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Everything posted by Awakened

  1. In terms of full-on established doctrine and full established revelation to the church as a whole, (in which D&C 132 is very well both) it's pretty black and white here in that you accept it all to be truth or you don't. There is no, "Well... Maybe just that part's wrong." Sorry. We can't start cherry-picking the truth or else we'll start going down some rather bad paths.
  2. Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. I do know though that such experiences, when they are true, are meant for that individual alone and are NOT to be talked about lightly, if at all.
  3. Well, the problem with that passage of Hyrum's is that it sounds dangerously like just his view on it and not actual revelation. Notice that he says, "I say". BY's talk on it seems much more authoritative. And as for the above, again, I don't have The Word of Wisdom: A Modern Interpretation so I can't check where John Widtsoe quoted Joseph Smith for that.
  4.$88932:c12e599 Found it! It's not anymore. I found the authoritative source and that's all I wanted to know. Thanks, everyone!
  5. Jesus Christ is the way to exaltation/purification/etc. There is no other way but by him. He is the way, the light, and the life and no man can unto the Father, but by him.
  6. I have heard it said many times that the hot drinks mentioned in the Word of Wisdom refer to coffee and tea. Alright, except... WHO said that though? And when? I have looked in many books now (although to be fair, none that are specifically focusing on the Word of Wisdom) and I keep hearing the same thing repeated over and over that hot drinks are authoritatively interpreted to mean coffee and tea. But they never ever give a source for this!! This is getting very frustrating now and I'm beginning to think that the hot drinks supposedly referring to coffee and tea is just another Mormon myth. If a very large one. Does anyone have a source for hot drinks authoritatively being interpreted to mean coffee and tea? Because the only thing I did find (which wasn't much) was one thing on Fair Mormon here: But I don't have the book to check its source either!
  7. Ahhh. Never watched that as I'm really not into musicals. :3
  8. Could you rephrase? I'm not quite sure what you're asking here. Would you be able to elaborate more? Also, what are these credible sources? I must read more.
  9. I think it's safe to say, we all laughed at this line in The Single's Ward. But... Here's the thing. Can this actually happen? Is this really legit? Have people met their partner in the pre-existence and promised each other that they would meet? I ask because... I have a very strange yet persistent feeling inside me that this is true. But my feelings have been wrong before of course.
  10. *sighs* Attack may not have been a good word but there seems to be a lot of passive aggressiveness such as, 'Why don't you get your facts straight.' and other unnecessary stuff like that. And in any case, I was mainly saying it's really hard for me to support a debate from 3 different sides and two different points, especially with one topic as speculative as Christ's marriage.
  11. OK, I'm getting attacked by three different people here on 2-3 different points. If it was just one or two people, I could handle the debate, but yeah.Thread is generally a mess now. You guys need to stop attacking each other and calm down here. This is getting kind of silly.
  12. Yes. That is what you have to do to be fully saved. It's a bit more complicated than that but the point is, marriage is not in there.
  13. Article of Faith #4: We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  14. 1. OK, where is this revealed doctrine? I need to know now. Because that doesn't make any sense. As Le Sellers said, we do proxy sealings in the temple as well. And furthermore, who says Christ didn't already experience mortality on another world in his natural progression? Christ didn't NEED to come down here actually. That's why it's called the condescension of God. It was diety stepping up out of his throne to come down here to help all of us. 2. So? Again, it's a matter of relatedness. You really can't imagine how hard it would be to connect romantically with someone who has progressed wayyy beyond you? Who has already long since thought of things you're just now thinking about and etc. People have split off relationships already because there was a huge gap between where they were and where the other person was, spiritually. Now multiply that by literally a thousand. Probably more.
  15. 1. Being saved and being married are two different things. You can still be saved and not be married, easily. 2. Christ was perfect. We are not. We really really are not. He was far progressed already in his current state in mortality or else he would not have been able to do the atonement. The atonement was an uncomprehendingly powerful act and was literally unimaginably horrendous. So much so that if anyone else were to attempt it, they would have immediately died under it all. Christ loves each and every one of us, there is no doubt. But it is a familial love I'm sure, which is to say, not a lesser love but a different kind of love. 3. True. I'll give you that one.
  16. I'm very sure that he wasn't married. In this life. Jesus Christ was already a God before he came down here. It would make sense that he was already married. And two more things. 1. Could you imagine being married to someone completely perfect? It wouldn't work at all. There's too much of a difference in progression.To put it into perspective, it would be like a 50-year-old marrying a 17-year-old. And 2. Jesus Christ never mentioned his wife or wives probably for the same reason that Heavenly Father does not. Because he utterly respects and loves them and holds them in such high regard and is, thus, very understandably, protective of them, even their very name. I mean, look at how much a lot of people treat Jesus Christ's and Heavenly Father's name with irreverence and blasphemy. No, as much as it actually hurts me to not know my Heavenly Mother at all, it's probably for the best that such things are not talked about in this life. I would NOT want someone as beautiful and loving as my Heavenly Mother disrespected in any way...
  17. Gay actions are a sin. Sorry. Marriage is a super sacred ordinance that requires a man and a woman. Period. It will work with no other. Never has there ever been a time when Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ have said that same-sex marriages are OK with his plan. And besides, why are we defending sexual attraction as if it's the end all be all of love? How utterly false and ridiculous a notion. As utterly ridiculous actually as the gross prejudices the LGBT crowd used to have to contend with en masse in the past. And for anyone that doesn't believe me, read: It's one of the best talks on Mormonism and LGBT I've ever seen. In fact, it's actually just an incredibly inspiring talk all around, so read it anyway, even if you do believe me.
  18. Why would it be hard to believe that the Lord helped him? And BTW, I've prayed a fair few times to find something important and I kid you not. I usually find it after that within 5-10 minutes
  19. Oof... Thank you guys for being so supportive and incredible. I do see it and appreciate it more than you know. I haven't stopped trying at all and I won't.
  20. Look, I don't really know what's going on here between you two but I'll just say this one thing to both of you. That we should not have the spirit of contention. That we should be long-suffering to our fellow man, even if we can't understand them at all sometimes. And I'm sorry, that must sound high and mighty and stuff but I really really don't mean it in that way. Yeah, it was one of those cases. The urge to sin was coming directly from within my mind instead of from without. But yes, normally you'd be right.
  21. Well, I meant help to remove the temptation from my mind but yes. Again, thank you everyone. Don't worry, I will continue on.
  22. Thank you everyone! Well... I'm not gonna lie, I'm quite discouraged. I thought as long as we were trying our best and we make an active choice to resist, as long as we pray, we can remove such sinful desires even if just temporarily. I know that I could never have temptation removed permanently but even not temporarily? Crap... This changes a lot. I now have to rethink how I'm going to do this... I really thought faith in Christ would help me. After all, with great faith were many miracles and works done according to the will of God. I never thought this would be different.
  23. Hello again... I'm really in a bit of a jam here and I really need an answer... Basically, last night, I was feeling strong temptation in my mind to sin, but I resisted it. But as I went to bed, I still felt it strongly. So I prayed earnestly to please have it removed. I prayed for 5-10 minutes for this thing, and I had faith that the Lord could and would help me. But... I received no help... And I do not know why. It's been said numerous times that sometimes we have a delayed response to our prayers. It is also said that if our desires do not align with God's, we will not receive what we ask for. (Most of the time. The other times being when Heavenly Father wishes to teach us something.) I understand all that... But my desires were clearly righteous... I do not understand why Heavenly Father would leave me to my temptations when it is also clearly stated over and over to pray so you may receive strength to resist temptation. I feel kind of abandoned here... Did Heavenly Father wish me to pray more? Was I doing something wrong? I just don't know...
  24. Thanks everyone! I'll look into all these much more. EDIT: I don't know why but the site, kinda ticked me off. He won't give any information outside of you paying for it and there's no handy book I can just buy and be done with it. Furthermore, the course costs $45.00... The heck?