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Posts posted by paracaidista508

  1. 6 hours ago, Jedi_Nephite said:

    Actually, it's not an unspoken cultural standard.

    As stated in the manual, "The Gospel of Jesus Christ":


    Men and boys generally wear suits or nice pants with a shirt and tie. Women and girls wear dresses or skirts."

    Source: “Worship with Us,” The Gospel of Jesus Christ (2005), 22–23

    Interesting quote....generally the men do... and the women and girls wear.

    Implication is males have a choice and females dont.

  2. 21 hours ago, lostinwater said:

    Could/should have clarified.  Apologies.

    i guess i mean once the immediates of ensuring that she is no longer contacting or being contacted by whoever it is on the other end of things.

    Fairly likely she is not having her arm twisted. Very slight possibility but I can tell you these days...the pervy  activity is just as much the girls idea as it is the boys...well it is close at least. 

    Interesting reading


  3. 37 minutes ago, lostinwater said:

    So once she is safe, and if the situation is such that it can be done in a non-meddling and semi-organic manner, perhaps something like "I am seeing you at chapter 13 in your life - tell me what you want about chapters 1-12" - and then just listening with no judgment, and not many words.

    Though perhaps it can't be done without meddling or creating ill-will with the family.  Others here have infinitely more experience than i do in this regard - and i'd take their advice over my own.

    Anyways, thank-you for caring.

    Once she is safe??? Did I miss something about her being in danger? Though she was just taking nude porn selfie shots in the bathroom is all.

  4. 10 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

    This may be true—I’m not familiar with the relevant federal statutes—but FWIW, for the last year as part of my work responsibilities I have been attending monthly meetings of an inter-agency children’s justice coordinating group that includes police, sheriff’s office, county attorneys, DCFS, school district representatives, and a federal agent.  And I have never seen charges come down against a girl who produced and distributed a nude selfie.

    This isn’t to say that what the girl did is not a Very Big Deal; but in all likelihood she has nothing to fear (legally) from coming forward—the system will very probably treat her as a victim, not a delinquent.

    You are probably right. I think part of the deal though should be that anyone who possesses this pic or vid or whatever she did from here on out cannot be charged with any child porn charges related to the pic. I mean fair is fair. One person produces and distributes (the girl) and the  middle aged guy ten years later has it and sells it on the internet. I say he should get a pass if she does. After all her first defense will be that she isn't a victim because she took the pic. Anyway...if she sent it and odds are she did several, it will be everywhere. 

    Lawyers who defend child porn traffickers should get a file of all the innocent people given a pass and hang onto it in the event they get a client who gets charged for having said pic.

    Btw...I'm not for charging her. Personally adults who engage in child porn should be given a fair trial and executed but that is just me.

    They generally don't charge them here either. 




  5. Moral issues aside, creating, possessing and or distributing video or pictures depicting a minor for sexual/arousal purposes is not only a is child porn at least in most states. Although rarely enforced, it will get a record created. BYU will love to see that on a school app in a couple years. Once a parent is aware of its existence, they are basically in possession of said child porn if it is not reported...should be a good time and the whole ward is gonna find out if the rs knows. 

    If anyone is surprised at this, standby. The girls are getting to be worse offenders than the boys. Mormon kids included. Anyone who let's their teenager have a smartphone just provided access to the highest quality and diversity of porn in history...quality as far as porn goes.

    If she transmitted this video or's everywhere already.  


    On edit...That law cited above generally includes the minor creating their own porn....imagine that. You at 16, take a nude selfie and send it. Guilty of child porn. Even if you are the minor.





  6. 7 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

    The statement seems self-evident, yet, denies one very real option for people of faith who suffer from unwanted same-sex attraction. Very few who are attracted to the same sex are 100% that way. Men tend to be much higher on the spectrum. I heard a tremendous testimony out of Bellevue, Washington. The man was a Christian, but had same-sex attraction. Through Christian counseling and scripture study he was attempting to live a celibate life. Into his church comes a woman suffering from nymphomania. She is pregnant, and has had too many partners to even begin to try to determine who the father is. She determines to carry the baby to term, and this same-sex attracted man starts helping her through the process. Over time they become dear friends. One day they approach the pastor (Presbyterian Church USA--the denomination accepts gay marriage, but this church and pastor have elected not to), and say they want to have counseling, and would like to marry. The pastor says to the woman, "You understand that he is attracted to men, much more than to woman?" Her answer?  "Yes, that's why it has to be him. Don't you see? Men have always wanted me for what I can give them physically. With him, I KNOW he loves me for me." The pastor looks at the man and asks if he can be satisfied, married to a woman. He says, "I may love chocolate ice cream, but the doctor says chocolate is bad for me. I don't care for vanilla nearly as much, but it's not bad."

    The pastor reports that gay activists often dismiss his story, saying that the couple are denying their true selves. His response? "Tell them that! I see two people who have found love that is much more spiritual and emotional than physical--yet which does give them whole satisfaction."

    Not every same-sex attracted individual can be find fulfillment in heterosexual marriage. Perhaps most cannot. HOWEVER, I'd be loathe to say that those who do so, carefully, in conjunction with extensive counseling and support, and with full disclosure, deserve anything but God-blessed matrimony.

    Ok got it...still any woman who marries a guy who says he would rather have sex with other guys is just asking for it. To each his own, but if i was dating someone and they drop that on me I'd dump them at the curb much less marry them. I'll take the hit in the after life for being a jerk.

    This is no different than people who marry others with known mental problems and then complain about the craziness that goes with if down the road. Well duh, you knew they were nuts and you still married them....enjoy.  I know a few couples like that and unless they are faking it, they are clearly not happy people. Esp the one who isn't a mental case. 

    Anyway...people get what they ask for generally. The weed wife included.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Vort said:

    Methinks someone is reading waaaaay too much into an offhand comment by the bishop. Would you think the same thing if you heard the RS president tell the women, "Make sure to let your husbands go to the Elders Quorum Whatever Activity"?

     No cuz we as men do whatever we want..the women have to ask us... id tell the rs pres' hubby to go straighten her out.

    Btw...he is not the only person I have heard talk like that.

    To be fully transparent, I find many of my friends (men) are actually the ones who have to ask permission. To go hunting or fishing or go watch a fight at someone's house. Seems as if they are the ones who are kept people. Must suck to be them.

  8. 3 hours ago, MormonGator said:

    Misconception: Mormons hate gay people, those with piercings, tattoos, long hair on men, basically anyone who doesn't look like they are on a mission. 
    Truth: That's nonsense. Most LDS are among the most tolerant and loving people out there.

    Anyone who thinks that all Canadians are kind and peaceful has never seen a hockey fight before. ;)

    I don't hat gay people but I hate their agenda. That is what is destroying families as they should be and have effectively destroyed the bsa. Although I have my issues with scouts in regards to the half butt way we run the program in the church, i never hated the bsa. Now i do. They are in the the same category as planned parenthood in my book since they elected to accept the gay agenda.

  9. 19 hours ago, zil said:

    I think the biggest one is that Mormon women are oppressed.  Crockville is my answer to that.

    I like this one. In priesthood one Sunday the bishop told us to "make sure to let your wives go to the ....whatever event... on thursday night."

    I thought some of these guys wives have to ask permission to go to church events??? Apparently the bishops wife does lol. Was hoping there was not any investigators in there. It made me do a double take.

  10. 1...what border are we talk g about here? us Mex ? Can mex?? Somewhere else???

    2.... if this is the us mex border I'm calling b.s. on the story in respects to language barrier. I worked two ports of entry for a extended time with us military right at the entry where these folks would have been interviewed and almost every single officer there speaks fluent Spanish. There are a few who don't, but generally there is a fluent speaker standing there with them.

    3. .. if the people are selected for secondary inspection and their stories about where they are going, what they are doing etc do not match then they will be grilled. Typically when you get a car load of Mexicans crossing and all have a different story about the nature of the trip they get divided up and interviewed. Reason being is because this is how the immigrant smuggling, fake id etc crap gets discovered. Every single day they handcuff carloads of people whos stories don't match and they end up being involved in some kind of scheme. Doesn't mean each car load of clueless people is guilty, but the guilty ones are discovered this way. 

    4... as for border guards having nearly unlimited powers..yep that's pretty much it. You don't get to waltz up to our border and dictate how your crossing experience will be. No one has to come to the us.

    Good reading

    The things the border patrol can do at the port of entry is much different than what cops do in the interior.

    They do not need proable cause to search you or your car or your purse

    They do not need to mirandize you until a crime is discovered.

    They can arrests and charge you for merely arguing with them. There are signs all over the port entry stating to cooperate or be subject to arrest.



    I suggest if they are from Mexico they worry about the stellar treatment their corrupt government is well known for instead of getting the run around here. Makes the bad cops we have look like angels.  

    Side note: if these are canadians....oh my. Vacationing Canadians crossing into the us from Mex vacation spots give our border people unbelievable grief. They get arrested and fined all the time for running their mouths and causing scenes. Not nearly all of them, but i was suprised at how common it was. The border guards hated them. I'm sure plenty of Americans do the same, but I'll not be defending them acting a fool in another country.

  11. 23 hours ago, JoCa said:

    I agree that it may not have been optional . . .but did he at least fight for it?  Did he go to the boss and say "I don't work Sundays?"  If he did, incorrect assumption on my part, my bad, and I apologize.

    It's funny, we make exceptions all the time in today's society for Muslims, where hijabs, pray in the street (see England), we'll bend over backwards to make them feel accommodated. But the Christian who doesn't want to work Sundays?

    People got to learn to stand up for their beliefs and their culture otherwise, the next generation won't know it. 

    No I didn't fight for earn your badge just like everyone else. Police work is different than the civ world. This is a major police agency and the town doesnt shut down for the sabbath like utah and idaho for example. Unfortunately people murder, rape, molest, rob and beat family members on Sunday too. In fact it is one of our busiest days.  To opt out cuz of the Sabbath doesn't play well in a pd. Not to mention they would tell you to gtfo and dont let the door hit you in the backside. We make no accommodation for Sabbath desires. You only have a 10-12 hr shift so you can find time to worship if you want when you are not on the beat. Sure I could have put in for some admin day shift weekend off gig, but I'm a cop not an admin. If you want to be a cop then you are on the street...whenever they want you there.

    Find a backbone...give me a break. Come here and apply...anywhere in the phx metro area. Plently of perps just waiting to make short work of you and your backbone. 

  12. I worked Sunday's for 18 years. Look how great I turned out.

    Kinda tough to be a cop and refuse to work Sunday's. Just goes with the territory. Nice thing is you can arrest a Mormon on a Sunday occasionally and then you can talk church. Seems to have mostly been for domestic violence so we talk about how to man up and take care of your family in a loving way instead of beating the wife and or kids.

  13. 17 minutes ago, bytebear said:

    These stories tell me that too many parents are hoping missions will change their kids.  Given all the resources we have.  YM, YW, Seminary, etc., I think we must be doing something wrong if kids don't have at least enough of a testimony to want to go on their missions.  

    I will say in my case I was never interested in going on a mission. I always wanted to go into the military and that is what I did.

    Things may have been different had my father not been in the callings he had. He had significant church jobs ( Without saying what jobs they were ill just say it was not unusual to have GA s at our home. I met most of them 30-40 yrs ago) which required him to pretty much be gone to church meetings any time he wasn't at work or if it was Monday eve. This was my entire life...literally up until the time I went into the military. I always thought yea screw that being gone all your waking hours every day for two decades. Unfortunately my male mentor besides my dad was the one i looked up to more in terms of just general stuff.. I do not  blame him because he is a very righteous man and likely believed he was doing the right thing regardless of the expense it was to his family. After all, he was called to serve. I remember my mom being alone all the time except after he came home late at night. It was endless.  Later on we had a very good relationship for the rest of his life as he was around to be visited with and do things. It wasn't that we had a bad relationship, but it is hard to have one when they are not there for 18 yrs straight. 

    Add to that I lived in a force fed religious environment so there was never a choice as to what I was going to do...I suppose the military was my way of finally having a choice right or wrong.

    Anyway, there are many reasons kids don't go on missions. Testimony is only one aspect. I may have gone on one if I thought church service was not as punishing and exhausting as what I was watching. It was not the life i wanted at the time. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, zil said:

    I just want to say, if I could build a neighborhood and pick my neighbors, these are the people I would want living in the houses closes to mine (in no particular order, except that I started my list with people who I feel like I understand well and appreciate, but who others are choosing to be offended at rather than getting to know them well enough to appreciate1 - something that is unfortunate for said offendees; and that's part of my point - these are good, solid people who could be a blessing in your life, if you'd let them, but who are no more likely that I am to tolerate getting walked on, or to coddle to one's drama / over-sensitivity to rational commentary):

    NOTE: If you're not on the list, try not to be offended.  It's possible you're a victim of my poor memory.  It's also possible I'd add you to the list if I knew you better.  It's also possible you wouldn't like living next to me any more than I'd like living next to you.  (Apparently I can be quite blunt.)  And I seriously doubt my feelings toward / memory of you is something worth getting offended over.

    1IMO, this is the best reason to participate in a wide variety of threads, including those about trivial things - it lets you get to know other people's personalities, which makes it easier to appreciate them as humans rather than as posters.

    Robotically Yours,


    Thanks I'm not on it...after all who wants to live on the same street as someone (zil) who lies on a forum about what you said?

  15. 15 hours ago, Blossom76 said:

    This is perhaps the biggest problem I am facing on this website.  People assume I am saying the church is wrong because of blah blah, that is absolutely 100% not true.  If something is inconsistent and I want further information on it, that shouldn't be a problem.  I am tired of the defensive attacks from (probably well meaning) LDS members saying things like 'oh so the whole church is false then, you got your answer' its a very petty and childish attitude.

    You are exactly are not permitted to challenge the church on anything. When I was growing up, if I brought up things  like you have my parents would chew me out and tell me to just accept it and move on. Just like you get here in many cases.