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Everything posted by JimmiGerman

  1. Six and a half, if you add the beginning on page 125 to the rest on page 132. Jarom?
  2. You're maybe overseeing all the conflict that might have come instead over you.
  3. I'm rather sure I wouldn't forgive in any case. And no one should have to take this burdon from me, then. On March 6, 1981, the third day of the trial, Marianne Bachmeier smuggled a Beretta into the courtroom of Lübeck District Court and shot the alleged killer of her daughter Anna, Klaus Grabowski, in the back. She aimed the gun at Grabowski's back and pulled the trigger eight times. Seven of the shots hit, and the 35-year-old defendant was killed instantly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier
  4. Maybe you should admit to him having done something good. For a millionaire it might be an unbelievable overcoming or concious effort to give only one dollar if he has to expect no yield for it. And see it this way: by the fact that he doesn't give $ 100 to the beggar he maybe preserves that poor man to buy some whiskey. So he's maybe done good by giving $ 1 as well as he's done good by withholding $ 99, and therefore he's done good even two times only by a single action. Very efficient.
  5. Ja, das gibts hier auch. Stadtpark Hamburg
  6. Hau! You speaking wise words, like medicine man. Yelo.
  7. Wait, wait... let me count the pages first! One page... then comes two pages... three.... for..... f-four?..... f-five..... okay, I'm out of the running.
  8. ... I wished it was not December 31, because that would be too much (celebrating birthday and New Year's Eve party).
  9. It's magic - Whenever I see your profile picture I can't say anything against your words...
  10. Even murderers...? Your quotation of that text line seems cynical to me, because you are talking about capital crimes as if they were nothing else but frauds or thefts. That's blasphemous. And be sure I haven't overlooked your allusion. But you certainly forgot to mention child abusers in priest vestment... the big light goes on? Remember Matthew 18:6 ...
  11. "Gamma lids"... sounds like "gamma ray". That would certainly preserve it for a while. Except there were gamma ray resistent bacteria in the food.
  12. I can't see any reason for forgiveness in all cases. Quite often I watch those American series like "Autopsie - Mysteriöse Todesfälle" or "Medical Detectives / Forensic Files - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin" etc. on German tv where they show authentic capital crimes and how the police and the FBI at last could get the murderer, sometimes even years and years later by modern DNA methods. I repeatedly went to the websites of the US state where it happened (Department of Corrections) just to get convinced if that was really true, because sometimes I couldn't believe those cruelful crimes were reality. But the cases have been authentic. Recently there was an old case from the ninetees and it had happened in Florida. I won't tell here what exactly he did and how he did it, but he murdered at least four women. He was executed after seventeen years in Florida's death row when finally the Governor signed a execution warrant. I went to Florida's official web site of the Department of Corrections to see how things had proceeded in that case and to get more back ground information, and found his name was authentic and he's been executed by a lethal injection the last century. I remember the words the judge spoke in that authentic case (live recording) when the trial had come to its end and the sentence was announced: (paraphrased): "Mr. X, you have forfeited not only the right to live among us, but also the right to live. May God give mercy on you."
  13. I don't even have a car, and only in Juli / August an air condition maybe would make sense here. That's one reason why I wouldn't like to live in Texas: the temperatures. But the Stetson is the best when it rains here (not only to protect you from sun). I've impregnated it so that the rain drops pearl off. At the moment we have temperatures nearly like in spring. It's a very comfortable winter with fresh and mild Atlantic air. Hamburg is the best. On the other hand it makes me a bit worried about the weather... I can't remember such mild temperatures in winter since the time of my youth.
  14. I would agree. but why don't you drive to those church activities already dressed properly...? I mean, why that changing of the clothes...? By the way, you are a Texan, as far as I remember. I've heard that in Texas you are properly dressed in a jeans outfit. I always wear jeans and jeans jackets, and I even have a Stetson. The only thing I don't wear is western boots,
  15. So you have skipped over some pages because you couldn't wait how the story continues...? Sometimes I read a book from the end forwards. Then I know if it's worth to be read from the begin to the end.
  16. Objection rejected. The defendant has stated plausible reasons.
  17. Objection, Your Honour, the defendant is trying to confuse the jury with word games.
  18. Sure. If you have the money for the divorce lawyer in a hundred cases... (don't forget Blackmarch was speaking of marrying a hundred wives). "Obey and be blessed, or do not and suffer." Variation # 3: Obey and suffer.
  19. To kill the son, maybe God does not mean it in such a way, and at the last moment he'll pull back his order (because he probably just wants to examine you). But if you are once married with a hundred wives, it's too late and there is no way back. In any case, it could bring more difficulties than the first variation.
  20. I'm not sure if it's of importance, but 1.) Adam himself didn't speak with the snake, not even a single word, as far as I know, and 2.) the snake started the conversation with Eve. That's why God cursed the snake, because she (the snake) began to speak first, and not Eve. Would Eve have started the conversation instead of her (the snake) and asked the snake about the apples first, she (Eve) certainly was more guilty than she's been found guilty from the moment she had answered the question of the snake and went into conversation with her (the snake). Let's say, she (Eve) was guilty in a second degree. And Adam only in a third degree, hypothetically, because he trusted in what his wife was telling him. But on the other hand he (Adam) was not critical enough and did what Eve said. Maybe he's also guilty in a second degree, and both of them had to leave the Garden of Eden. Is there anything told about the snake? I mean, didn't she (the snake) have to leave the Garden, too? Hmm. I mean, the snake started all the trouble. Just to mention it. Hmmm... and I believe they were naked, because it was 6,000 years ago, and they had no clothes at that time.