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  1. I feel for you. My husband snores LOUDLY. He likely has sleep apnea now (he was borderline years ago), but he is not wanting to wear the mask (I cannot blame him). Anyway, ear plugs are my best friend. If you do that, get the Hearos Xtreme off Amazon. If that does not appeal to/work for you, then do separate bedrooms. Just make sure you get cuddle time (such as on a weekend morning ) to make up for it. Sleep is very important. You are not rejecting him over his medical condition....just making adjustments.
  2. I would also suggest reading "The Five Love Languages." This is an awesome book that helps one understand how others see love. :)
  3. I am not going to share (too sacred), but I have absolutely no doubt that I will see my pets in heaven. I doubt Heavebly Father made them for life on earth only. I definitely look forward to being reunited with them. Big creek, that is not strange at all. I already asked Heavenly Father to let me have a horse from my college, since he had no technical owner. We were very close. :)
  4. First, congrats! No, the circumstances are not ideal....but, a baby is still a blessing. I am so glad to hear you are excited for this baby. Being concerned for how he will be raised shows that you will be a good father. :) Do not worry about letting the bishop down. He is there to help you. My niece recently had a baby out of wedlock. I was there for the blessing. Her old ward welcomed her with open arms and was extremely excited to see her. I did not hear a single judgmental word. I think most people understand that is between you and The Lord. Please do not be afraid to go back to church and talk to the bishop. That will be the most important thing you can do for the baby and for yourself....besides getting married soon. :) Keep praying and asking for answers. Do some research. You will find and receive answers. I wish you the best!
  5. Thanks. I had no idea. That is what my brother said....maybe he did not know, either....or, he never looked until now.
  6. ACM, thank you for your very kind words. I truly appreciate them. I am doing a poor job of explaining myself, I fear. I do feel that willingness to accept full punishment/consequences has a lot to do with repentance, but I see I am in the minority. It is not just a matter of wanting him to be punished, though I understand how it seems that way. I really am worried about this. I know it is not my job, but he is still my little brother, and I was hoping to help. I see I may be wrong about the connection, but I will not know, for sure, until I cross the veil. :) Either way, I have decided to stop worrying about it, since I see now I am in the minority and doubt I could change his mind.
  7. Thanks for that perspective. I had no idea the defendant is involved so little.
  8. Thanks for the perspectives. I look forward to more. My worry is that if one continues to bargain down one's sentence, he/she is lessening his or her actual crime or ability to pay restitution.
  9. I would get it now, so you will have your favorite stuff highlighted in it. :)
  10. Never, ever give up on the church and the Savior. Do all you can do, and He will not withhold blessings from you...whether they are in this life or the next. Give yourself time to grieve the loss of your reason to start dating anytime soon. But, please do not pull away from the church or Heavenly Father.
  11. Go ahead and talk to him. It, hopefully, will not be as bad as you think. I know a lot of times, the worry about what will happen is worse than what actually happened. I am glad your overall anxiety issues are better. :)
  12. Please do go to the bishop. My screenname comes from my brother not getting enough help (I am not sure if he ever saw a bishop) for those exact sins, and they led to worse things. There are wonderful programs out there to help you now. You will feel so much better, I am sure.
  13. You sound like a wonderfully awesome person to me. Anyone who can help people and love it so much is an awesome person. I have no advice....I just wanted to be sure you knew that. :)