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Everything posted by Str8Shooter

  1. We cannot understand something so deep with our relatively shallow minds. From Isaiah 55: 8 ¶For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
  2. Where I am at asking for a blessing gets a response that is usually faster than 911. I don't know if it's possible to be unworthy to receive a blessing. Certainly a person could be unworthy to give one. YSA wards have unique challenges, but receiving a priesthood blessing should never be one of them.
  3. Great questions Reece, and a lot of people have the same questions. I hope what I say will help. For some of the things you ask, the answers are crystal clear, and for other things we don't have answers. Part of the difficulty with such great questions is that some well meaning individuals may give incomplete or inaccurate answers. Contrary to what you have been told, who we are going to be with in the heavens is a critically essential part of the Gospel. I'll start with the stuff that is clear. If a righteous, loving family is not sealed they will not have the blessings of the sealing covenant here on earth or in the next life. It is the same with baptism. If someone is not baptised, they will not be able to attain eternal life. The law has been given and must be fulfilled. This is justice and this is how justice works. Even Jesus Christ had to be baptised. This is where the Atonement and agency combine to create hope and salvation. We all have agency, everyone of us, and because Jesus Christ atoned for everyone who is living, who has ever lived, and will yet live, everyone will have the opportunity to accept or reject the Gospel and all of it's ordinances. Here is the part which requires that we have faith, not lose hope, and that we do not judge people unrighteously: The things that are unknown to us. Nobody here knows for certain when someone has had their final opportunity to accept or reject Jesus Christ, or for that matter, accept or reject the saving ordinances. We just don't know. When people truly listen to the gospel message they will have a mighty change of heart and that change can certainly happen after the individual has left this mortal life. I would find it highly unlikely (I almost say impossible) that a righteous family who is unsealed in this life would reject the opportunity to be sealed in the next life. It makes no sense whatsoever in any way. When it comes to people who get remarried, divorced, widowed, etc, there are some things that we do not know and do not need to know at this point in life. I suppose these are the things that, "...we can't put into our neat little boxes...", and I say we should not try to exercise judgement and put them into boxes. Those are the things that we must use faith and understand that Jesus Christ will sort those things out when the time comes. Isn't that wonderful? We will have a perfect judge give the nothing less that the best ruling that will give everyone the most happiness they can have. I am personally involved in a situation in which I will have to wait to see how things will work out. I am excited to see what happens because the best possible resolution will happen. In the meantime, I try not to put too much thought into it because it is fruitless to do so. As for what we could do if we spent less time with temple work and more time with living work- I'm sure that if we did that it would seem like we would be doing more good. It would seem like Adam could have collected more food or spent more time bettering the world he lived in if he hadn't spent time building an alter. Sometimes we are asked to do things that we do not fully understand. Temples have always been sacred places of worship to be built with the finest materials. Temple symbolisms take years, even a lifetime to understand. The symbolisms in their construction and what they are made with are essential to the teaching process. The work that goes on in the temples is not ordinary. It's eternal. A temple is built in a manner that reflects the very sacred and holy work that takes place inside.
  4. Great questions Reece, and a lot of people have the same questions. I hope what I say will help. For some of the things you ask, the answers are crystal clear, and for other things we don't have answers. Part of the difficulty with such great questions is that some well meaning individuals may give incomplete or inaccurate answers. Contrary to what you have been told, who we are going to be with in the heavens is a critically essential part of the Gospel. I'll start with the stuff that is clear. If a righteous, loving family is not sealed they will not have the blessings of the sealing covenant here on earth or in the next life. It is the same with baptism. If someone is not baptised, they will not be able to attain eternal life. The law has been given and must be fulfilled. This is justice and this is how justice works. Even Jesus Christ had to be baptised. This is where the Atonement and agency combine to create hope and salvation. We all have agency, everyone of us, and because Jesus Christ atoned for everyone who is living, who has ever lived, and will yet live, everyone will have the opportunity to accept or reject the Gospel and all of it's ordinances. Here is the part which requires that we have faith, not lose hope, and that we do not judge people unrighteously: The things that are unknown to us. Nobody here knows for certain when someone has had their final opportunity to accept or reject Jesus Christ, or for that matter, accept or reject the saving ordinances. We just don't know. When people truly listen to the gospel message they will have a mighty change of heart and that change can certainly happen after the individual has left this mortal life. I would find it highly unlikely (I almost say impossible) that a righteous family who is unsealed in this life would reject the opportunity to be sealed in the next life. It makes no sense whatsoever in any way. When it comes to people who get remarried, divorced, widowed, etc, there are some things that we do not know and do not need to know at this point in life. I suppose these are the things that, "...we can't put into our neat little boxes...", and I say we should not try to exercise judgement and put them into boxes. Those are the things that we must use faith and understand that Jesus Christ will sort those things out when the time comes. Isn't that wonderful? We will have a perfect judge give the nothing less that the best ruling that will give everyone the most happiness they can have. I am personally involved in a situation in which I will have to wait to see how things will work out. I am excited to see what happens because the best possible resolution will happen. In the meantime, I try not to put too much thought into it because it is fruitless to do so. As for what we could do if we spent less time with temple work and more time with living work- I'm sure that if we did that it would seem like we would be doing more good. It would seem like Adam could have collected more food or spent more time bettering the world he lived in if he hadn't spent time building an alter. Sometimes we are asked to do things that we do not fully understand. Temples have always been sacred places of worship to be built with the finest materials. Temple symbolisms take years, even a lifetime to understand. The symbolisms in their construction and what they are made with are essential to the teaching process. The work that goes on in the temples is not ordinary. It's eternal. A temple is built in a manner that reflects the very sacred and holy work that takes place inside.
  5. 1. Yes, unless posted otherwise. It's private property and they can set their own rules. 2. Never. This is clearly theft. It's exactly the same as shoplifting. 3. If that is the only reason they are being invited, no way. That is dishonest. 4. No, unless it's an emergency. 5. No. That's lying. 6. No. That's theft. 7. NO. That's very selfish.
  6. Thanks for the advice. I really do appreciate it. From habit I started thinking about who needed to speak in sacrament meeting. There was nothing where there was always something and that's when it really hit me. That mantle has now moved on to someone else. Even though I know that's how stewardship works, it doesn't make it easier. That conduit of inspiration has closed and being released has certainly been the hardest part of the calling. Ugh. Not fun.
  7. After three years I was released from my calling yesterday. It was a demanding calling and looking at it logically I should be relieved and happy. I do feel some of those things, but right now I just feel empty; kind of just....blaaahhh. Has anyone else felt like this after being released?
  8. I heard one of the earthquake light people got turned into a newt, but they got better. Anyway... WARNING: NERD CONTENT The two orbs of light are probably from high voltage surge arresters. These arrestors have a semi-conductor in them that is normally dielectric. When the power grid voltage surges above normal (like a lightning strike) the dielectric properties of the arrester break down creating a direct path to ground. The path to ground can involve a ball of ionized particles (read- orb or as I call it "ball of fire"). The reclosing circuit breaker on the power grid then sees a dead short and briefly cuts the power. During this time that the power is off (usually a half second or so) the arrestor regains it's dielectric properties. The recloser will then try to energize the power grid again and "ding", your lights (and not the earthquake lights) are hopefully back on. These surge arresters are about the size of a pop can and are located all over the power grid. Sometimes they explode and start grass fires. This is why your lights usually blink off when lightning hits. Lightning only has to strike close to set off the arresters. The lightning hit Moroni, but that amount of power will almost always find a path into the power grid and create a surge. END OF NERD CONTENT
  9. Socialism involves the taking of things against the will of others. Theft is major sin. If people had high morals, socialism would not exist. There would be no need for it.
  10. I look at capitalism as the law of people with morals. It works perfectly when you have God fearing people with high morals. When you have people that are ruthless, cold-blooded, etc, then yes, it is a jungle. The lack of God, the lack of morals, is the root of the problem. Capitalism cannot work without real charity. It simply will not work, and then socialism begins to ooze in like The Nothing.
  11. Let's define it for this discussion as the form of government kind of socialism. Socialism as in this country is socialist and that country is not. I feel that is what most of the church leaders that I listed were referring to.
  12. There you have it. I believe that socialism is a product of man mixed with the gospel. It is evil. Socialism is not the law of consecration. Socialism steals. It is theft. Socialism is a government of Godless, immoral people. These people also said that socialism is not good: Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, John Taylor, Charles W. Nibley, Heber J. Grant, Harold B. Lee, Joseph L. Wirthlin, J. Reuben Clark Jr., Ezra Taft Benson, Marion G. Romney, and David O. McKay. This is what Brigham Young said in 1870: "What can they do? Live on each other and beg. It is a poor, unwise and very imbecile people who can not take care of themselves." I am asking for productive, meaningful debate not involving any political candidates.
  13. If you attend an LDS school and decide to no longer be LDS, you will be expelled. The overwhelming majority of people who leave the church can't just "leave" and be friends. They almost always fight against it, sometimes quite bitterly. This brings up a question I have: If someone leaves the LDS church, why would they want to continue pursuing a degree from a religious school when they no longer believe in the religion? Why not transfer to FSU and party all the time? (JK)
  14. I wish Squidward were here to see this.
  15. It's not easy being allied with truth and light. Satan and his servants, just like a pack of wolves, constantly harass, gnaw and nip at the faithful, searching for any weakness that can be exploited. It really is war. It is a daily battle for our lives. Spencer W. Kimball said, “is not a little skirmish with a half-willed antagonist, but a battle royal with an enemy so powerful, entrenched, and organized that we are likely to be vanquished if we are not strong, well-trained, and watchful.” It is up to us to strengthen ourselves, render aid those who are reaching out, search for the lost and, most importantly, give heed to the shepherd's commands. He can see all of the wolves. He knows how to best protect us and how to guide us to havens where we can find refuge. Unfortunately, some will refuse the shepherd's help. The reasons are many. Some feel they know the best way. Some blissfully ignore the shepherd's pleading cry to follow him. These individuals will exercise their agency in a manner that is self-destructive and choose leave the safety of the flock, much to Satan's delight. Occasionally, the wolves will see a weakness in what appears to be a strong member of the flock and take them down. It is indeed painful and sometimes frightening to see the wolves consuming their prey. I have genuine empathy for you.
  16. I was contacted by a ward member the other day about a certain multi-level-marketing (pyramid scheme) scam that is run by Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, two of the greatest scammers ever. I mean, these guys are genius right down to Google bombing and selling support product to support their other failing product. They are also pros at manipulation by edification. I can say no to this stuff easily. That is not the problem. The problem is that I care about the ward members and it really bugs me when I see them getting sucked into this stuff that is most likely illegal. How do I approach the member and tactfully tell them they are being scammed and they are perpetuating a scam? Sincerely, Str8Shooter, The guy who has no tact and says awkward things that totally offends people when he is trying to be nice.
  17. “There are the dissenters who leave the Church, either formally or informally, but who cannot leave it alone. Usually anxious to please worldly galleries, they are critical or at least condescending towards the Brethren. They not only seek to steady the ark but also on occasion give it a hard shove! Often having been taught the same true doctrines as the faithful, they have nevertheless moved in the direction of dissent (see Alma 47:36). They have minds hardened by pride (see Daniel 5:20)" -Neal A Maxwell
  18. I am deeply saddened by those who are reacting instead of pondering over the Church's (and the Lord's) policy. Follow the prophet. "A ship that will not obey the helm will have to obey the rocks."
  19. Fyi- Here is some fun ammo: When a boss promises a lay off if things don't change, tell them "Don't threaten me with a good time." or "I was looking for a job when I found this one." Two of my favorites. It will also let you know where you stand with the company....really fast. :-)
  20. In most states, yes. Is it ethical? No. Does it increase production? No. They are playing hardball and you need to as well. Here is a solution: Kindly tell your employer to bring in some food or allow for a lunch break. If they say no, ask for a raise. If they say no, quit and take as many of your coworkers as you can with you. Your company is obviously understaffed and losing employees at this time will probably be very detrimental to their production. It is a risk, but what have you got to lose? I occasionally work emergency shifts that are very long. One time I worked for 62 hours straight. We took short breaks every few hours with 60 minutes for breakfast and dinner. It is the only way we were able to get the jobs done. Breaks are needed. Reasonable breaks increase productivity. It's basic business management. Work to live, don't live to work.
  21. Above is the answer, plain and simple. It's how the founding fathers wanted it. If someone does not want guns around, they can choose not to own one and allow those who do want a gun the right to have one. Nobody, except for the federal government, has the authority to ban guns. It is a constitutional right. Private property owners can trespass people if they want, but cities, public schools, publicly owned airports, counties and states have NO authority to ban guns on their property, but they do it anyway.
  22. Normally I would wait but forgive me; I am overcome. It seems that only after a short while people idealize solutions to these shootings in their minds and then think that some writing on a piece of paper is going to protect their children. News flash- It won't, but someone with countermeasures will. I was working just down the road from the last shooting here. I was the one that told my buddy that the school his daughter was at had an active shooter. I will never forget that.
  23. Yet another example of how gun free zones are ridiculous and they do not work. It is so strange and so confusing to me how people fear guns. Guns cannot act on their own. It's seems that society is afraid place blame on humans for fear of offending, so they blame an inanimate object. It's primal logic and completely ludicrous. Place blame on the mentally ill human behind the gun and allow the mentally healthy to defend themselves. The police are NOT the first responders. We, the citizens, are the first responders. Citizens should not have to run, hide, cower in fear, and be murdered, waiting for the police to come save them. That is a crippling way to live and very sad. Very, very, sad.