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  1. Right or Wrong Vs. Happiness I'm a wife of 20 years to a good man. Just recently, he has reconnected through FB, to his first love, whom he is now saying he has a spiritual connection and loves differently than from me. He has said nothing physical has happened. He says he is committed to me and it would be wrong for him to leave. My heart is broken, and I'm trying to heal. He says, they could never be together because of religious covenance and how wrong it would be. Apparently, she has always dwelled in his heart through his first marriage and now ours. She had broken his heart by declining a marriage with him so many years ago and then by sending letters how regretful she was to not of married him and the life they could of had, up until we met. In my mind stringing him along. Even now breaking his heart! I'm not sure he sees it this way. I forgive him for still loving her, it was his first love. They are never forgotten. I just don't understand how this connection could be soo powerful, especially with such religious convictions. And soo much heart ache. I keep thinking to let him go and be happy. All our hearts are hurting. His hurts for her, his conflict and confusion. Mine from the betrayal and deception. It's such a tragedy. I feel as though I'm watching a movie and we all are the stars of the show. We have decided to become active with church again and place it His hands. Do I give us a chance based on the new found commitment and promises to Him? Is there such thing as a soulmate in Heavenly Father's eyes?