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Everything posted by askandanswer

  1. You have to be 90 before you get senior citizen prices at IHOP?! and you'll see pure electrons, buster! But Zil, this is wonderful! Does this mean that you too feel the sparks and sparkles between us?
  2. Okay, okay. I was going to carry this secret to my grave, but you’ve forced it out of me. You, you, you, only you, always you, eternally YOU, are my secret obsession. You have been from the moment I read your first post on this site. And as for my compulsive behaviour? It’s reading and re-reading, all day, every day, every word, every sentence, yes, even every letter, of the precious pearls of purity that flow through the electrons leading from your computer to mine. Sorry, Pam, I've always known that you held secret hopes in your heart, your feelings were not a secret to me, but it could never be. I just have this thing for single elderly American women with a passion for science and Russian literature. While you tick most of those boxes, you just don’t quite measure up when it comes to Russian literature. As for the “problem” of obsessing over one of Gator’s wives, well I’m not worried about that at all. I mean, you know, well, he’s only a gator – nothing more than a pair of future alligator skin boots. And it’s a long way from Florida to Australia, so I’ve got nothing to worry about. Besides, Gator being the excellent bloke that he is, I’m sure he has no problem with sharing.
  3. I'm guessing that's something you've done about a zillion times before?
  4. I wouldn't recommend it either, but for Zil I'm prepared to make an exception.
  5. If I see anything pertinent to Carb's salvation, I'm going to do my best to keep it a secret - salvation is meant to be a condition we are all supposed to enjoy.
  6. Thanks Carb. Interesting and thought provoking
  7. Why do we have Moroni on top of our temples rather than Elijah? Given that the spirit of Elijah is thought to be the great driving force that motivates many of us to do family history, the end product of which is temple work, surely Elijah is more deserving than Moroni of the top spot on the temple? If Moroni is there to commemorate/celebrate the restoration of the gospel, then wouldn’t Joseph Smith or Peter, James and John be more suitable candidates? Moroni was instrumental in bringing forth the Book of Mormon, but that is only one of many, many parts of the restored gospel, the fullness of which was restored through Joseph Smith. And the Book of Mormon and the gospel are only made useful and effective by the restoration of the Priesthood.
  8. Like I said Zil, if you stop inhaling, in less than a day you will have solved your problem with exhaling.
  9. I came across this verse while doing my scripture reading this morning. It may have some relevance to this thread. (New Testament | Revelation 16:14) 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. This seems to suggest that the devil does have some sort of power to perform miracles (which some might think of as a form of magic) and that this power is transferable to his assistants.
  10. Did Isaiah get it wrong? (Old Testament | Isaiah 13:19 - 21) 9 ¶ And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. 21 But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. Hussein regime In 1983, Saddam Hussein began rebuilding the city on top of the old ruins. (Consequently, artifacts and other finds may be under the city.) Hussein invested in both restoration and new construction in Babylon, as well as Ninevah, Nimrud, Assur and Hatra, to demonstrate the magnificence of Arab achievement.[30] He installed a portrait of himself and Nebuchadnezzar at the entrance to the ruins, and reinforced the Processional Way—a large boulevard of ancient stones—and the Lion of Babylon, a black rock sculpture about 2,600 years old. . Present-day Following the invasion of Iraq, the area around Babylon came under the control of US troops, before being handed over to Polish forces in September 2003.[31] US forces under the command of General James T. Conway of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force were criticized for building the military base "Camp Alpha", with a helipad and other facilities on ancient Babylonian ruins following the Iraq War. US forces have occupied the site for some time See also This extract from Wikipedia, and the two youtube clips are just three examples of how Babylon has been rebuilt and inhabited and there is no sign at all that the new Babylon is inhabited by wild beasts, doleful creatures or dancing satyrs.
  11. I think this inhaling thing is something you really need to try harder to break. I know smokers who have died from too much inhaling. Once you get over the inhaling, the exhaling should be easy to handle. Just take it one day at a time. I'm pretty sure that if you can get through just one day of not inhaling, you will probably never exhale again.
  12. My OCD is waking up and going to sleep. I do both activities every single day, without fail, and on good days, even more than that. If a day goes by without either sleeping or waking, I'll pay for it dearly the next day.
  13. Never mind Zil, she just likes to show off
  14. I think that in matters that might adversely impact on its reputation, the church tends to shoot first and ask questions later. It seems that in certain types of situations, an excess of caution by the church has led to an approach whereby you are guilty until proven innocent. We've had a situation in our stake in which a member of the stake with a prominent calling was charged with two offences, one of which was quite serious, and eventually found guilty of the lesser offence, for which they received a sentence of 6 months imprisonment, fully suspended for two years. During the various court procedures associated with the matter, particularly the sentencing, when other prominent church members around the stake were asked by the convicted person if they could provide character references, they were told by church authorities that no such references should be provided. Some leaders followed this counsel and did not provide a reference, and some ignored the counsel and provided a reference. Nothing bad happened to those who provided a reference, and nothing bad happened to the reputation of the church as a result of this matter. After the trial and sentence, some months later, the stake eventually got around to convening a disciplinary council and this person was excommunicated, and has since been rebaptised. I was a little surprised that the church felt that no discplinary action could commence until after the trial, and that no readmission procedures could commence until after the two year suspended sentence had been finished. This sounded to me a little like God's justice, and the process of rescuing a badly damaged soul and helping them to return, had to take a back-seat to the vagaries and delays of temporal justice. What made things worse was that at the time this happened, the Courts in this part of the country had a huge backlog, and the person who was arrested had to wait more than 2 1/2 years until their trial came up. That's 2 1/2 years that they had to wait until the church felt that it could commence its disciplinary council and thus take this most important step in this person's repentance and rehabilitation process. And then another two years while they waited out their suspended sentence before the church was willing to consider taking the next major step in this person's repentance process by holding another disciplinary council, resulting in their rebaptism. The two processes of legal trial and disciplinary council, to me, seem to be quite seperate, with different purposes and methodologies, and I haven't yet worked out why the needs of temporal justice take precedence over saving a soul. The approach taken by the church seemed, to me, to be completely inconsistent with the teaching of Christ to go out and seek the lost sheep. In this case, what seemed to happen was that the lost sheep was thrown out of the fold, and then the gate was locked to prevent their return. It's times like this that we need to rely more on our faith than our reasoning and to have faith that God will make everything right in the end, and that until we get to the end, He will sustain us and help us overcome the obstacles, and give us the strength that we need to endure the trials if we continue to stay faithful.
  15. Vort, if you continue to expose their codes and secret protocols, the Socialist International Left League for Youth (S.I.L.LY) might be tempted to terminate your membership.
  16. And lets not forget that President McKay was first sustained as the prophet in 1951
  17. I often feel slightly annoyed/disappointed when I come across this phrase about not being pertinent to our salvation, or one of its many variants, particularly when I see it somewhere here in I feel that all knowledge has value, although there is considerable variation in that value, and how much value a piece of knowledge has is a very subjective and individual judgement. I have sometimes received this phrase in response to some of the questions I have raised here and sometimes when that happens, I feel a little bit saddened by what seems to be the responder's apparently limited vision. If all goes as it should, apart from matters relating to temple ordinances and the Priesthood, we should know all that is pertinent to our salvation well before we finish Primary. A very large percentage of all lessons, talks, conference addresses, firesides, etc, will simply be slightly more elaborate and detailed repetitions of what we were taught in Primary. The main reason why I ask the questions that I do in this forum is that for me, (and I realise this may not hold true for others) there is a bit of a correlation between my knowledge/understanding, and my faith. As one increases, it helps to increase the other. I wish this correlation was tighter and more direct, and its my fault that it's not, but that's something i need to work on. For example, if, as a result of my study and reasoning, I had come to a fairly reliable and well informed conclusion that in a given set of circumstances, God is likely to do X, then when those circumstances arise, my faith that God will do X is greatly increased. I like what Brigham Young said on the value of knowledge and the importance of its acquisition, regardless of what sort of knowledge we are working on acquiring. Here is jost one short quote of many, many great things he said on the subject: What to Study—It is our privilege and our duty to search all things upon the face of the earth, and learn what there is for man to enjoy, what God has ordained for the benefit and happiness of mankind, and then make use of it without sinning against him. 9:243.
  18. If this is the case, I'd like to have a few words with those programmers and point out a few of their errors
  19. It still surprises me when I reflect on the fact that the man who is now the prophet was already an apostle when I was born.
  20. I'm pretty sure that at least a dozen former number #3's have left once they find out what its really like.
  21. I was just wondering if it would be a promotion or punishment to make it up to number 2?
  22. I was thinking the same thing, but then I thought a little bit more about Matthew 5:34, 37. These seem to be quite specific and direct, in giving us very clear instructions, about what to say and what not to say. 34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: 37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. These verses seem to be somewhat different from the verses in James, which seems to be James expressing his opinions and attitudes re. tongues and communication.