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Everything posted by EmotionalPomegranate

  1. While I appreciate your rapid responses, I would rather have you play with me in this space, so to speak. Exercise some critical thinking instead of bluntly making everything so black and white. Last I checked, the church calculates activity based on attendance over a three month period, or something like that. How could I have a recommend if no one ward has record of me attending more than once?
  2. I was curious about the political inclinations of the members of ThirdHour.org
  3. I'm genuinely curious why posts on this forum about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (specifically the General Discussion section) seem to mirror things I've seen on biased (or even lying) websites like reddit.com/r/the_donald, https://www.foxnews.com/, or even https://www.breitbart.com/?
  4. Background Like nearly all of you, I've been stuck at home for the last few months. I was going through my YouTube subscription feed when I found this video from a channel I'm subscribed to: Youtube Video - "Living on a Self-Sufficient Sailboat for 10 Years + FULL TOUR" The video essentially showcases a family that lives on a sailboat and travels the world. They rarely stay in one place for more than a few weeks. They earn money from crowdfunding. According to an article titled "Can You Live On A Sailboat Year Round?" on a website called Life of Sailing, there are estimated to be 50,000-100,000 people worldwide that live this lifestyle. Though my life situation would make it extremely difficult to pursue that lifestyle, there is something rather tempting about living on a sailboat with my family. However, I can't see any way that a person living that lifestyle could also be an active member of the church. Questions/Prompts Let's assume that I live on a sailboat with my wife and children and we travel the world together. I live temple worthy. I go to church nearly every Sunday, though it's always a different church. I go to the temple as often as I'm close to one. I keep the sabbath day holy and teach my family to keep the commandments and follow Jesus Christ. I try to share the gospel across the world wherever I'm allowed to. 1. Could I hold a temple recommend while living this lifestyle? 2. Would I be asked to give up such a lifestyle? 3. Does the church have guidelines for persons in situations such as the one I described? 4. Are wards/stakes always defined geographically? How could I hold a calling? 5. Do you know of any active members of the church that live a lifestyle like this?