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About Angelida

  • Birthday 08/24/1969

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  1. A lot of great advice and so quickly too. Thank you to all for all the input. I honestly don't think that it will lead to divorce and I truly am very much in love with my husband. I'm not just wanting to get a quick fix or wanting this just for the purpose of "well were married, so we can just do it". I mean I would not have even asked the question if it didn't bother me and I didn't think that my salvation wasn't on the line here. I was actually served with divorce papers, but it was him doing it because we had just gotten into a big fight and so he got mad and did it. I had to counter and I got an attorney to do so. When I went to go sign those papers I had a very dreaded feeling to NOT sign them. So I asked if I could do a separation instead and she said "yes". So, she quickly reworded them and I signed them. As soon as I did I felt as though a weight had been lifted. So I was guided by the Holy Ghost to do that. I had actually several months prior had contemplated filing for a divorce myself and prayed about it and my answer came at me as clear as day NO. I did this more then once because I was unhappy and the answere was always the same and to hang in there. It came in different ways, but the outcome was just the same none the less. So there is a reason that I must go through this trial. I do pray all the time for my husband to see and want what I have come to love. I take our girls to church every wk and he is fine with it. I believe that this is the only way for him to come to realise what he can have to truly be happy. And I will do whatever it takes to make it so. This is what I was guided to do and if it takes 3 months, 6 months or a year, the time is of no matter. Heavenly Father will let me know when the time is right. I want more than anything for it to be less, but if not than I have no control over it. I do appreciate all of the most helpful advice as I only wanted to make sure that I am still able to share my love with my husband without breaking any vows. Now I just pray and be positive that everything will work out in a short time and without too much grief. :)
  2. I recently went to my (newly called) bishop to talk to him about my situation with my husband. My old bishop had been a great comfort and had been helping me through it for about a year of so. It was a little awkward, but I got through it, but three wks later I\'m just thinking about something that he said that my other bishop never mentioned. Not sure if I misunderstood or what. He said \"you know that you still have to obey the laws of chastity right?\" I said \"yes\". I mean what does he he think I\'m going to do go out and date other men and sleep around?? Well then I started thinking maybe he means my own husband??? I\'m like seriously he will still be my husband? I have been married to a non member for 18 years now and we have been together for 21 years. I haven\'t been active all those years and only been very active for the last 3 years. It\'s been amazing and I went through the temple last June. Well my husband and I have been having problems for about 8 years now and he cheated on me 6 years ago. He swears that it was never consummated, but whatever. I have since forgiven him and moved on from it. But things have not been the same since and we need to be apart from each other. We are getting a legal separation so he can have \"his space\", but he wants to still be a part of my life and still cares and we have two daughters together. So, we are going to try it for a year and see if it works out. And we are not going to date other people. In my eyes that is cheating because we are still married! So does anyone know what the deal is with this?? Since we are still married and want to still date each other can we still sleep together??