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Everything posted by AaronArthur

  1. Support in how I see it is not the same as agree with. Support is more of being open and asking the Bishop on the why, how and what of his suggestions. For example: 1. Bishop Why do you want me to do such and such? 2. Bishop how did you come to your conclusion? 3. Bishop What scriptures did you use to gain your revaluation in this matter? 4. Bishop could you help me see that why to the answers? Also these kind of question we should feel inclined to ask the Lord if we have any Questions about a doctrine that came from a prophet. This allows us not to follow any leader blindly. This is a good talk about what the proper role of the prophet by Ezra Taft Benson and was refereed to in two talks at general conference in the past 2 years and can be found at this web address; Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet - Liahona June 1981 - liahona
  2. Well I think of the nature of God to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man to be his highest goal. The Israelite where not to kill in the Ten commandments but where commanded later in the Bible to wipe out entire nations. Both where require by heaven to bring about the gospel of Jesus Christ and salvation to all men. So the prophets may redirect commandments and statements from time to time to accomplish the very goal of the Father for all man kind. The only prof that one can have that the prophet of God is speaking and doing the Will of God is to ask God himself. For logic can only prov that The God of all earthly religions is a changeable god and hypocritical. But if we see the adjustments to programs though out all time is the only way for God to fully full fill his mission of bringing to pass the immortality and Eternal life of Man then we find God to be unchangeable toward his purpose. So it all comes down to this. First one must believe that there is a God. Second one must believe that he or She can talk to God. Third one must believe that God will talk to him or her. Forth one must be able to know how God communicates to him or her. The duty of a prophet is to help all mankind follow the steps of Faith and gain a relationship with Christ and The Father.
  3. Well Nephi compared the modern day bible to the brass plates. He said the modern day bible had the same things in it as the brass plate but was not as big. Most records that went trough the fall of Babylon where on scrolls. I believe that after the return of the tribe of Judah ,the Jews recompiled what they remembered trough traditional story telling being in the brass plates out of the records they had left. So the author only can come to the conclusion that the bible is not a book for the world does not except the record that was brought to light by Joseph Smith. The author can only use the recorded documentation of the combination of the scrolls that where recovered by the Jews when the Jews returned to Jerusalem. This in turn would only leave the author to conclude that the modern Hebrew bible is a combination of records and not a book.
  4. If you remember the old missionary discussions and the change to the preach my gospel I would consider this change to be very similar with options for teachers chose when it comes to how to present the topic. I also consider the topics more like the gospel principles. It also uses a format of cross references to video clips that have come from conference talks and Mormon ads.
  5. I am so grateful that there is so much help for people that fall on the autistic spectrum today. I was diagnosed latter in life and have gone through life with the hardest time in interacting with others. Most normal people can read body language witch is grater then 75% of human communication. Those that are autistic can not express or read body language. This handy cap impaired me in social setting as church. It also impaired me from inter active play. I found that parallel play was easier for me to understand. I look at life based on concrete laws and not abstract. Every human has a different set of rules that they live by. As someone with ausberger syndrome or functioning autism I Look for the If then statements in every human interaction. If I do this then this will happen and if it does not then I do not understand the social rule and must look for that understanding so that I can interact with others. Now a church setting has 100 families per war. Could you imagine the difficulty of trying to figure out 100 concrete laws for each family? This is what I think a professional does by allowing a person with autism to cope with an abstract world that he or she will never understand.
  6. Dr. Hilton ,a neurosurgeon out of Texas, has seen chemical differences in the brain between the bonding of two married pair and masturbation. The latter has been proven to be damaging to the brain causing logical deduction and problem solving in the brain to be impaired. His recommendation is never to masturbate before or during marriage because of the damage that may occur. And if you want more information read his book He Restoreth my Soil.
  7. The problem with the U.S. and the western hemisphere is they do not understand the importance of the Book of Mormon. The economic pit fall of all gentile nations of our day are do only to immorality. When the gentile nations repent of there immoral behavior and return to following the commandments of Jesus Christ they will start to prosper again. The Lord of this Land has promised that when we follow him we will prosper. This land was promised to the lost 10 tribes of Jacob. What happens when the lost 10 tribes of Jacob becomes more righteous then the gentile nations that now occupy the western hemisphere? Do you think that the Lord will favor the U.S. in there wicked state or the lost 10 tribes of Jacob in there righteous state? Even if the U.S. could justify the wars and the governmental spending they can not protect or defend against the promises made by the Lord and true governor of the Land of Promise. If we follow the Lord we will prosper but if we do not follow the Lord he will cleans this land and will give this land to another people.
  8. Eowyn am new on the site and posted on this old thread. Sorry if you did not want to see the thread come up to the top. Just taking a look at what this site has to offer.
  9. I am in stage 1 and trying to move into stage 2. Trying to be pro active in my home ward in the Sunday school presidency and trying to work on my spirituality. Dated 2 times sense my divorce 3 years ago. Still feel out of place in the church being a divorced man. I think the greatest thing I have to do is learn how to forgive myself for the failure in the home. Worked 90+ hours a week for 4 1/2 years before the divorce happen. I think Elder Uchtdorf's talk on regrets is my life for I am still rearranging my priorities. But thanks for the Info on the stages of being single. Never thought I would be single again. Not in my plans but life happens and I must learn to turn to the Lord when I do not feel like I can handle it.
  10. The nature of this is serious enough that I would suggest that she does go get help from her bishop. There are resources with L.D.S family services that the bishop can recommend her too to help with the emotional healing of the Abuse. If the man is a member of the church there are things that he must do to over come and heal form his own sins. This can only happen if the mans sins are exposed and brought to light. Her keeping the mans secret is detrimental to the mans eternal salvation and to her emotional well being. If she is not emotionally well it can affect her spiritual well being and then affect her salvation as well. Her letting others know of the problem not only helps in her salvation but in hopes that the man will repent and turn unto the Lord himself.
  11. My name is Aaron. I just wanted a place to come too and talk about the gospel. Looking into the new Sunday school lessons for the youth for next year and looking to learn where to find topics that are not well known in the general populous of the church.