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Everything posted by Jedi_Nephite

  1. True, in fact, I heard a lady on the 20m band sending QSOs last week. As for me, I made my first HF contact with someone from South Dakota responding to my CQ. By the way, has anyone ever attended a hamfest, or ham radio convention? My brother and I were thinking of going to one, but not really sure what goes on there.
  2. Well, is rising inflation really a surprise to anyone with Administer Biden in charge? If people want to have low inflation, high employment with good wages, and stocked shelves, they need to stop electing people whose goals are to fundamentally destroy the Constitution of the United States (Albeit, Biden was not elected, as he clearly stole the election, but that’s another topic for another time). Still, though, people need to stop electing candidates that are pushing communist/socialist ideals. Also, vote for strong candidates even if their tweets sound “mean.”
  3. Well, last week I passed my General license exam. This is exciting, as I can now transmit on the HF bands. I’ve also gotten one of my older brothers excited about ham radio. He got his Technician license about a month after I did and will be testing for the General this week.
  4. My understanding has always been that those in the higher kingdoms can visit those in the lower kingdoms.
  5. Yes, that’s why I asked here. Most people who post questions are aware of Google, and use Google, but are looking for suggestions from those who have experience.
  6. It looks like they based that list on an Internet rumor that was later debunked. For example, Aspirin was discovered in 1853, over a hundred years before HEK-293 was available to researchers, which wasn’t discovered until 1977. The same is true for Ibuprofen, which was discovered in 1961.
  7. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to store wheat?
  8. Polygamy or not, it would still be my responsibility to take out the trash.
  9. Social distancing Irregardless (it’s regardless, not irregardless) “Reach out” as in, “I’ll reach out to the offshore team to review the test scenarios.” - Why can’t we just say “contact?” “Table it for now” - Just say, “Let’s come back to that later.” ”Let’s circle back later” - See above.
  10. I think it’s been hanging by a thread for quite a while now. I think the question is how much thread is left for it to hang by?
  11. Never been a fan of musicals. I’m more of a TV theme kind of a guy.
  12. Especially when modern events perfectly parallel SCs from the Book of Mormon.
  13. Do you know for a fact that the events described really happened the way it was told? Do you know the reasoning as to why the parents backed their daughter? Is it possible that, while the doors were closed, and the kids trying to enter happened to be black, it was not racially motivated? Could there have been a misunderstanding?
  14. Thank you. But to clarify, I didn’t know Jacob, the 13-year-old who died. I just know his grandfather, and I also used to sometimes play with his father after church when we were kids. My oldest brother also dated his aunt when they were in high school.
  15. I know the family of this young man. His grandfather attends the ward I grew up in, and we are good friends. The family is truly devastated by this and would like answers.
  16. I’ve never heard of it being a cultural thing or a common thing. But in the case of Love, Kennedy, the father, after doing everything he could to try and save his daughter, he finally prayed and accepted that she was going to die, that her time on this Earth would be short. I would hope, and assume, that anyone who would state in a blessing that they are released from this life would only be doing so when moved upon by the Holy Spirit. My father died of cancer over 8 years ago. His diagnosis took the whole family by surprise, as he exercised, took good care of himself, and there wasn’t any history of cancer in his family. But not only was he diagnosed with cancer, but he was diagnosed with a very aggressive case of melanoma. He died 6 months after his diagnosis. My father was a good man. He was genuinely kind-hearted, and we were all very close to him, so it was hard to see him deteriorate. But, oddly enough, all of my siblings and I never really felt compelled to pray that he would be okay. I think we started to, but we quickly realized that we needed to pray that we could accept the Lord’s decision in this, that our mother would be comforted as she dealt with this, and that my father’s suffering would be eased. My mother and I were at his bedside when he died. He was barely conscious at this point, and breathing through a ventilator. Minutes before he passed, I was compelled to call my mother into his room. We felt that it was time. So, my mother told him that if he sees a light or if someone is calling his name, that it was okay to go. When she said that, he took one last breath and left this mortal realm. Perhaps this story is not the same as giving someone a blessing of being released, but I do understand the thinking behind it, but it’s certainly not something to be taken lightly.
  17. Anyone who disagrees with you is a “spiritually sociopathic jack-donkey?” Jag, you’re a lawyer, so I find it hard to believe that you can’t see the deeper reasons as to why anti-mask wearing members refuse to wear them. If you’re not aware of their concerns, you either refuse to listen to them, or are not very aware as to what’s going in the world. If you’re a lawyer, I would hope your critical thinking skills are better than that. I neither said nor implied that modesty was only about sex. I didn’t say anything about sex. The modesty/mask wearing comparison was yours, not mine. In fact, what you posted from The Strength of Youth is pretty much what I said in my previous post, which was that dressing modestly shows respect for others and yourself, and, in doing so, helps each other stay on the righteous path. Yes, I did also say that doing so helps others not to think inappropriate/lustful thoughts, but, that’s true, so, my point still stands. Again, trying to compare dressing modestly to mask wearing is not only absurd, but a form of manipulation to guilt members into compliance. Modesty does not mean you have to wear a mask because Brother Jones is afraid of germs. If Brother Jones is afraid of germs, he can wear a mask. I won’t judge him for his choice to wear one, and I will hope he won’t judge me for my choice not to wear one.
  18. I saw a review for this on YouTube yesterday. I’m confused as to why Atari thinks this is going to sell. There is nothing really special about it. And it can’t compete with the next-generation consoles, especially at the price they want for it. Am I missing something?
  19. One reason women (and men also) dress modestly is because it is a commandment. They also do it out of respect for themselves and out of respect for others so as not to encourage inappropriate/lustful thoughts. In other words, to help each other live righteously. That is “bearing one another’s burdens.” Wearing a mask does not help anyone live righteously. However, if that person wants to wear a mask themselves, they are welcome to do so if it makes them feel better. More importantly, it’s something they have control over. But no one should be forced or guilted to wear a mask in the name of “bearing one another’s burdens.” That is exploiting a commandment to manipulate members. Again, dressing modestly vs. not wearing a mask are two entirely different things. If wearing masks is as trivial among members as you claim, why was it even a point of discussion in your council meetings?
  20. Uh…no. The two are not even closely related. An unreasonable fear of having some illness versus following a commandment to dress modestly is not even comparing apples and oranges. That’s comparing apples and flashlights. If bearing each other’s burdens included enabling each other’s fears, then what about someone else’s fears of getting sick from breathing their own carbon dioxide all day? How far do we want to take that reasoning?
  21. In my household, my wife and I both sweep the floors as needed. However, I do all of the vacuuming. Generally, my wife does the dishes throughout the week, but I usually do them on the weekends. Taking out the trash is primarily my responsibility. I do my own laundry, as I‘ve been doing that since my early teens (I’ve learned that I can never find my clothes when others do my laundry). I’ve offered to do the laundry for my wife and kids, but she has a particular way she likes to do it, so I’m not really allowed. I also mow the lawn, and help cook dinner, especially for the more “complicated” meals (i.e. meals that don’t come in a box). Plumbing issues are usually my responsibility. I do most of the “light” grocery shopping, when we need more milk or other items for dinner, whereas my wife prefers to do the heavy-duty weekly shopping. Since we bought our house, if there is one chore I really don’t like doing, it’s probably yard work.
  22. This can be interpreted in a number of different ways. Not once did President Nelson say to where masks or to get vaccinated. Basically, if members would just stay home when their sick, practice basic hygiene, and sneeze into their arm, that would help bring the numbers of any virus down. It is surprising, though, how many people don’t do that.
  23. Not only that, but she was a fully OUT lesbian who was proudly advertising her lesbian "identity." What do you mean by “she was a fully OUT lesbian?” I cannot imagine the Church would allow anyone to promote SSA in the Temple.