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    Instructional technology, screenwriting, European history, family history, Bible prophecy.

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  1. Hi I've been with the forum for several months and wanted to say thanks for an enjoyable time. I will be withdrawing for quite a bit now to focus on a few projects. Best wishes to all. :)
  2. Understood. Here's a short primer, if interested. http://www.candlestickstudio.com/files/Nephites.pdf
  3. Of course. Around 98 AD, the Roman historian Tacitus wrote a short account about northwestern Europe called "Germania." In chapter 40 of that work, in the same breath as mentioning Lombards and Angles, Tacitus says, "In an island of the Ocean stands a sacred grove, and in the grove a consecrated cart, draped with cloth, which none but the priest may touch. The priest perceives the presence of the goddess in this holy of holies and attends her, in deepest reverence, as her cart is drawn by heifers (milk cows). Then follow days of rejoicing and merry-making in every place that she designs to visit and be entertained. No one goes to war, no one takes up arms; every object of iron is locked away; then, and only then, are peace and quiet known and loved, until the priest again restores the goddess to her temple..." (Compare the OT account of a cart, drawn by cows (1 Sam 6) https://www.lds.org/scriptures/ot/1-sam/6.7,10-11?lang=eng#6 , or even oxen, on which the ark sat. Like the chariot in northwestern Europe, the ark could not be touched by anyone but the priests. https://www.lds.org/scriptures/ot/2-sam/6.3,6?lang=eng#2. Likewise, the conveyance of the cart before battle in northwestern Europe was akin to the conveyance of the ark in ancient Israel before going to battle.) Tacitus calls this female god Nerthus. Some modern linguists and anthropologists equate her to the male god Njord, who is associated with the sea, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth, and farming. They have no explanation for the gender shift. Tacitus may have been wrong in assuming the god was female. According to at least one medieval account, Njord was the the son of a seafaring immigrant who arrived on the coast of northern Europe. Medieval accounts place Njord and his seafaring father (from whom European dynasties claim to descend) in the 1st century BC, making them contemporary with Hagoth's voyagers.
  4. As some here may know, I am of the opinion (for many reasons), that a number of Nephites migrated to ancient northern Europe. And it just so happens that there is an ancient account that traces to that region, a few generations after Hagoth, which tells of a steadying of the ark taboo strikingly parallel to that of the Old Testament. Take it for what you will.
  5. When I have difficulty making a tough decision, I'll write out a pro/con list, I'll consider it, make a decision about it, and pray about it. If it's a more complex decision than usual, I'll put he pro/con factors on a spreadsheet, assign a value from 1 to 10 to each one of the factors for importance level of that factor in my life (1 being unimportant to me and 10 being extremely important) in the second column, in a third column I'll put a score of 1 to 10 for how bad or good that factor is for me (1 being bad and 10 being really good). Then I multiply the two columns, and put the result in a fourth column. Then I add up the scores in the fourth column to get a raw overall score to see an indication of how important that possible decision is to me. Then I repeat all that for any other option that competes with the first option. That gives me an objective idea of how each option weighs against one another in importance. Then I choose one of the options, usually based on its weighted score. And take it to prayer for confirmation. That said, it's extremely rare when I have a decision so complex that I have to take it to a spreadsheet.to help think it through. Hoping some of that is helpful. Best wishes.
  6. I haven't attended any high school reunions.
  7. One way to reconcile all this is to consider that something akin to the tun (360-day year) of the Mayan calendar, (or even a slightly-shorter lunar year like that still used by Muslims), may have been involved in Nephite reckoning. A shorter year of such a duration would allow us to reconcile what we believe we know of Zedekiah's reign with what we believe we know of Herod's death. 600 of those shorter years can fit between the start of Zedekiah's reign and some point in time shortly before Herod's death.
  8. I am, actually.* But I don't see how such things relate to Antarctica. Thanks for the enjoyable story, though. :) * "The things of God are of deep import; and time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts can only find them out. Thy mind, O man! if thou wilt lead a soul unto salvation, must stretch as high as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss, and the broad expanse of eternity—thou must commune with God." (Joseph Smith)
  9. Um. No actually. I am not defending the phrase. Make an offender for a pair of words if you wish, but that is not at all where I stand. I am instead defending and addressing the underlying concern of feeling ostracized in a new ward. What I said was that the OP expressed a valid concern. (I've rarely come across a concern that wasn't valid.) And what I then added was equally important - a viable solution. My initial response to the OP was: "Jojo, while I understand your valid concern, Eowyn has a very important point...." (emphasis added for clarification) Eowyn's relevant and helpful point was: "How many people did you say hello to? Introduce yourself to?" Is that somehow more clear? Or, you can remain defensive if that is the preferred stance for some reason.
  10. You're quite welcome Catlick. However, to be clear, I didn't actually say that heavenly logic is completely out of reach for a human. I simply shared one passage, among others, which indicated that God's wisdom is higher than ours. God reasons with mankind. God even condescends lovingly to help those who seek Him. As we knock, He opens. As we seek, He helps us find. Logic and intellectualism are not at cross purposes with God. However, pride that often comes with intellectualism is. https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/9.28-29?lang=eng#27
  11. Char, I feel for the pain you and your husband have gone through (and are perhaps still going through). Being childless is an extremely tough challenge, perhaps even more so in a family-centered culture. Many in the church are kind and sensitive to such situations. I'd encourage you to seek them out, and try your best to disregard and forgive the few who aren't. They frankly know not what they're doing.
  12. I wouldn't dare question what you deem best for your kids. Some of my nephews and at least one of my nieces had some terrible experiences outside of Utah - such that parents and kids alike were relieved to finally move to Utah. (They've moved outside of Utah again, at least for awhile, but are now homeschooling to avoid repeats of the former situations.)