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Everything posted by SilentOne

  1. SilentOne

    Fountain Pen Fun

    Oops, I waited longer than intended to find these things out. He does have arthritis in his hands and does still write with a pen at times. He doesn't need to press down on the paper to write. And I will look for a writing sample. The top picture is a yellow legal pad, to give a size reference.
  2. SilentOne

    Fountain Pen Fun

    I've been considering getting my dad a fountain pen for Father's Day. Ideally I think I'd like to buy something locally so more of my money goes towards the pen and possibly ink and paper instead of shipping, and even then it'd have to be a cheap kind, so I'm a little hesitant. And, of course, there is the hit-and-miss issue about what they will even have at the office supply stores, and I question whether any specialty stores around here would have anything I can afford... Sorry, that turned a bit rambly. Pretending that I am decided on a fountain pen. Hand size - Don't know Pen size - Don't know. He does have arthritis, but I'm unsure whether it affects his hands/writing. Color preference - Don't know Material preference - Don't know Left-handed - Yes I guess I have some research (aka poking around to find pen and handwriting samples and somehow measuring hands) to do.
  3. I read the first one. It was definitely not as bad as I had been led to believe it would be. Probably not really relevant, but I seem to remember hearing that Dallas Jenkins of The Chosen is the author's son.
  4. Pease porridge hot Pease porridge cold Pease porridge in the pot Nine days old
  5. The pages on which the translation was written, you mean. The first story I thought of upon reading the original post was one from the Old Testament, where it was revealed to someone that he was going to die soon. He didn't want that to happen, requested that it not, and his request was granted. I'll go find the references. Okay, it was Hezekiah.
  6. I was just reminded that what i call a pickle is known as a gherkin in England, so maybe I haven't ever had cheese and pickle sandwiches.
  7. I've made myself cheese and pickle sandwiches before. But I guess it could just be my British heritage expressing itself.
  8. Say it happens. Any ideas for a cool name? Would it be ridiculous to have the Bees and the Buzz? Did the Bees used to be called the Buzz?
  9. And we beheld the glory of the Son, on the right hand of the Father, and received of his fulness; and saw the holy angels, and them who are sanctified before his throne, worshiping God, and the Lamb, who worship him forever and ever. And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives! For we saw him, even on the bright hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father— That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God. Doctrine and Covenants 76:20-24
  10. O the greatness of the mercy of our God, the Holy One of Israel! For he delivereth his saints from that awful monster the devil, and death, and hell, and that lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment. O how great the holiness of our God! For he knoweth all things, and there is not anything save he knows it. And he cometh into the world that he may save all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of Adam. And he suffereth this that the resurrection might pass upon all men, that all might stand before him at the great and judgment day. 2 Nephi 9:19-22 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, only to them that believe on his name. He was born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the same word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:12-14, JST Before the Crucifixion and afterward, many men have willingly given their lives in selfless acts of heroism. But none faced what Christ endured. Upon Him was the burden of all human transgression, all human guilt. And hanging in the balance was the Atonement. Through His willing act, mercy and justice could be reconciled, eternal law sustained, and that mediation achieved without which mortal man could not be redeemed. ...I cannot with composure tell you how I feel about the Atonement. It touches the deepest emotion of gratitude and obligation. My soul reaches after Him who wrought it—this Christ, our Savior, of whom I am a witness. I testify of Him. He is our Lord, our Redeemer, our Advocate with the Father. He ransomed us with His blood. Boyd K. Packer
  11. That seems like a reasonable explanation.
  12. That is better than most translation strings I've done through Google translate. Chat GPT's version needs some work.
  13. It should be fixed now. Finnish to English Google Translate Some sentences may contain gender-specific alternatives. Click a sentence to see alternatives. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Jamie. He grew up in a small town somewhere in America. After graduating from college, she met and married a handsome young man named Ian, and they returned to this small town to live a kind life for their small family. In the next few years, they had two children in their family, a girl named Emma and a boy named Daniel. Sometimes they are called Emmy and Danny for short. They lived in a small two-story house. The ground floor has a kitchen, living room and bathroom. Upstairs there is another bathroom and three bedrooms. There was a small garden in the back yard and a fence in the front yard that Ian promised to paint at least every two years, maybe once during his football team's bye week at his favorite college. Chat GPT "Faʻaopoopo atu" means "to explain" or "to inform". "One day, a little child named Jamie showed a small village in America. When he visited a school, he helped choose a girl named Ian and her family, who learned to understand and respect this village. Over the years, they became a family and Emma and Danny were born. Later their surnames changed to "Emi" and "Tani". They lived in two different houses that had a kitchen, living room, and three bedrooms. One of the houses was called the "heavenly house" and the other the "wife's house". Their three places were the front yard of the house, the backyard, and the "heavenly house" terrace. In front of the house was Ian's phone, which explained the knowledge of the village over the years, such as its illness. The front porch of the house was placed on the top of the roof when there was a time to listen to the stories of the school in another village."
  14. Samoan to Finnish Google Translate Olipa kerran pieni tyttö nimeltä Jamie. Hän varttui pienessä kylässä jossain Amerikassa. Valmistuttuaan yliopistosta hän tapasi komean nuoren miehen nimeltä Ian ja meni naimisiin, ja he palasivat tähän pikkukaupunkiin elääkseen ystävällistä elämää pienelle perheelleen. Muutaman seuraavan vuoden aikana he saivat perheeseensä kaksi lasta, tytön nimeltä Emma ja pojan nimeltä Daniel. Joskus heitä kutsutaan lyhyesti Emmyksi ja Dannyksi. He asuivat pienessä kaksikerroksisessa talossa. Pohjakerroksessa on keittiö, olohuone ja kylpyhuone. Yläkerrassa on toinen kylpyhuone ja kolme makuuhuonetta. Takapihalla oli pieni puutarha ja etupihalla aita, jonka Ian lupasi maalata vähintään kahden vuoden välein, ehkä kerran jalkapallojoukkueensa heiviikon aikana suosikkiopisto. Chat GPT "Faʻaopoopo atu" tarkoittaa "selittää" tai "tiedottaa". "O le taimi e tasi, o se tamaititi isi na o Jamie. Na faʻaalia e ia i se itumalo iti i Amerika. Pe a valaauina e ia le faʻasalaga i le Kolisi, na aafia ai le tofiaina o le taʻitaʻi tamaʻitaʻi na o Ian ma lona aiga e maua ai le malamalama ma le mafaufau maloloina i totonu o lenei itumalo. Afai ua amata lava i lalo i nisi tausaga, na ala mai ai lāua e mamalu ai i lo laua aiga ma ona mafaufau, ma na tupu le tama a Emma ma le tamālū o Danny. O le taimi foʻi na tupu ai lo laua ituaiga, ua faʻaalia foʻi ma le auala o "Emi" ma "Tani". Na nofo lāua i le fale lua, ua tuʻuina atu i lalo le kuka, le auala ma le falefale, ma ua tuʻuina atu i luga le isi falefale ma tolu upu faʻalilolilo. O le isi auala o le falelagi, o ia o le faleaʻiga ma le faletua. O le toʻatolu o lo laua nofoaga o le luma ma le agaʻi o le faleaʻiga. O le lālā o luma o lo laua fale, o ia o le vaʻaiga maʻalili mai ai o Ian e tua le ituaiga o le kilauea o le Kolisi i tausaga uma e pei o lona faʻamaʻi. O le paepae o le fale, na tuʻuina atu i luma o le aai faʻapitoa i le taimi na i ai ai se tau faʻalogo i le kau taʻalo o le Kolisi i le isi itumalo." Suomeksi se voisi olla: "Yhtenä päivänä Jamie-niminen lapsi esitteli pienen kylän Amerikassa. Kun hän vieraili koulussa, hän auttoi valitsemaan tytön Ianin ja hänen perheensä, joka oppi ymmärtämään ja kunnioittamaan tätä kylää. Vuosien kuluessa heistä tuli perhe ja syntyi Emma ja Danny. Myöhemmin heidän sukunimensä muuttuivat "Emiksi" ja "Taniksi". He asuivat kahdessa eri talossa, joissa oli keittiö, olohuone ja kolme makuuhuonetta. Yksi taloista oli nimeltään "taivaan talo" ja toinen "vaimon talo". Heidän kolme paikkaansa olivat talon etupiha, takapiha ja "taivaan talon" terassi. Talon etupihan kohdalla oli Ianin puh
  15. Korean to Samoan Google Translate I se tasi taimi sa i ai se teineitiiti e igoa ia Jamie. Sa ola ae o ia i se tamai taulaga i se mea i Amerika. Ina ua uma ona faauu mai le kolisi, sa ia feiloai ma faaipoipo i se alii talavou aulelei e igoa ia Ian, ma sa la toe foi atu i lenei tamai nuu e ola i se olaga faaleuo mo si o la aiga laitiiti. I nai tausaga na sosoo ai, sa la faafeiloaia ni tamaiti se toalua i lo la aiga, o se teine e igoa ia Ema ma se tama e igoa ia Tanielu. O nisi taimi latou te faaigoa ai ia Emmy ma Danny mo se faapuupuuga. Sa latou nonofo i se tamai fale fogafale lua. O le fogafale i lalo o le umukuka, potu malolo ma le faletaele. O le fogafale i luga o loʻo iai le isi faletaele ma tolu potu moe. Sa i ai se tamai togalaau aina i tuafale ma se pa pikiketi i luma o le lotoa, lea sa folafola e Ian e valiina ia le itiiti ifo i le ta’ilua tausaga, atonu e faatasi i le vaiaso faamavae a lana au lakapi a le kolisi e sili ona fiafia i ai. Chat GPT Faʻaopoopo atu "O le taimi e tasi, o se tamaititi isi na o Jamie. Na faʻaalia e ia i se itumalo iti i Amerika. Pe a valaauina e ia le faʻasalaga i le Kolisi, na aafia ai le tofiaina o le taʻitaʻi tamaʻitaʻi na o Ian ma lona aiga e maua ai le malamalama ma le mafaufau maloloina i totonu o lenei itumalo. Afai ua amata lava i lalo i nisi tausaga, na ala mai ai lāua e mamalu ai i lo laua aiga ma ona mafaufau, ma na tupu le tama a Emma ma le tamālū o Danny. O le taimi foʻi na tupu ai lo laua ituaiga, ua faʻaalia foʻi ma le auala o "Emi" ma "Tani". Na nofo lāua i le fale lua, ua tuʻuina atu i lalo le kuka, le auala ma le falefale, ma ua tuʻuina atu i luga le isi falefale ma tolu upu faʻalilolilo. O le isi auala o le falelagi, o ia o le faleaʻiga ma le faletua. O le toʻatolu o lo laua nofoaga o le luma ma le agaʻi o le faleaʻiga. O le lālā o luma o lo laua fale, o ia o le vaʻaiga maʻalili mai ai o Ian e tua le ituaiga o le kilauea o le Kolisi i tausaga uma e pei o lona faʻamaʻi. O le paepae o le fale, na tuʻuina atu i luma o le aai faʻapitoa i le taimi na i ai ai se tau faʻalogo i le kau taʻalo o le Kolisi i le isi itumalo.
  16. French to Korean Google Translate 옛날 옛적에 제이미라는 어린 소녀가 있었습니다. 그녀는 미국 어딘가의 작은 마을에서 자랐습니다. 그녀는 대학을 졸업하고 이안이라는 잘생긴 청년을 만나 결혼했고, 그들은 작은 가족을 위해 친근한 삶을 살기 위해 이 작은 마을로 돌아왔습니다. 그 후 몇 년 동안 그들은 Emma라는 소녀와 Daniel이라는 소년의 두 자녀를 가족으로 맞이했습니다. 때때로 그들은 그들을 줄여서 Emmy와 Danny라고 불렀습니다. 그들은 작고 귀여운 2층집에서 살았습니다. 아래층에는 주방, 거실 및 욕실이 있습니다. 위층에는 또 다른 욕실과 세 개의 침실이 있습니다. 뒷마당에는 작은 채소밭이 있었고 앞마당에는 말뚝 울타리가 있었는데, 이 울타리는 Ian이 적어도 2년마다, 아마도 그가 가장 좋아하는 대학 풋볼 팀의 작별 주에 한 번씩 칠하겠다고 약속했던 것입니다. yesnal yesjeog-e jeimilaneun eolin sonyeoga iss-eossseubnida. geunyeoneun migug eodingaui jag-eun ma-eul-eseo jalassseubnida. geunyeoneun daehag-eul jol-eobhago ian-ilaneun jalsaeng-gin cheongnyeon-eul manna gyeolhonhaessgo, geudeul-eun jag-eun gajog-eul wihae chingeunhan salm-eul salgi wihae i jag-eun ma-eullo dol-awassseubnida. geu hu myeoch nyeon dong-an geudeul-eun Emmalaneun sonyeowa Daniel-ilaneun sonyeon-ui du janyeoleul gajog-eulo maj-ihaessseubnida. ttaettaelo geudeul-eun geudeul-eul jul-yeoseo Emmywa Dannylago bulleossseubnida. geudeul-eun jaggo gwiyeoun 2cheungjib-eseo sal-assseubnida. alaecheung-eneun jubang, geosil mich yogsil-i issseubnida. wicheung-eneun tto daleun yogsilgwa se gaeui chimsil-i issseubnida. dwismadang-eneun jag-eun chaesobat-i iss-eossgo apmadang-eneun malttug ultaliga iss-eossneunde, i ultalineun Ian-i jeog-eodo 2nyeonmada, amado geuga gajang joh-ahaneun daehag pusbol tim-ui jagbyeol jue han beonssig chilhagessdago yagsoghaessdeon geos-ibnida. Chat GPT 한번, 제이미라는 작은 소녀가 있었습니다. 그녀는 미국 어딘가의 작은 도시에서 자랐습니다. 대학 학위를 받은 후, 그녀는 이안이라는 매력적인 청년을 만나 가족과 함께 친근한 삶을 이어가기 위해 그 작은 도시로 이사했습니다. 그 후 몇 년 동안, 그들의 가족에게 엠마와 다니엘이라는 두 아이가 탄생했습니다. 때로는 엠미와 댄니라고 줄여서 부르기도 했습니다. 그들은 이쁜 이층집에 살았습니다. 아래층에는 부엌, 거실과 욕실이 있었고, 위층에는 또 다른 욕실과 침실 세 개가 있었습니다. 뒷마당에는 작은 야채 밭이 있었고, 앞마당에는 이안이 매년 대학 축구 팀의 대진일 때마다 최소 두 번은 칠해야 한다고 약속한 울타리가 있었습니다. I am unsure whether the Google Translate parts using the two different writing systems say the same thing. Edit: I just looked a little closer and noticed that they both put the English names in the same places, so I'm going to assume so and carry on with my translating.
  17. Welsh to French Google Translate Il était une fois une petite fille qui s'appelait Jamie. Elle a grandi dans une petite ville quelque part aux États-Unis. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme universitaire, lorsqu'elle a rencontré et épousé un beau jeune homme nommé Ian, ils sont retournés dans cette petite ville pour établir une vie amicale pour leur petite famille. Au cours des années suivantes, ils ont accueilli deux enfants dans leur famille, une fille appelée Emma et un garçon appelé Daniel. Parfois, ils les appelaient Emmy et Danny en abrégé. Ils vivaient dans une jolie petite maison à deux niveaux. Au niveau inférieur se trouvaient la cuisine, le salon et la salle de bain. Au niveau supérieur, il y avait une autre salle de bain et trois chambres. Il y avait un petit potager dans la cour arrière et une palissade dans la cour avant, une clôture qu'Ian avait promis de blanchir à la chaux au moins tous les deux ans, probablement la semaine de congé de son équipe de football universitaire préférée. Chat GPT Une fois, il y avait une petite fille nommée Jamie. Elle a été élevée dans une petite ville quelque part aux États-Unis. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme d'université, elle a rencontré un jeune homme séduisant nommé Ian et a déménagé dans cette petite ville pour établir une vie amicale pour sa petite famille. Au cours des années suivantes, deux enfants ont été accueillis dans leur famille, une fille nommée Emma et un garçon nommé Daniel. Parfois, ils les appelaient Emmy et Danny pour abréger. Ils vivaient dans une jolie petite maison à deux étages. Au niveau inférieur se trouvaient la cuisine, le salon et la salle de bain. Au niveau supérieur, il y avait une autre salle de bain et trois chambres à coucher. Il y avait un petit jardin potager à l'arrière et une clôture en piquet à l'avant, que Ian promettait de peindre au moins tous les deux ans, apparemment lors du grand week-end de football de son équipe préférée de l'université. (Note: As an AI language model, I cannot assure the accuracy of the translation. Please take it as an approximate idea of what the text says.) Own note: I wonder if the note would have been written in Welsh if I had written the request part in Welsh. That seems likely.
  18. English to Welsh Google Translate Un tro roedd merch fach o'r enw Jamie. Cafodd ei magu mewn tref fechan rhywle yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Ar ôl graddio o'r coleg, pan gyfarfu a phriodi â dyn ifanc golygus o'r enw Ian, symudasant yn ôl i'r dref fach honno i sefydlu bywyd cyfeillgar i'w teulu bach. Yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf, fe wnaethon nhw groesawu dau o blant i'w teulu, merch o'r enw Emma a bachgen o'r enw Daniel. Weithiau byddent yn eu galw yn Emmy a Danny yn fyr. Roeddent yn byw mewn tŷ bach hyfryd gyda dwy lefel. Ar y lefel isaf roedd y gegin, yr ystafell fyw, a'r ystafell ymolchi. Ar y lefel uchaf roedd ystafell ymolchi arall a thair ystafell wely. Roedd gardd lysiau fechan yn yr iard gefn a ffens biced yn yr iard flaen, un yr addawodd Ian ei gwyngalchu o leiaf bob yn ail flwyddyn, yn ôl pob tebyg ar wythnos hwyl fawr ei hoff dîm pêl-droed coleg. Chat GPT Unwaith y byddodd ferch fach o'r enw Jamie. Cafodd ei magu mewn tref fach yn rhywle yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Ar ôl graddio o'r coleg, adeg y cyfarfodd â gŵr ieuanc a ddenwyd Ian, symudodd yn ôl i'r dref fach honno i sefydlu bywyd cyfeillgar i'w theulu bach. Yn y blynyddoedd nesaf, croesawyd dau blentyn i'w teulu, merch a alwyd Emma a bachgen a alwyd Daniel. Weithiau byddent yn eu galw yn Emmy a Danny am y byrness. Roeddent yn byw mewn tŷ bach hyfryd gyda dau lefel. Ar y lefel isod roedd y gegin, y lolfa, ac ystafell ymolchi. Ar y lefel uchaf roedd ystafell ymolchi arall a thair ystafell wely. Roedd gardd llysieuol fechan yn y cefn a ffens picket yn yr ardd flaen, yr un y addawodd Ian ei rhydychen gyda chreosdyn o leiaf bob blwyddyn, mae'n debyg ar benwythnos byw gan ei dîm pêl-droed hoff y coleg.
  19. I decided to take the same text and translate it through many different languages and back into English using both Google Translate and Chat GPT. I will start a new conversation for each Chat GPT translation so it shouldn't "remember" the original version; on Google Translate, I'll just switch the output over to the input side every time. And I will post each step along the way so anybody who uses any language I choose can see something about how it goes along. My starting text comes from something silly that I found on my computer that I had forgotten I had written. "Once upon a time there was a little girl named Jamie. She grew up in a small town somewhere in the United States. After graduating from college, during which she met and married a handsome young man named Ian, they moved back to said little town to establish a friendly life for their little family. In the next few years they welcomed two children into their family, a girl named Emma and a boy named Daniel. Sometimes they called them Emmy and Danny for short. They lived in a lovely small house with two levels. On the bottom level was the kitchen, living room, and a bathroom. On the top level was another bathroom and three bedrooms. There was a small vegetable garden in the backyard and a picket fence in the front yard, one that Ian promised to whitewash at least every other year, probably on his favorite college football team’s bye week."
  20. Now there is not any man that can sacrifice his own blood which will atone for the sins of another. Now, if a man murdereth, behold will our law, which is just, take the life of his brother? I say unto you, Nay. But the law requireth the life of him who hath murdered; therefore there can be nothing which is short of an infinite atonement which will suffice for the sins of the world. Therefore, it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice, and then shall there be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding of blood; then shall the claw of Moses be fulfilled; yea, it shall be all fulfilled, every jot and tittle, and none shall have passed away. And behold, this is the whole meaning of the law, every whit pointing to that great and last sacrifice; and that great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, infinite and eternal. And thus he shall bring salvation to all those who shall believe on his name; this being the intent of this last sacrifice, to bring about the bowels of mercy, which overpowereth justice, and bringeth about means unto men that they may have faith unto repentance. Alma 34:11-15 Indeed, we cannot teach Him anything! But we can listen to Him. We can love Him, we can honor Him, we can worship Him! We can keep His commandments, and we can feast upon His scriptures! Yes, we who are so forgetful and even rebellious are never forgotten by Him! We are His “work” and His “glory,” and He is never distracted! Neal A. Maxwell
  21. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25 In these great scriptures from the Book of Mormon, we learn that those who are qualified by faith and repentance and compliance with the laws and ordinances of the gospel will have their sins borne by the Lord Jesus Christ. In spiritual and figurative terms they will become the sons and daughters of Christ, heirs to his kingdom. These are they who will be called by his name in the last day. Dallin H. Oaks
  22. ...Wherefore, I know that thou art redeemed, because of the righteousness of thy Redeemer; for thou hast beheld that in the fulness of time he cometh to bring salvation unto men. And thou hast beheld in thy youth his glory; wherefore, thou art blessed even as they unto whom he shall minister in the flesh; for the Spirit is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. And the way is prepared from the fall of man, and salvation is free. 2 Nephi 2:3-4 God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to help us. And His Son, Jesus Christ, gave His life for us. All so that we could have access to godly power—power sufficient to deal with the burdens, obstacles, and temptations of our day.... Under the Father’s great eternal plan, it is the Savior who suffered. It is the Savior who broke the bands of death. It is the Savior who paid the price for our sins and transgressions and blots them out on condition of our repentance. It is the Savior who delivers us from physical and spiritual death. There is no amorphous entity called “the Atonement” upon which we may call for succor, healing, forgiveness, or power. Jesus Christ is the source. Sacred terms such as Atonement and Resurrection describe what the Savior did, according to the Father’s plan, so that we may live with hope in this life and gain eternal life in the world to come. The Savior’s atoning sacrifice—the central act of all human history—is best understood and appreciated when we expressly and clearly connect it to Him. Russell M. Nelson
  23. I've always understood the problem with contending is when the ill will, lack of charity, and a focus on winning rather than communicating or learning come into it. A respectful debate is fine and standing up for the truth is sometimes necessary. Shades of meaning make a lot of difference in the counsel given.