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  1. I sincerely want to thank everyone!!!!! It's going much better now.what I ended up doing is..... I spent all night, as he snored lol screen shoting articles on the benefits and why I wanted to sleep, not that it was too get away. Before he got them in his email, I told him I was going to make him breakfast and I wanted to pray. I left him to read everything by himself and to think about it. After we ate breakfast we talked about it and decided to give him one more chance. Since then he has forgotten only a couple times, but when I woke him up to put it on he wasn't angry. He still eats in the room and watches tv all hours but we are much happier since the snoring isn't around! To the posters with the earplug suggestion, I tried already lol. I found it more beneficial to wear my earphones and plug in Pandora, but........we live up in the mountains (I'm a city girl) and I get terribly paranoid with noises in three night, and I would get to stressed that he wouldn't wake up if we had an intruder. I'm probably way to paranoid. We did have a dog, I think I slept better slightly then, but an animal we have now hates dogs and its too hard to try and keep them separated. Lol Thank you again so Soooooooooo much!!!! I pray this continues because it's so nice not to be cranky!!!!
  2. My husband got a bit like this for a while, thankfully he listened to me.he was getting so involved with different conspiracy theories and finally I told him I wasn't living like that. was before he joined the church. Basically I told him, stop reading all that stuff, listen to the prophet and live your life well so that if you get hit by a bus tomorrow you'll be good! I wish you the very best, it's really rough...I understand!!!!
  3. This is getting a lot more popular I've seen it in articles and friends/family who are members & non members. I'm curious as to how LDS couples deal about this? I'm at my wits end with my snoring husband. It's not only the snoring, but that's the worst! We have been married five years. He has sleep apnea and I've had no trouble adjusting to the machine. For the last two years though he hasn't been wearing it much, to lately none at all. His snoring is keeping me awake night after night. Other issues are tv in the bedroom and eating in the bedroom. He thinks I'm ridiculous and being overly controlling because I want the bedroom to serve as a bedroom and not a living room/kitchen. My only option I can see is to move into the guest room. This is the only thing we fight about, but is literally for hours every night and I'm crabby all day, he's like why are you so crabby? Really? REALLY???? So...... anyone else sleep separately? Thanks!