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Everything posted by Chilean

  1. That video is one of my favorites that the Church has put out there. Maybe it can give you guys some inspiration on your search for a confirmation that what you've been taught is true. Don't lose hope, your Heavenly Father knows your knocking at his door. Just be patient.
  2. Hahaha cause we don't abuse them right now? "Yes, please, I want a Supersize coke", "Yes, I'll take another refill". Coke and Pepsi are sooooo abuse here in the states, it's crazy!
  3. The problem is population centers and state size. I'm sure the same problems exist out west. I'm sitting in Kansas this week and the nearest temple is 2 hours away. Boston is a few hours from most of the major population centers in New England. The nether regions are being served, but there aren't many people up there to serve. I'm not sure if population, or LDS population is an issue anymore as I think of countries like India and Thailand. India has 13,570 members of the church (population: 1,324 Billions), and Thailand has 22,100 members (population of over 69 millions). Maybe... maybe in the US they take those fact above into consideration as members here in the US might have the resources to drive a few hours to a temple, and members in India or Thailand, and other countries in Asia, for example, have to make BIG sacrifices to go to a temple once in their lives. My personal feelings are that every time a temple is announced I just get very very happy for the members on those far away lands, and it's a testimony to me that the Work is progressing. I'm aware that the temple in India and Russia, for ex. are going to take years to build (The temple in Concepcion Chile was announced like 10 years ago, and just now next month is going to be dedicated) We know that to have temples there has to be people with temple recommend... meaning... priesthood holders, people keeping the commandments, and tithe payers, thinking of all those people that will get introduced to the Gospel, and will accept it even before those temples are finished (even when the number on those countries are so low) by the time those temples are dedicated there will be members ready to use them! It just brings so much happiness to me! It's just wonderful!
  4. I'm hoping for a new temple in GA!! As going to the Atlanta, GA Temple is a real struggle with the horrible traffic. The next temple south of the Atlanta GA temple is the one in Jacksonville, FL. So.... there are many members of the church between Atlanta and Jacksonville, and just having a temple somewhere in between would be wonderful! But anywhere in the world is always wonderful news!
  5. Man, you're a fast reader. Just so you know, like they were telling you last week about our prophets and Apostles... Every 6 months we have General Conference, where church leaders give talks. General Conference is October 6th and 7th. You might learn more stuff about the Church/Gospel by watching conference (It's broadcasted online at, YouTube under the church channels, BYU TV, and some radio stations, Church buildings). Also, the month after general Conference you can find the talks of the Church Magazine, Ensign, and you can also find them on probably just a few weeks after general conference. You might be able to find answers to those questions during conference.
  6. I am one of those that wouldn't mind having two hours church on Sunday, BUT I have thought about those single parent families, unmarried brothers and sisters, youth and children without active parents... I believe shortening Church on Sunday could help some families, but maybe not those that are not the "regular Mormon family". I teach the lesson on the 4th Sunday. I've missed RS this past 3 Sunday as I've been sick. Even though I been teaching about ministering over and over and over again this past 6 months... do you know how many people/sisters actually ministered to me this past 3-4 weeks to ask me why I've been missing RS? My point is, we are already NOT doing what we are invited and called to do, but yet we rejoice when we think less church would be awesome. We are invited to care more for our brothers and sisters (TRULY LOVE EACH OTHER), and shortening the time some members spend with others might hurt those that are some what afflicted or going through trials. I don't know, I'm just rumbling. I think we are far from becoming Zion, as we don't really seem to care about others.
  7. I chose to get healthy and stop consuming flour, breads, pastas and sugar (cookies, cakes, sodas, etc). I lost 35 pounds in 3 months, and I've been able to keep my weight at 120 for the past year (I'm 5.3). I only eat sugar from its natural source, like fruits, some veggies, honey, etc. I believe processed sugar is the worst thing people can put in their bodies, it's highly addictive, and it will make you sick, perhaps not today, not tomorrow, nor next year. Processed sugar is a product invented by companies to make us like food so much, food that otherwise we wouldn't eat. In the 80's when they went crazy about "Fat Free", they replaced that fat with sugar, and people have become sicker and addicted to it, because sugar is as addictive as cocaine. I think people should go back to eating fruits, veggies, grains, healthy fats, some meat, and leave aside processed food, BUT people have their agency, so they can do whatever they want. I have a husband and kids at home, they eat 50/50. I believe my kids can see the way I eat, and I explain things to them, BUT they are free to choose if they want to eat a cookie or if they rather eat a fruit. I don't want to brainwash them, I want them to see all perspectives and choose what they want to eat. When I cook I cook healthy meals, nothing frozen or out of a can, and they love my food. I think it's about education, and then choosing what you wanna do with the information you have. At the end, people can do whatever they want
  8. I shop everywhere, TJ Maxx, Ross, Burlington. When I lived in Idaho, I would go to DownEast. The shirts I buy online are from DownEast. And yes, at those stores it's hard to find dresses with sleeves, but I wear blazers for work,. and I still can find some dresses with sleeves. The sleeve is actually not an issue for me as it is the length of the dress/skirt.
  9. I personally don't buy dresses online, I have bought shirts and I think that's pretty much it. I personally don't like buying clothes online as I don't know how it's gonna fit me, and dresses are very complicated as I wanna make sure they're long enough to cover my garments.
  10. My husband and I have a rule, we don't do anything on Sundays other than going to church. We don't do ministering, and we don't let others come and minister either. or anything like that. We would host dinners with the missionaries and their investigators, but as far as leaving the house to go to the Work, we don't do it on Sundays. Sundays is to spend them with family. I think we feel that way as me and my husband work fulltime jobs, and have 3 kids, and want to be able to spend time with our family on Sundays.
  11. When my family and I miss church, or leave right after sacrament for medical reasons, like if one of our kids is sick or something. We study the scriptures at home during church time, and watch movies or Mormon messages. I like the fact that we can do those things at home. I feel like tour family get unified when we study together, and if the church was to take that approach (Get rid of the 3rd hour) it would be awesome!
  12. Where did you read about 3 separate divisions? I've never heard that before. D&C says: "and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency;" . I'm not sure it says what your saying. Where did you read that? I'd like to read it
  13. No, I don't think I've ever thought about that. I Think many of the things He let's happen are consequences of men's agency. So... I'm not sure if it's so much of "God's doing" but our on acts, followed by consequences. Yes, He loves us with an infinite love, He created a plan for us to return to live with him...ONLY if we wanted to, the 1/3 chose to follow Satan, even when he was going against Heavenly Father's plan. Hahaha because I'm assuming there are laws in heaven just like there are laws here on Earth. God cannot simply ignore the laws of justice, if He was to do that (which he never will) he will cease to be God. Heck, Jesus already paid the debt. There's no failure if you keep trying. "Why not design a system that allows for exaltation without the chance of failure? " Lehi said: There's has to be opposition. Plus, winning or failing is up to ourselves. His plan is not a failure plan if we choose to obey. Everyone has the potential to succeed and become like Him.
  14. Really?? Whatever! You're just messing with me.
  15. Gutentag! Don't know how to spell that. But I can also say: Buenos días!! In Spanish!!! Welcome!
  16. When I was single, after my divorce, I went to the singles ward (I was about 26 I think)... and I hated it, because they (the brothers) had that checklist. I thought, and still think, is a very immature way to judging people you don't know and don't know anything about. Plus, what? you just returned from your mission and think you know everything about real life? I think the most judgmental people at church are the brothers in the YSA with their stupid checklists. And that is why there are so many single sisters, because the brothers marry the 18 yrs old coming out of YW, dreaming of a return missionary prince and a temple marriage.
  17. I'm one of those! I divorced my ex for exactly those 2 reasons. Now I'm happily married to my new husband of over 2 years, and we just married in the temple last June. You mentioned forgiveness. Forgiveness is sooooo powerful, it can help heal broken hearts! I'm grateful my ex and I can be in the same room together, he and his girlfriend have been in our home a few times visiting our kids. My husband and I wish for my ex to put his life in order and go back to church as he's been inactive since about our divorce, and we know coming back to Church would bring happiness and joy to his life, but at this moment he's just comfortable in the world. But we wish him the best, and he's always welcome in our home. All because of forgiveness.
  18. That is so interesting! I live in GA, and there are many many Southern Baptists and First Baptist churches here. Do you happen to have a source for your claim about "every LDS member who joins their church 26 Southern Baptist become Latter Day Saints." I'd liked to read more about it. Thanks!
  19. I had actually typed a good answer for you, but I kind of got upset, so I'm just gonna tell you "it's an inconvenience" for me to reply knowing whatever we tell you here, will go in one ear and out the other. I wonder how extremely inconvenient it was for Jesus to atone for our sins, or how extremely inconvenient it was for the pioneer to leave Nauvoo, or for Joseph Smith to die for this work, or for President Oaks to retire as a lawyer to become a general authority. Man, this work is so inconvenient. Let me tell you, you chose to do what you did, and you are choosing to pretend nothing happened. It is your choice!
  20. I think it goes beyond the fact of whether they are members or not. The main thing here is: Temple marriage is for exaltation. We are encouraged to marry among members because that way we can go inside temples, marry for time and eternity, but most important we get to make covenants, and ordinances necessary for exaltation. That is the only truth. If you marry someone, somewhere outside the temple, the family unit will be separated when death comes, AND there will be no exaltation, in the highest degree of glory. That is the main thing. If one doesn't care about becoming a God, having a forever family, and living in the presence of God the Father for eternity, then go ahead and marry in Las Vegas. An spouse might never join the church, even marrying a member in the temple doesn't guarantee exaltation, but at least your part of the deal with God is done (Sealing ordinance is done as couples, but the promises and covenant is between each spouse and God, so it's a personal matter) One can be a worthy member of the church, endowed and with a temple recommend, but if the spouse doesn't join, and there's no temple marriage, then ministering angel it is.
  21. Yes, she needs to talk to her bishop. She needs to go through whatever he deems necessary for her to become truly repented and with a change of heart. I wouldn't be surprise if the bishop feels like she needs a disciplinary meeting with the bishopric, I personally think is the best thing she can experience, as it will help her get closer to the spirit. Yes, it will be uncomfortable, and painful, but it will help her return. I've learned that as we obey the commandments God will always bless us. Temple covenants are very sacred, including keeping the law of chastity, going through the repentance process will help her claim those blessings that are awaiting for her. God is bound to bless us as long as we keep our part.
  22. I'm not sure what's going on with our RS presidency but... for some reason I don't think their relationship is going well. It's been about 6 months I see them... awkwardness among each other. And can tell they don't communicate with each other. Our lesson's have repeated... and it's been hard at times teaching the lesson and making it different than previously taught.
  23. I love the Gospel, and I know it is true. and I love of all you guys' answers. My husband was just called to serve as ward mission leader, and I've been a ward missionary for about 2 years. We loooove sharing the Gospel, hosting family home evenings and having people over for dinner with the missionaries. The gospel brings so much happiness, and so much understanding about the purpose of this life on Earth, and knowing those truth bring peace and happiness, and that's why it is important to share those truth with everyone. Imagine how different would their lives be if they knew about the restored Gospel? Imagine! the heavens were open, God the Father and Jesus Christ answered a prayer!!! It is just amazing to me! because of that prayer answered so many other truths were reveled, and now we can understand who we truly are as truly spirit children's of a Heavenly Father. It is just wonderful! Every member should be more involved in missionary work, but the truth is, many are just comfortable with coming to church on Sundays and that's about it.