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About JanetfromFlorida

  • Birthday 02/17/1966

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  • Religion
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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  1. The spiritual and emotional heritage [DNA] of the ancestors is also handed down. The experiences, attitudes, strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs of the ancestors are handed down to the children....even when those children did not know those individuals (showing that this heritage was not just a matter of nurture or environment). I have had the same beliefs, attitudes, experiences, strengths, and weaknesses of ancestors (who I did not know) and did not know where those experiences and attitudes came from. Those things have caused me to have the same stumbling blocks (and abilities) that they did. It was as though I inherited something that they could not overcome in their generation and so it was handed down to me to overcome it. We know that the sins of the parents are visited upon the third and fourth generations....who end up doing the same things...as a matter of generational patterns. It would also make sense that the righteous acts of the parents are also visited upon the generations as well (by nurture, environment, as well as imprinted DNA upon their very natures). I know that many of my strengths (as well as weaknesses) came from the things that my ancestors experienced in their lives. We have all seen some families who struggle more at overcoming the natural man and then there are others who don't struggle so much in those areas. When you intermarry those two together....you get a combination of those who take after one family or the other. And yet there are families who get a child that struggles more than everyone else does...suggesting that, that child needed to be sent to a stable family (the environment) and be nurtured for their spiritual development.
  2. Speaking of Spiritual DNA... There is a spiritual gift that many of my family have in common---which would suggest a DNA connection in dealing with our spiritual abilities. Me, a sister, a niece, a cousin, two of my children, a grandchild, a grandmother and a great-grandmother (on different sides of the family) all have this same spiritual ability. The spiritual gift is the Discerning of Spirits as also other abilities include visions, dreams, and the interpretations of dreams. The veil was thin since early childhood and continued to be so into adulthood. The ability to discern the spirits of those who have not yet been born, the spirit of a living person, the spirits of the departed (both good spirits in paradise and spirits in prison), evil spirits, and diver angels. It would seem that all of us inherited this DNA to experience this particular spiritual ability for some reason, one in which we know not. But obviously this spiritual ability was given to fulfill a particular foreordained mission here on earth. My great-grandmother was successful in using this ability to accomplish Genealogy in her time....which mission is dealing with the salvation of those who are dead. This ability helped to bridge the gap between mortality and immortality and allowed her to accomplish a mission to the Spirit World while yet living in mortality.