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About Litzy

  • Birthday 03/04/1970

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  1. I only vaguely know who the Duggars are. The Christians with the big family. On one hand, I do trust them when they say he has moved beyond this. People do dumb things, and I don't know what his sex education was like. If he truly has been counseled and he has repented, why drag it out now? On the other hand, I believe in following the law. It's all well and good to counsel within one's own family, and I say even seeking therapy that way isn't totally out of line, but we have laws for a reason and justice ought to prevail. Keeping it from law enforcement for so long is wrong.
  2. Personally, I stick with the old classics that work. I keep hearing horror stories about the high-efficiency washers, so I think I'll wait a few years before buying one.
  3. I don't think anyone is trying to claim with evidence Jesus was married. But I wonder how many scholars have evidence to support the idea Jesus was not married. I wager it's one of those areas with not enough proof either way.
  4. Addictions are indeed a part of the fallen world.
  5. I recall when "The Davinci Code" came out (along with all the other scholarly theories on the motion of Christ being married) and the hoopla that accompanied it. Yet the majority of the Mormons were all "Jesus was married? Sure, that's certainly a possibility, we have no issue with that". I like the idea of Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene, but I'm certainly not about to preach it.
  6. I'd be more supportive of the death penalty if we didn't all know this will spend a decade or two in appeals.
  7. I doubt that, actually. To implement an entirely separate health class is going to cost money. And you're right, sitting out on the class isn't a feasible option. So no opting out. I agree it's a silly program with no proper basis in science or even culture (and I don't find culture the right focus for a health class). The students that will be helped/made more comfortable by this is going to be a miniscule number. Bring up the lack of facts at the next meeting and demand to see a core outline ASAP.
  8. Just seems more professional to have a few priesthood holders around.
  9. That's what I'm getting from your posts. You have a bad feeling about no one being up for what you want them to be up for. This is something you'll have to deal with.
  10. Richard, you can't avoid church because no one wants to put on a drama. If a drama isn't feasible for church, you may need to find another way to help the church.
  11. With all due respect, it's church, not a literature club. Go for the gospel and find another social outlet.
  12. And I think therein lies the problem. These horrible things really are quite rare circumstances, yet many have documented in studies the effects of our 24-hour news messing with people's perception.
  13. As long as you give the tenants plenty of forewarning and potential buyers are aware you're using it as a rental, you shouldn't have much of a problem. Did the same thing some years ago. Be out in the open of the situation, and people will either accept the situation or not. It's really not too big of a deal, we found.
  14. As for men, I think in western society men are generally treated okay, but I agree there are some nasty stories that pop up and I have seen some odd expectations for our young boys and men that basically tell them to watch themselves beyond sensibility in case they might be accused of any number of sins. In the case at hand in Australia, the mom didn't seem to be with her kids, I have seen parents who are so worried about "stranger danger" they continually quiz their kids about who is bothering them, I have seen kids who as a result think they are expected to have some sort of story, the kids probably badly told mom about the man at the Star Wars cut-out, mom interpreted badly, went to the sensationalism of child molestors around every corner... and had this nasty result.
  15. The story interested/disgusted me, so I googled it. Here's an article on the situation, if anyone is curious. Gossip has always existed and we know that, but there is something to be said about technology stealing away our ability to think things through. And this applies to so many things: people are less likely to stick around if they suspect someone in trouble--they'll just call the police and leave. Now, calling the police if you have reason to suspect trouble is all well and good, but leaving in an emergency is in many cases a bad idea. If we see someone doing something we don't like or, again, suspect trouble, we used to have to go find a phone and by the time we reach said phone, probably had time to properly think things through and give a more rational and solid assessment of just what we saw. The result of not thinking through things is increased gossip, and social media makes it all the easier to spread. I think people also like the glory of posting some nasty story online.