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  1. lulz what's with all the hate on Imagine? MJK's version is one of my favorite songs
  2. Zyzz

    Fat hate

    i couldn't resist this thread and i feel like there are valid points from both sides. My profession is to judge people and tell them what they need to change to maintain their health, lose weight, get in shape. Since I've started i have seen countless "obese" people completely transform themselves overcoming numerous obstacles because they had the drive to do so. I have never once "hated" or "shunned" them and have always treated them with kindness, however, when they come to me i won't hesitate to tell them they are fat and need to change their lifestyle/diet in a particular way. It may sound harsh or rude but i don't think any one of them wouldn't thank me now. Seeing someone timidly walk into the gym afraid of what to do or say and then 4 months later seeing them jog into the gym looking leaner with a giant smile on their face is incredibly rewarding. I currently have an overweight client who is battling sleep apnea, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. He has completely changed his diet, never misses a session, and i have yet to do a weigh in where he hasn't been shredding weight despite having his medical issues. I'm excited to see where he will be in 4 months if he keeps this up and to see if his diabetes and sleep apnea subside. so even though i do not hate fat people i do judge because that is what i do for a living, i also believe if someone was truly dedicated to their health, diet, and fitness they would inherently see the changes they wanted despite any obstacle.
  3. these pants seem to lead to trouble
  4. Ahh metagenics the science of taking an amino acid and giving yourself a migraine
  5. I wasn't always in the mindset of denying myself marriage but i have experienced the road up to it. It isn't that i am afraid of commitment nor that i do not love the women back but i do not think my feelings or devotion to a certain person can only be shown through marriage. I honestly believe my actions shall always show more than an official government document ever could. As for one foot out the door that could come off derogatory however given the amount of positive responses here i will not take it as such, even with marriage people opt out all the time i believe it is about personal accountability, if you are truly going to commit to someone then let them know that and follow through with it. I would never lead any women on with future aspirations of eventually splitting up yet it does happen unfortunately and a divorce is much more messy
  6. well then it boils down to basic human morality and whether or not people will abide by it or find ways around it to make themselves feel clean of a devious action of which was defined by their religion. I personally will have to deal with this aspect of non-premarital sex but thinking openly and understanding society as a whole i do in fact completely understand where the church comes from. The amount of teen pregnancies and the amount of chaos that can potentially ensue after a reckless venture for physical satisfaction can indeed be devastating. I was engaged to a girl who had a child before she was ready and i hoped to give them stability because i loved them both however i wasn't blind to how this may affect the child in the future and how it was actively effecting my fiancee. unfortunately i will never know how it ends up and all i can give them are my best wishes. Even though in that instance i could see daily the negative consequences of her action it is hard for me to believe that what we had was sinful
  7. Well absolutely not it was your A)withheld knowledge meeting B ) my post which created C) an emotional response to respond which was caused by D ) hormones :) we could argue this all the way down to genetics and how varying DNA and RNA essentially cause different hormone levels, neurophysiology, susceptibility towards aggression, and why i have 20 toes but do know i agree with you 99% we are arguing the same principle from different view points
  8. haha you understand what i meant, from your previous baseline to where you were after my initial post but touch'e my friend
  9. you have to understand i do not mean offense as i was not raised with the same beliefs and am trying to learn so if my marriage comment did offend then i do apologize. Just like the law people will find loop holes, In regards to your comment about the students does that sort of action not help enforce my statement? They abuse marriage to have brief sex and it is a sinless act by this definition but an unmarried couple who love each other deeply and have been together for a substantial amount of time are the ones who have sinned. Selek btw i am actually really enjoying this conversation i am not trying to be argumentative but when i get caught into a good discussion i tend to take as much as i can out of it so thank you for your patience
  10. I understand your point and you made it very well, you were thinking far broader than i was. Yes in the aspect you put it in it is very much a philosophical question with a strong sociological undertone and a well made theory. I do not deny that we are all individuals built from the construct of our own past experiences, life aspirations, and knowledge we have gained throughout our lives, if we were not you and i wouldn't be debating right now. However to deny the fact that you took the time to respond to my post showed passion in some regard to either disprove me or to enlighten me with what you believe....that action in itself showed some hormone slightly elevating enough to manifest a physical response via a thread on a forum. I am not saying you did not already have those thoughts but if you were completely indifferent and your brain had no chemical fluctuation you would not have felt the need to respond to anything.
  11. very eloquently put and i couldn't agree with you more aside from the religious aspect as of which i am still in the infant stage of trying to figure out so if i sound ignorant, it's because i am. By posting what i have i do not want to sound as if i have ever condoned blatantly irresponsible intercourse or how it should be treated as if it were nothing more than a round of Halo. I have always held myself to a standard of treating women with respect and never have slept with a women who i hadn't been serious with, i guess i'm mostly baffled as to why a simple piece of paper with two signatures on it is what defines whether it is a mortal sin or a hall pass. I believe the moral fiber of our society is decaying and hence my interest in a church that stands and practices morality, this is truly my only qualm since in order for me to maintain a serious relationship with any sort of physical interaction it will have to be through a formal ceremony no matter how serious we are or how long we are together
  12. I really do appreciate all the time you put into this and indeed you strike a very valid point. I may be coming off wrong i do not sleep around and my past relationships i have cared for the other individual greatly, i wouldn't say it was lust by any means. I have no issue with relationships or marriage nor would i ever judge anyone wanting to take on that commitment. I have been in love with a wonderful girl and her beautiful daughter and even though we were not married i couldn't have been happier spending my life with them. Yes i found her very attractive but that isnt the reason i stayed with her, a matter of fact i could have cared less what she looked like but since we never married was that love ever less real because i know it was not simply lust.
  13. Nice attempt but no, philosophy has nothing to do with anything i'm stating. Love is indeed a chemical reaction based for initial attraction and ensuring reproduction and essentially the survival of a species. I am NOT stating that we do not have interpersonal relationships that develop and grow throughout time. Even memories will produce hormones that can cause one to be jubilant, abhorrent, regretful, or dwindle in sorrow. Our emotions are one way or another caused by hormones actively effecting the way our brain sends signals from one synapse to another. This doesnt make us any less significant if anything it is absolutely extraordinary
  14. i don't think it is a matter of marriage material rather than an inability to control sexual urges before marriage. If you are that attracted physically and also maintain an attraction to each others personality then IMO that is perfect marriage material. If you believe that you truly do want to be with this girl yet want to be abstinent before marriage then why not see a counselor together to find ways to avoid or deter sexual contact? If you both constantly feel regret there is no way a healthy relationship can unfold.