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  1. Take a deep breath, I tell myself, and post the most outrageous question that you can probably imagine the answer to: Is there ever any hope for a single mother to be married again? I hear so few stories about women who were abused in one way or another during a very bad marriage and end up with a prince charming later. Things go south and you just HAVE to get out. But you have a child so when those strings, threads (or ropes as some may be) are cut, you can feel like an outcast. You are viewed as "tainted goods" as one close friend of mine put it. Young LDS men want to start a family but don't want one already started for them when they get there. Most men mature enough or old enough that don't have serious issues, can be temple worthy and would even consider dating someone in my situation is so rare that it DOES take an act of faith to hold out hope for it. I know that there is one special person, one exact, specific person out there for me. I was told so in my patriarchal blessing. I know that the person I was with before was NOT it. Now I wait and listen and hope... and wait some more. But it's so frustrating to pass the time alone, as it were and would love to date for fun. But that's not likely to happen! I don't mean to throw a pity party and I'm not depressed about this or anything. I accept it as a possible fact when sizing up any worthy guy. I just needed to vent and rant a little bit because no one else really understands it. I pray you all have the spirit to be with you. April