Ral Omicron

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Everything posted by Ral Omicron

  1. "As for saving lives,... ...let's not eat Gramma!" ...let's not, eat Gramma!" Good observation but commas can kill too. I'm not interested in getting into a debate on this but to show what I have found. There may be more evidence that the comma could have been added latter (New Cool Thang ยป The Case of a Comma, a Question on D&C 89:12-13). Kinda a crappy reference and you might find more questions then answers but I can't find a better one with the website that is still up. Hunt and you'll find it. K, now lets broaden our prospective. I'm not get too much into the science on this because I thought others covered it pretty well. Meats have vitamins that your body needs. Look into it more if you need. As for me I don't believe we should cut meats but eating all meat can be bad too. D&C 49 was given to provide revaluation about the beliefs of the Shakers. The shakers diet did not have meat and verses 18 and 19 answers this particular question about their diet. The revelation in D&C 89 could have been supporting a balanced diet(knowing about the comma helps this make more sense). At the time of the revelation it may have been difficult to get fruits and vegetables during the winter but meat was most likely available all year round. So during the winter meat could have been eaten more often and during the harvest some may have not eaten any meat. Grains though could be stored for during the winter and If grains are prepared properly they could be consumed without casing digestive problems. To balance there diet they may have needed to eat grains during the winter, fruits and vegetables when they could be harvested, and meats all year round.
  2. In this one I believe it is important to fallow the word of wisdom. The science is important but the spiritual is just as important to our health. I have a friend that pointed some things out about the word of wisdom and then had me read it again. This is what I found. (I posted this in The Paleo Diet topic as well) (D&C 89:11-12). There is a foot note for prudence that refers to temperance in the topical guide. In the next verse sparingly has a foot note that refers to temperance in the topical guide. This got me to look up the definition of sparingly and its history. I found reference to frugality as in uses with the mind of conservation. (D&C 89:12-13). There is a comma that may be misplaced. If the comma is taken out it seems to reads differently, it has no fragment, and its a complete sentence. (D&C 89:14-15) The semicolon in thees verses is showing that you are meant to read the verses together. Grain can be used to maintain life, "to be the staff of life", and best "only in times of famine".
  3. I can't say that I'm any expert in Paleo. I have a friend, witch is more of the expert, that went Paleo to solve several health problems he was having. He had me read a book called The Paleo Solution and made a few comments and suggestions. After that I was on my own. This is some of the things I found. First some of the Science For me the easier things I have found to swallow(pardon the pun) was getting plenty of sleep and eating only when hungry. Most people don't see sleep as a part of a diet. The Paleo Solution makes it clear that the hormone levels are a big part of our health. Getting plenty of sleep and eating right helps to regulate that. Parts of the Paleo also encouraged having close relationships with family and friends. Most of the Paleo community don't seem to believe that "Being Paleo" means that they eat a lot of meat. It does cut the grains and legumes but it doesn't replace them with meat. In most places it seems to recommend a calorie content of 20-30% fruits and vegetables(carbs), about 20-30% protein, and the rest come from natural and healthy fats. A lot of people are scared of fats because they believe fat makes you fat witch makes sense but if you eat too much of any food it will make you fat. The big thing about fats and Paleo is that there are fats that our body can't make but needs to consume. A lot of these fats are best found in healthy meat and some go toward making things like the nervous system and parts of the brain. In Paleo grains and legumes don't work with the body. First theory is that as grain goes into the intestine it seems to cut the intestine wall allowing undigested food, toxins, and bacteria into the blood stream. Second is that the protein chain in grains and legumes look similar to proteins in the body but shorter. If antibodies try to attack the grain or legume proteins they could inadvertently attack different proteins in the body as well. I have herd though that sourdough bread if prepared correctly can change this. Now the Word of Wisdom This is what it's all about the important stuff doing the right thing and following the commandants. Spiritual health is just as important to physical health as anything and following the word of wisdom is part of it. When Paleo was first given to me my friend gave me his prospective of the word of wisdom and had me read it again. This is what I found. There is no question that fruits and vegetables are good. That part of it seems to be clear. I wold just like to point something out that is found in the foot notes of this part. (D&C 89:11). There is a foot note for prudence that refers to temperance in the topical guide. In the next verse sparingly has a foot note that refers to temperance in the topical guide. This got me to look up the definition of sparingly and its history. I found reference to frugality as in uses with the mind of conservation. The meat is somewhat more difficult. (D&C 89:12-13). There is a comma that may be misplaced. If the comma is taken out it seems to reads differently, it has no fragment, and its a complete sentence. Now the grain is more difficult but if you read it it seems to be straight forward. (D&C 89:14-15) The semicolon in thees verses is showing that you are meant to read the verses together. Grain can be used to maintain life, "to be the staff of life", and best "only in times of famine".