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Posts posted by Lakumi

  1. Actions speak louder then words, if you are happy and it shows that can often do more for people then words ever could.

    I myself generally like Mormons, and they actually got me to be social far quicker then I had felt I should have.


    (And I, myself, would have welcomed anything besides the terrible adolesance/young adult life I had... I mean it's still pretty lousy, what is a "normal" young man's adult life? Mine certainly wasn't it and I had no outside sources "effecting things" would have prevented all that rejection too)

  2. I think, if you force religion on her she will resent it later in life. If you make her go now it may seem fine and what not to you but when she moves away she'd drop it like a stone.

    At 15 a lot of kids (myself included) are really beginning to think and question what we believe, I picked up some weird things (weird clothing styles, political views, all sorts), but my parents didn't fight it, they knew it wouldn't last and told me it wouldn't last and it didn't last.

    I mean it wasn't religion (I wasn't raised religious) but the idea is still the same.

  3. As not a Mormon, I certainly never talk to a Bishop about anything, and even if I was completely against the idea of the law of chastity (I'm not but we can pretend I am) you believe in it, and it's clearly hurting you.

    I mean I could give some spout about not caring about it, live life for you-all that craziness but ultimately you yourself stated the right course of action.


    Are you looking for an out somehow?

  4. I never really thought about my own modesty (I'd never go outside without a shirt on, I am not Kenshiro-buff so it just looks meh) nor do I wear shores (bugs go for the legs)


    only modesty I think about is doll modesty and it seems, at times, if you want to find the modestest(est) clothing for some sizes it's hard. You wouldn't think so, but it is. I've seen a lot of cringeworthy human and doll outfits in my life...

  5. Wouldn't it be amazing if looking beautiful required far less work and time then you think. Well this dream can be yours if you do one amazing thing...LISTEN TO YOUR HUSBAND. <_<


    Women can sometimes be like the old dude with the comb-over, he thinks he looks great, but everyone knows it would look better if he just shaved what's left off. Instead he spends hours picking at it and getting each hair lined up perfectly..... :no:


    I've given up complimenting my wife when "I" think she's beautiful and now just keep it to when "She" feels beautiful.


    Whenever I knew someone who said they were ugly or some such thing and I'd tell them they were pretty and they said I was wrong I replied with this "no, because my opinion is most important to me-the center of my own universe, you'll have to accept my answer"

    and they laugh, I donno if anyone really gets that but, oddly it makes them feel a bit better...

  6. I wonder what God was thinking with the platypus.

    Can only imagine how that went down...
    "Okay, so take this down... for this thing I took the body of a beaver, the face of a duck and the hands and feet of an otter and presto, we got this!"

    "Um...anything else?"
    "Yes! It's claws are poisonous!"
    "Okay...anything else?"

    "It lays eggs!"



    "God created what?!

    "I know, I know its strange, but I didn't question him about the dinosaurs, faeries, that inappropriate mushroom, and fainting goats...this'll just have to be I guess..."

  7. Well I liked the article at any rate, I do enjoy biblical history (as in the history of the bible itself) though I still feel the Book of Mormon is a better read (far easier to understand for one).

    I ought to ask a question sometime, I do have a lot of them.

  8. I always found the story of Lilith facinating, I also like the name a lot as a name.

    And Pan, ah Pan, he's the God of Nature. And one of many horned Gods in Pagan religions, Cernunnos being probably the most well known (at least most reconized)

    Now I am on a tirade.

    But if one takes the story of Adam and Eve as a story to teach a lession (as I was always told it was since I don't believe in creationism and never have) then Lilith fits in quite well with it's message.

    The bible has had a lot cut out of it, and some is hanging around the world today for people to read, I do wonder if there's a bible with it all in there...

  9. Thank you for your reply, I am with you about the purpose of E-cigs, but I am asking if it is wrong to market directly to these people.  What would your opinion on that be?

    No its not wrong because they're trying to quit smoking, some people are worse at it then others and need help like the gum or the patch.

    But my decision not to smoke is mine and I don't force it on anyone. Who am I to say what other's should do in accordance to health?

  10. THose E cigarettes are to help people to quit because some people can't just go cold turkey off chemicals like that. Some can.

    But I could say I didn't want to work at the canadian tire because people could buy the chemicals to make meth or bombs or mustard gas.

    People are going to smoke regardless, you can't stop them. You could, as I said, see that in almost everything because so many chemicals can be made into something awful.