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Everything posted by Chrissy3818

  1. Maybe it was a prompting to TRY to be his friend, which, in the end leaves an affect of that effort you made. You were prompted to be his friend, you tried, but he unwilling, made it fail. You trying will leave an impression on him (sub)Consciously. Maybe that's what God wanted. Don't try any further.
  2. I apologize. I am just very sensitive about my church attendance. I am getting it under control, hopefully. He's just there to hold me and talk me through the bad anxiety attacks. I'm going in and seeing doctors to see if it physical or if it is really mental. I think it's mental. I had it my whole life. When I am home alone I freak out and barricade myself in a closet because I am afraid someone is going to hurt me. (I fixed this by singing hymns until I fall asleep or by having a dog). Anything I do, any little mistake I think God is telling me to repent to the bishop even though it's not something that should. I don't want to be near my family anymore. My boyfriend is the only one I want to hold me and comfort me. I feel he's the only one who understands and can deal with this, but yet I feel God is trying to take him away from me when he brought him back to me. I've prayed and told God my decision and I feel he approves which is all I need. But then my mind goes into "God says no, dump him, he's not the one," But I've weighed it out in my mind and I think he is the one to marry. I think he is the best choice. I am seeing counselors and the doctors are trying to figure out what medication to prescribe. I guess I just wanted to know if God would condemn me for marrying someone I think would be good for me and who I feel is the best choice. I feel his approval but then at other times I am like what if it's actually a no.
  3. I've always had my anxiety and it won't go away. If I let it stop me I wouldn't be living. I'm not here to be criticized on my church attendance. Thanks but no thanks.
  4. I don't care whether he's a member or not because I can barely go to church because of my anxiety and am not sure what I think of it. I don't quite have a testimony so it'd be unfair to expect him to have one. So basically I just go to church but am not really in it. I've had trouble gaining a testimony and it came to the point I was physically harming myself so I decided to stop. I figure God will help bring us to the church later in life but right now I can not mentally deal with it. I am getting help for my anxiety. My anxiety affects relationships, religion, and certain situations. Everything I am afraiof is enhanced by 90% and made worse. So no it doesn't matter if he's LDS. I just want him to go to church when I can and he will.
  5. Thank you and I am. I'm seeing doctors and getting lab with dune with counseling. He has more faith in me than I have in myself at times. He says no matter what happens he'll take care of me. I think most guys would ditch me at my first panic attack and all he wants to do is hold me. I know he's a keeper and that's why I want him.
  6. No he'd have no problem with the tithing thing. He'd see it as giving charity and that's one thing he wants to do. And I know he's not perfect, but his faults I don't care about. And I am getting this resolved before saying 'I do' I am going to see a councilor to help me with my anxiety.
  7. Yes, but we are not planning on getting married till we graduate.
  8. I share everything with him and he knows about my anxiety. That is one of the main reasons he's so perfect for me. He listens and has not walked away when my anxiety has been sky high.
  9. I've talked to him about this and he said he was fine letting our children grow up in my church because church is a family thing. He'll attend with me and let our children grow up in the church. He doesn't care what church we attend as long as it goes with his values: 1. Service 2. Family 3. Respect and honesty Pretty much the values our church has. I am sure if our children wanted to go on a mission he would be fine with that too. He will support our children's decisions and not prevent them from doing anything they wanted to do. Besides the stuff he doesn't agree with. 1. Drugs 2. Sleeping around
  10. I have been dating my boyfriend for six months and have learned so much about him. We talked about everything you could think of: raising children, religion, church, goals, what we want out of a partner, marriage, and etc. Are values pretty much Aline every where. The only difference is he's not Lds and I am somewhat. By this I mean it's hard for me to go to church because I feel like I need to leave ten minutes into it. I have anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety since I was ten and now its affecting my relationship. I am going to get onto medication and see a councilor about this. Dare I say he is perfect. And I feel he is a good choice to make marriage wise. I prayed and felt good about my decision to marry him. I want to marry. My mind just keeps going crazy. What if God doesn't approve (He already does), What if I am making a bad decision (I am not because we can compromise, talk about anything, and we share the same values, he's just not LDS.) My mind did do this in my previous relationship and when I don't have anxiety I know it's a good choice and I want to marry him. I even want to marry him when I have anxiety about our relationship. I guess what I am asking is, I already got an Okay from God so why won't my mind leave me alone. P.S. Everyone thinks he's a good choice to marry. Even me and I don't want to loose him. I want him and only him.
  11. So how do you tell if the answer is form God or if the anxiety is just fear of moving forward and making the wrong decision when it could be the best decision you ever made?
  12. Well what I am trying to figure out is why I am getting contradicting answers. I've been dating my boyfriend for six months now and everything is going great. He has helped me through everything and is still with me. I can tell him everything and talk to him about anything. Problem is my anxiety continues to get in the way (I suffer from anxiety and use to have extreme anxiety attacks before I became medicated). I know God brought him into my life for a reason. I get the feeling that he is the one, but then a thought comes every now and then piercing my thoughts and saying "Dump him he's not the one." Problem is that would make no sense. Why wouldn't he be? He can take me at my worst and comfort me. he knows everything and our standards align. We have great communication and can work out any issues in my life. So what's the issue? I am confused.
  13. I am on medication due to the fact that it makes life for everyone around me utterly miserable. I also love to take lavender salted baths and listen to soft music to help me relax my emotions. I do not find chocolate helpful, I think it makes things worse (for me). I like my quiet time where I can just vent and be angry for 10 minutes a day. Yoga and meditation helps. reading a book helps. And since our hormones are crazy, be careful with what you say until this time passes. Maybe get her a nice lavendar bath set for a gift and talk to her about seeing a doctor for her PMS.
  14. My guy is great. Absolutely awesome! Listens, understands me, respectful, amazing relationship with his mother, treats me and everyone else right, ambitious, helps others over himself. Absolutely no red flags and I'd be stupid to give him up. But I want to make a mistake. I feel comfortable around him, can b talk to him about anything, we lice doing the same things, he balances me out and makes me a better person. He helps me through everything that goes on in my life and has never once judged me for my past. we both accept eachother for who we are. Greatest guy I ever met
  15. My guy is great. Absolutely awesome! Listens, understands me, respectful, amazing relationship with his mother, treats me and everyone else right, ambitious, helps others over himself. Absolutely no red flags and I'd be stupid to give him up. But I want to make a mistake. I feel comfortable around him, can b talk to him about anything, we lice doing the same things, he balances me out and makes me a better person. He helps me through everything that goes on in my life and has never once judged me for my past. we both accept eachother for who we are. Greatest guy I ever met
  16. How do l you know he's the you'r going marry? What if they're pretty close to everything you've ever wanted. (since perfect doesn't exist) how do you know. or better yet. How did you know to marry your spouse. r
  17. Thanks guys you all really helped me! I am new at all of this and am still learning. I have a long ways To go especially with my obsession to fantasy romance. I'll figure it out over time. I'm just getting to the steps of it. I guess I'm expecting to much out of love.II
  18. well not die just change, it's like the more I learn about love and what it really is the more I change the way I want my fairytale to be
  19. I like you're answers, the scripture answers are hard for me to understand and the feeling answer give my horrible anxiety. I do feel I love my boyfriend not because I feel it, but because I want to be with him. Love grows and seems like it's not there at times. thanks!! You're answers really helped me and my fairytale dreams don't help, but they will die eventually.
  20. It's also not choosing to love them it's choosing to be with them and letting love follow. at least that's what I am getting. People who have been married for 65 years don't have spark and yippy kye Aye feelings, it's more deep than that. that's the love I want to know. It's not a feeling for them, it's a... what?
  21. so what would be love to a romantic partner. I've read through all the scriptures and I am confused. What is the love that people go into a marriage with and continue to work on?
  22. I've been trying to figure out what true love is because my mind is so fogged up by the Hollywood kind of love (If you don't have sparks you're with the wrong person). This is one of my favorite, but I am still confused by the concept: Real Love Versus Infatuation - eHarmony Advice so basically if love is, Real love is: 1. a conscious choice that often employs the rational part of our brains. 2. Real love accepts that your partner is a fallible, imperfect human, just as you are 3. Real love ebbs and flows in terms of interest, ease, and feelings. 4. Real love is based on shared values and a solid friendship. 5. Real love is action. 6. Real love is a spiritual practice in that your focus is not how you can change your partner to alleviate your anger, pain, or annoyance but how you can assume full responsibility for those feelings and find healthy and constructive ways to attend to them. Then why is society so much based on that "Spark" and happy happy stuff? I though spark was just lust and what not and now that that happy sparky emotion has ended with my boyfriend I am kind of freaked out a little (hense me searching on-line trying to figure out what love is). My boyfriend is very patient with me and he actually told me that love doesn't have to have a feeling. It's a choice. I choose to love you. Not because I feel it, in fact I don't 98% of the time. I love you because I choose to love you. It's also the same as the way you love your mother or brother the only difference is you choose to take it a step further (kisses, hugs, and holding hands). So is that what love is? Romantic love and love are just the same just one you choose to kiss and the other you don't? Basically you could choose to love whom ever you want in the world? You could choose to marry who ever not because you feel you love him but because you choose to love him and then you choose to marry him?
  23. Okay so I did break up with him or more over told him I needed 2 weeks to think and process this. I broke up with him because I thought God was telling me to. Maybe he was so I could figure or what I am figuring out now. This happened again with my last relationship after the Guy broke my heart I thought God was telling me he was the one I am going to marry. I got a yes. The same way I felt with God telling me to break up with my now boyfriend. I think my fears our making it seem like what God is telling me when maybe it's the last thing I want to hear so I feel like God it's telling me that. Would God really tell me I'm to break up with someone who is an awesome guy or tell me I an gOing to marry the last person I want to. I also pray if I'm going to marry the Guy I just dumped and when I think clearly I feel we'll be together for a long time. When I'm surrounded by fear I Feel like it's not possible. That God wantsto make my life complicated. Does God really care who you marry or who you're with as long as they fit you and are good for you? If there are any red flags I'd know it's time to end it. But there are none. Maybe satan and my fears are over powering God. Does God really who your with? Doesn't he you choose. Why am I so based on God knows who I'm suppose to be with and it's only that person. How can I live in the moment and just realize these are my choices to make and not his.