I would never be able to get myself to do that
  2. He was not tempted. To be tempted He would have had to have thought about doing what the Devil suggested. Even if only for a fraction of a second. This did not happen. So He was not tempted.
  3. Last Sunday, at church, while waiting, in the hallway, for the youth to set up chairs for Priesthood opening exercises. I saw a HP walk up behind a teen girl and swat her on the butt.It made me feel uncomfortable, because it didn't seem like the proper thing to do. The girl, who is very beautiful. ( don't know if that has anything to do with it. But, it might) was not upset. In fact. When she turned around and saw who it was they exchanged pleasantries. I don't know. Perhaps she could be his daughter. But even if she is the gesture just seems inappropriate, for inside the church. I have talked to an old friend through e-mail, and she says that I should talk to the Bishop. I also belong to another site LDS Singles. I posted about this. The ones that commented on the post all said I should talk to my HP group leader or the Bishop. My concerns are. I don't want to take up the Bishop's or HPGL's time if this is nothing I should be concerned about. I was thinking about watching and waiting to see if it happens again, in which case I will talk to the Bishop. What do you folks think? Wait to see if it happens again, or talk to the Bishop now? Thanks Brother Ray.
  4. I'm sure there has been just as much anti- LDS sentiment among the Catholics over the years. Has that eased up more recently too?
  5. The cross was just another way to die It was not exclusive to Jesus. Many people have died on the cross. If Jesus had died from poison Do you think they would carve a bottle of poison on the Temple door? Do you think people would be wearing little replicas of a poison bottle. instead of a cross around their neck?
  6. Wrong. But I'm sure you knew that ;0)
  7. Here's an example of how legal marijuana is used. My friend/Landlord. ( I rent a room.) Has been smoking pot since he was 14. He is 60 now He has Cancer, so now he can legally buy pot in California. He is always having a couple of his buddies over to smoke a few joints or bowls. When he runs out, he just calls up and has more delivered. No question about how he ran out so fast. Had he got a prescription for, let's say, Codeine #4 He would be given a specific amount to last for a specific amount of time Like a months worth. If he goes sharing them with his friends, he is going to run out before the month is up He would have to wait for the month to end before he could get a refill Legal Marijuana should be regulated like that. Let's say you're prescribed a joint a day, and you are given a 30 day supply. If you run out before the end of the month you wait. I don't know if this is true or not,but I heard that if enough states legalize medicinal Marijuana, the Government has to legalize it too
  8. I don't understand your answer. Probably because I'm a dummy, but maybe because I didn't make my point clear. In 1970 I belonged to a ward in Florida. We had PPIs Today I belong to a ward in Ca. we have PPIs. How could one business mans ideas influence both? Not only are they separated by distance, but they are also separated by time. Brother Ray
  9. Thank you. I feel much better about throwing them away Brother Ray
  10. Pam. My old post was asking about the proper way of garments that were no longer wearable. My new post is asking about Garments that are old, but, in a pinch could still be worn. Is it o.k. to throw them away even though, if need be, they could still be worn. Or would that be showing disrespect. they are two separate questions. Brother Ray
  11. That's what I think too. but still, I can't help wondering if throwing them away, when they can still be worn, is showing disrespect. Brother Ray.
  12. I have been in 6 wards, in 3 states, over 4 decades. They all had PPIs Do you really think the influence of someone with a professional administration job could spread over such a large area of distance, and time? Brother Ray
  13. I have Garments that I got way back in 2000. The necks are stretched out on the tops, the elastic is stretched out on the bottoms,and they are so thin that you can see through them. but there are no rips or stains on them. So they are still wearable. Here's my problem. I have been buying two new sets at the first of each month when I get my SSI check. I am running out of room. Is it O.K. if I remove the symbols from the old ones, and throw them away, even though, like I said, they are still wearable. Or do I have to wait until they have a flaw that renders them unwearable? Thanks Brother Ray Edit. I just realized that I started writing this Post on the first window (proper term?) that shows up when the site comes up. i forgot to go to forums, and find the proper place for this post. I believe this is the " How do I" forum, and not the correct spot for this post. I don't want to type it all over. could somebody (hint,hint, Pam ;0) move it for me. Thanks
  14. Thank you, everyone, for your posts. You have all helped but my mind at ease
  15. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Brother Ray.
  16. Thank you for reminding me. I'm sure they would be glad to help us study, and ponder the scriptures. Brother Ray
  17. So if we can touch and interact with one another in the spirit world. That would mean we actually could do Baptisms. Could it be that, although we can perform Baptisms while in our spirit forms. Gods law forbids it, and that is why the living perform Baptisms for the dead? Brother Ray
  18. I have a question that I dont necessrily have an answer to. Who says that even though we do not have a body, that it means that we can't physically touch and move things? It just seems to make sense to me, that if we aren't able to Baptize, while we are in our spirit bodies that we would not be able to do other things that would require touch and feel. If we can, somehow, physically touch and move things while in our spirit state, then why do the living have to do Baptisms for the dead? Brother Ray
  19. That would be great.Anything that would let us continue to study, and ponder the scriptures would be wonderful Brother Ray
  20. I realize that. It says so in my first sentence. My question is will we be able to read scriptures in the spirit world, since we will not have a way to turn the pages of s biook Brother Ray
  21. I know that we will not be able to be baptized in the spirit world, because we will not be flesh and bone. Which is why we do baptisms for the dead. But this just dawned on me. I always thought I could continue studying the Scriptures in the spirit world, but now I'm not so sure. Because we will not be able to turn the pages of a book. I wonder if that is one of the reasons our progression will be slower in the next life than it is in this one. Then again perhaps reading scriptures is done differently in the spirit world. Perhaps there will be those there that know the complete scriptures, and they will recite them for us. Brother Ray
  22. Thank you, that's what I have always thought. Oh, and thank you for post #4
  23. Thank you all. I originally thought about cutting the symbols up into tiny tiny pieces. But first I wanted to make sure it was the proper thing to do. Didn't know about cutting up the Garments themselves though. I thought once the symbols were removed. You could do anything you wanted to with the rest. Like use them for dust rags or whatever. Needless to say I will be cutting them up.
  24. That is always good advice. Thank you. I was hoping I could dispose of them this evening though,and I'm sure it's too late to call the Bishop. He is a school teacher, so he's probably in bed by now. Brother Ray