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  1. Not much we can do about the droughts besides pray for more rain, or we can have fun with the idea that when the north pole is finally done melting away that all that surplus water is good enough to get rid of the droughts as well, lol.
  2. The fact that winters seem more harsh also is that the planet is also counteracting the extreme heat with with extreme cold, but it seems flipside where it is. I remember in 2006 when Florida had snow, and also I was TX at the time and it snowed even though I was in the more central/lower half where snow happened like never. So it seems maybe the the spots that used to be cold are now hot, and the parts that used to be hot are now cold? Maybe there will be a point that the equator is the new frozen part of the planet and the two poles are the hottest. Also humanity's continued abuse-level uses of fossil fuels is accelerating the matter.
  3. The fact of the matter is that we are going through a heat age (though it's being dubbed as global warming, same difference), just like the ice age that nearly froze the entire planet ages ago, the planet is going through a cycle where things are becoming extremely hot, and while some of it is man-caused, most of it is natural. States and Foreign Countries that never needed technology like AC are getting massive heatwaves. Currently I'm living in Wyoming and the lack of AC is making people suffer, that and I was there in Germany when thousands died during a heatwave because of the lack of proper AC and similar countermeasures that were not needed before. The only thing we had there and here was popcicles, ice cream, and fans going on 24/7.
  4. Recently this summer I watched a CGI anime movie based on the game Tekken. It was quite funny and had some good cheesy points to it, though probably as a simple caution the main character is a girl and for one of the scenes she walks around in only a bath towel (nothing is shown, it's just a bit awkward IMO).
  5. The priesthood is there for us to do god's work, I doubt that if Moses wanted to part the red sea just to part the red sea, the red sea would obey him. If it's not god wish to do something, it's not gonna happen. Kind of like how many of us die even when some of us try to use the priesthood, if heavenly father rather have his children with him, the priesthood will let the person die since the priesthood only really works if god wants it to work in our favor. Kind of like how some prayers/blessings don't go in our favor, because god has something else planned. If you pray for no severe weather and a tornado comes through your town, it's not lack of's just that god would rather let the tornado go through.
  6. He walked on water with the help of Christ, I'm pretty sure if Christ wasn't there to give him the power he wouldn't have been given the ability to walk on water. The only times we are given godly powers is if the Lord or our Heavenly Father wants us to do something.
  7. Um, about that. If he's the only begotten of the father, and had no earthly father, how is he fully human? It's quite known that he was "Half-human" and half-god. Thus, the son of god who was able to endure a lot more than any of us can imagine. Going without food for months=not fully human, walking on water= not fully human, taking all the sins of the world=not fully human, and surviving his heart being pieced=instant death for a fully human, but somehow he survived and went on his business until he "gave up the ghost" where he "died" on his own accord. That and the resurrection cleary states he was able to go back into his body on his own accord, not sure how many of us can do that.
  8. All you have very good points, which I must agree with my sister upon the crucifition mentality, we aren't meant to "celebrate" christ's death, but celebrate the resurrection and the fulfillmet that the resurrection gave everyone through the atonement. That and I have to agree that most of the violence in the book of mormon is generalized.
  9. After studying some history of the Apophis asteroid, I couldn't help but feel that the appointed times of this asteroid come rather close to my predictions of when the last days will be in full effect. What if Apophis will be Heavenly Father's way of doing the enactment of cleansing the earth with the holy ghost? The 2029 "barely passing by" could serve as a warning to people who have not yet repented at that time, while the 2036 prediction could be the real deal and those who haven't repented yet and "raptured" will have to face the wrath of Apophis? Like in the movies most asteroids would "burn up" the face of the earth, kind of like how the enactment is stated in some passages of the scriptures. Before you start saying "no" to that, I know as a fact that while some people dont see Heavenly Father as a "Special Effects" person, I would have to say the great flood was a pretty flashy way to die, so why not also an asteroid?
  10. Well, at least not in detail. I mean you can just go with "he died on the cross" without saying "and some roman guy stuck a spear through his body".
  11. Just because the scriptures are written by prophets, doesnt mean some of the parts aren't a bit gruesome. I mean some of the books in the bible were pretty gross.
  12. So people getting heads chopped off isn't violent as some movies? Last time I checked I didn't play any video games that were that violent, that and my Brawl game has Super Mario in it, Super Mario is as kid-friendly as you can really get in video games. Also last time I checked I didn't say we needed to censor the scripters. I just don't think parts of it should be read by little kids.
  13. And doesn't our church say R-rated movies are against our standards? Seems interesting that we allow violence in the scriptures, but not in any other media or religious form that can be traumatic to our spiritual being?
  14. I remember when I was a young kid growing up in the church, that me and my classmates never really "read" the book of mormon, and were taught simple lessons on how and why heavenly father and jesus christ loves us. It only took 'til recently for me to hink why the classes were set up that way. The book of mormon is not for kids And it's because simply the fact, the Book of Mormon is filled with violence and other themes that aren't really kid friendly IMO. Do we really want kids to read about people getting dismembered and how really evil some of people in the BoM are? That and IIRC one of the last books where someone was so "evil", that when his head was chopped clean off, the rest of his body was still swinging his sword? Graphic material like that would seem traumatic to a kid IMO.
  15. Probably because subbers are just as different from each other as translators.