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  1. S long as they are obeying the loc a gay or ssa person can fully participate in all church stuff to include the temple. https://mormonandgay.lds.org/videos?id=8476007148069176400&lang=eng
  2. Wouldn’t have done you much good https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-569/mormon-tea
  3. What I don’t understand is why you insist on not taking your meds prior to posting here👋 See ya
  4. You said I’m not Mormon anymore
  5. What is that supposed to mean?
  6. “ I was told by a stake president in my youth that it was indeed about the kiss.”. That quote is from your post, you did say that
  7. If y’all are saying this is about the same sex issue than just say it. There is nowhere in our loc guidance that states a kiss is a violation. “Passionate kissing” yes. I think we ought not be making up fake rules. I’ve been Mormon for half a century in the corridor and never heard such nonsense.
  8. So Mormons are now not allowed to kiss prior to marriage? Nonsense
  9. So what is it about? The op asked about a sane sex kiss. Are you saying go see the bishop because it was with another person of the same sex? Did you not kiss your spouse before you were married ( if u are)?
  10. Ok so a boy and girl kiss after a date. A kiss. So now we need the intervention of a bishop? Nice throwback to clinton. The op asked about a kiss, nothing else. I suspect you are likely more concerned with the same sex part. Note I left that part open as I’m not sure the loc states two Mormon people of the same sex absolutely are not allowed to kiss. According to this link below, homosexual behavior is a sin and stipulates members so inclined are ok so long as they don’t violate the loc. The loc states in regards to kissing that “ passionate kissing” is a violation. Seems like just a plain old kiss even for gays is ok. https://www.lds.org/manual/gospel-principles/chapter-39-the-law-of-chastity?lang=eng
  11. I am not too sure there are any rules against this. It is said we are to obey the law of chastity. Is kissing violating that? Probably not. I have never heard of a straight up kiss requiring a confession to the bishop. As for the same sex/ gay thing. Probably the same rule applies. Have not heard any different. As soon as you leave first base as in hetero relationships then I guess confession is in order. Go ask. You may have a whole new problem on your hands esp if your parents don't know so there's that too. I imagine most bishops will tell your parents if you are a minor. You may want to approach your parents first if you are a minor. Growing up in a home with bishop and on up level priesthood, I can tell you my father grew rather tired of people lined up to confess stuff that didn't need to. It is an education issue. Im thinking no need but others may think yes go see him bases on the same sex aspect. No one really went there.
  12. You forgot the "even" at 56 sec https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2018/10/the-correct-name-of-the-church?lang=eng 😎
  13. Odd coincidence, I'm on Mormon.org right now chatting with Missionaries. Look who I am chatting with- Hi Ephedra, Thank you for your interest in chatting with a member of the Church. What would you like to talk about? A representative will join the chat once you send a message. Mormon.org3:28 PM Welcome! As representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we devote our time to help people come closer to Him. We look forward to a thoughtful and considerate conversation about your questions as we explore the gospel together. Sound good to you?