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  1. Great input from you all. There may be no right or wrong for this answer since not everything has been revealed. Sometimes we just don't know. I am trying to reconcile really what D&C 138 means. "The Savior opened the door for the salvation of the dead. Before that time the unworthy dead were shut up in prison and were not visited. (Moses 7:38–39; Isaiah 24:22.) We have good reason to believe that the righteous spirits in paradise did not mingle with the unrighteous spirits before the visit of our Lord to the spirit world. He declared that there was a gulf fixed that could not be crossed which separated the righteous from the unrighteous [see Luke 16:26], therefore there was no sound of the voice of prophets and the Gospel was not declared among the wicked until Christ went into that world before his resurrection. He it was who opened the prison doors. —Isaiah 42:6–7; 61:1." (Introduction to Family History, Student Manual) I interpret this to mean that in the Spirit World, there wasn't always free association. Those in spirit prison didn't associate with those in paradise untill Christ died and organized the righteous in Paradise to begin preaching the gospel to them. I understand this to mean that currently, the ability of righteous spirits and unrighteous spirits can now freely mingle - to what degree I don't know. (By unrighteous I merely mean those in spirit prison - not necessarily wicked) I am assuming that spirits in spirit prison can't visit us in this life because if they could - then they would have been able to listen to the prophets from the days of Adam till the time of Christ. This would have allowed those spirits to listen to the Gospel and choose to follow it. But it doesn't appear to be the case up to the death of Christ. Christ organized his righteous followers in Paradise to preach to those in Prison - If the spirits of those in prison were then released from their "confinement" as it were and allowed to visit us in this existance - whether we are aware of them or no - they would be able to listen to our missionaries just by hanging around them. But that doesn't appear to be the case. They are preached by Christs followers who are in Paradise. Therefore, the unembodied spirits that we deal with in this life are of two kinds - angels sent by God (either from pre-mortal or post-mortal realms) to communicate messages under priesthood authority from God. And the other kind is Satan and his followers.
  2. Over 20 years ago I married a beautiful woman from Peru who came from an active LDS family. But little did I know that there would be gospel doctrine mixed with spiritualism mixed into my in-laws belief system hat would come up that would be very difficult for me to manage on my own. This discussion is to help find some valid gospel centered resources and answers to these questions. My focus is on the conditions of the spirit world after death. From Duane S. Crowther's book 'Life Everlasting"A definitive Study of Life After Death'. Page 236 Heading - Evil spirits sometimes wander on Earth indiscriminately; righteous spirits return only for a purpose. "Spirits who reside in paradise are carefully organized and controlled through principles of righteousness. They are not free to wander about the earth without an assigned purpose. In contrast, the spirits in spirit prison are able to "wander aimlessly, not knowing where to go or what to do until they accept the gospel. Those spirits who are under Satan's influence are given ample opportunity to haunt the earth and create whatever mischief and evil they choose. Elder Parley P. Pratt wrote that. Many spirits of the departed, who are unhappy, linger in lonely wretchedness about the earth, and in the air, and especially about their ancient homesteads, and the places rendered dear to them by the memory of the former scenes." Crowther goes on to quote more from Parely P. Pratt's book, Key to the Science of Theology. Which was published by the church up till somewhere about 1912 Which also contains for me a very surprising chapter on how the spirits of the dead can overtake and possess a mortal body, and that they are the cause of much demonic possession. This was all news to me and I can't wrap my head around this. Listed below are my basic fundamental understanding of what I understand the Gospel to be with regards to conditions of the post mortal spirit world and un-embodied spirits in this world. There is a veil that separates this life from the next life. Only priesthood power has the ability to allow passage through a veil. The spirit world is divided into Paradise and Prison. The prison is as much literal as figurative in that those in spirit prison would have to be limited in their sphere of movement and association because they were not preached the Gospel until after Christ had died on the cross. The only un-embodied spirits roaming the earth on our side of the veil are Satan and his hosts. That only messengers from God that visit from the pre-mortal and post-mortal realms can do so only because they are authorized by priesthood power. What I want to know is, are my above statements correct or not. And if not what authoritative Gospel resources can help to clarify.