my two cents

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Everything posted by my two cents

  1. I don't listen to much country and these aren't the most recent but they'd work for vt: Thank God for Kids I Believe There Are Angels Among Us
  2. From what I've seen, the bishop asks about presidents of organizations, the counselors take care of just about everything else (whichever counselor is over it). The bishops are busy with other things.
  3. The bishop or one of his counselors talks to you about it and when it's time for a change, a bishopric member lets you know.
  4. Well then before you buy the ticket, google '100 questions to ask before you get married' and be totally honest with each other about them. You also need a pro/con list of this relationship with everything on the table (where will you live/raise a family, how often will you visit the other family, what do you enjoy doing together, etc). You also both need to read the book I suggested above as well as 'The 5 Love Languages' (check your library). The more you know going in, the better!
  5. I'm with @person0 in that I'm a do-it-yourselfer and if somethings not going to last long, I'm not inclined to pay much. However, if someone were trying to make money for a mission for example, I'd pay about $25 for inside and out and consider that generous (we don't have spills or mud in the vehicles so it's light work and as a teen I did my parents car int & ext for less than $10 at the car wash). Good luck btw.
  6. First off, it's admirable that you have the fortitude to take on such an endeavor. About your concerns - I doubt you'll be the only introvert in the group and as far as going out for drinks, how about you influencing them for the better and come up with a list of other options? Now, I'm sorry if this bursts your bubble but I must say that not all advanced degrees are worth it and they're not what they're cracked up to be. I have a relative who always wanted to be a college professor and knew it would require a phd so he got one. He then got a job but it only took one year to see that he wouldn't be doing what he wanted to do (he wanted to teach but that was left to the ta's and he was expected to bring in research dollars) so he left and got a job at a company that probably didn't require the phd (it was also more difficult to find a job because companies don't want to pay what a phd should be paid). I also know someone else that is referred to as Dr. ________ but has to correct people because he didn't pursue a phd and didn't need to. People are shocked that he is where he is, doing what he's doing without that under his belt. I also know someone else who got an advanced degree but will probably never make much money with it even though they're still paying for the student loans. So if you haven't already, really examine if this is the best course of action and worth it in the long run.
  7. I went clothes shopping to donate to under-privileged school kids and was appalled at what was on the racks in the girls section. Left thinking that sewing might be a much needed hobby these days. :/
  8. My best tip - If you stay within the same color family (hues, tints, tones or shades), everything will go together so you need fewer clothes but actually have more outfit options. This way, when you do find something modest, you'll actually build a wardrobe and not just fill a closet. Other than that, when you see someone wearing something doable, ask them where they got it or pay attention to how people make adjustments (adding layers, etc). This is an online store but you can go to the 4 different tabs at the top and just look at the outfits (and they're modest). There's a variety of styles to get inspiration from but they might also have things that might interest you.
  9. I suggest setting aside your feelings and really look at the cultural differences. I also strongly recommend getting and reading 'It's Just My Nature' by Carol Tuttle (huge help in any kind of relationship!!).
  10. I should clarify. My parents put God's promises to the test and 'sought first the kingdom of God' with all that entails and were blessed because of it. Who does God’s work will get God’s pay...
  11. Congrats on the offer! My parents raised all of us kids without insurance and there were rarely any issues over the years so it can be done. Look into home remedies. You might be surprised how effective (and cheap) they can be ... and without the side effects that doctors prescribe.
  12. Was just offering a different perspective that hadn't been brought up. Glad things worked out for you.
  13. I'm going to suggest that you don't do this in person so she's not put on the spot. The situation may be such that she'll need time to think about how best to respond.
  14. Have you asked yourself what you have to offer this girl? If she wants to stay home with the kids, you better have something figured out so she can do that. If you do choose to spill the beans, you better have a decent case because liking someone doesn't cut it when she's thinking ahead.
  15. I think it would be just fine to reach out to the bishopric and let them know you're coming back and that you're willing to serve. It would probably be a good idea to let them know how long you'll be around as well. I also think they'd love to hear that someone would like to give a talk. I'm sure they don't hear that very often so it would be nice for a change. Welcome to the forum!
  16. When I was a teen, I thought I would need to date a lot of different people in order to be selective of a spouse. That didn't really happen but it didn't matter. As long as a person is observant of all the relationships around them like I was, they can narrow things down pretty quick.
  17. Welcome to the forum! Have you heard of the website 'kids in mind'? If not, you may want to check it out. There's also vidangel that people recommend since it filters stuff. I've heard of some families that don't allow tv on Sundays and others that are ok with byu channel and/or church movies and musicals (the music man, fiddler on the roof, oklahoma, etc).
  18. Two times this was addressed: New Era > To the Point > Sep 08, Mar 11
  19. I rarely see anyone from church in public but would probably still stick with the titles. There was an article about addressing each other properly and why it matters. I'll see if I can find it in a bit unless someone beats me to it. @NeuroTypical - fyi - After our last bishop was released, he made it very clear that still being called Bishop _______ bothered him and was not appropriate once that mantle was given to someone else.
  20. Great idea, Roo! When I was in elementary school, there was a bike ride to the swimming pool planned for my grade level. The catch was that you had to finish all your assignments in order to go and there was a chart on the wall to keep track of where people were at. Well, I was behind with my reading homework because I just couldn't figure out the answers to the questions no matter how many times I reread the material (was overthinking it). The deadline was getting close so I went to the library during lunch to try to catch up. My friends noticed and they came to help me out so I wouldn't miss the field trip ... and the teacher never said anything about the different handwriting. Tagging: @seashmore and @a mustard seed