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  1. . . . Once again, the game takes place on DALnet in channel #lds_trivia. I hope to see you there. Remember, 1,000 points is awarded to anyone there on time. If I'm late, 1,000 points will be awarded to whoever's there when I arrive.
  2. I haven't had an LDS Trivia and Puzzles game for a while because of school. I have one final exam to take tonight, and I will be done with school until the end of September. I know not what my future in regards to jobs is, but I do know that I will continue to work on LDS Trivia. . . . The game will still take place on IRC through DALnet in channel #lds_trivia. I'm pondering some things. One, I'm not sure if I should add another category or two. Right now, I have Bible, Book of Mormon, Church History, New Testament, Old Testament, and Wild. Should I create more categories? Two, I'm going to add time to actually read the questions. I want to give players some time to think about the answer, but I don't want them to just start searching for the answer right away. I need to create a formula that adds time based on the question's length. One important aspect of the game is reading the question, and if players feel they don't have enough time, they may not read the question, and that would effect their answers. Another thing I want to do over the summer is add a website about the game. The site gives information about the game with instructions on how to get to it. I'll post more when it's actually done. Anyway, I hope to see you all there.
  3. I am pregnant with what would be our "rainbow baby" and currently struggling with depression. My husband and I have a large load of medical debt and are living with our in-laws temporarily. I am struggling imensly with my testimony of the gospel and its been extremely difficult for me. I have an unhealthy thought process that if I had been a better Mormon that we wouldn't have lost our first daughter and I know that simply isn't true but I can't stop those feelings from welling up inside of me I feel as though I'm doing something wrong all of the time even though I haven't. I feel like it's a really unhealthy self punishment I've prayed, looked for counsel and each time they simply say that "it's not your fault and you haven't done anything wrong etc" I've had counselors tell me that I should leave the church because it's just giving me unnecessary anxiety and honestly I would give anything to not feel this way but the gospel is a huge part of my life. I've been terrified that if I don't do everything exactly right then I'll lose this baby too so I consistently read the scriptures, pray, go to church I even signed up for institute classes thinking if I immerse myself completely these feelings would go away. I don't know if I need to just take a step back and give myself room to breathe and then come back when I'm ready or continue pushing through this depression and anxiety immersing myself? The reason I mentioned that we live with our in-laws is that this is adding to my ever long list of anxiety.
  4. . . . I've done lots of testing on the script, and I think I got most of the bugs out. There's a jackpot that increases with each question not correctly answered. Answer questions correctly for a chance to win it. There's a bonus for getting three or more in a row correct. Possible bonus for breaking a winning streak. Letter guesses for the first person to correctly answer the question. Points for guessing letters and solving those puzzles. Possible bonuses for correct spelling. Bonus for showing up to the game on time. Database of questions now programmed to randomize questions. Bonus points given for all correct answers given on questions requiring two or three answers. Exact match on answers NOT required. Correct spelling NOT required. Bonus round for the high scorer when game ends. That's all the features I want to highlight here. I hope to see you then.
  5. Looking for input from the forum from both men & women (over the age of 18 and preferably married or been married). Little background, my wife and I are members and have been involved with a marriage seminar for the last 15 years, so we are well versed in dealing with marriage and relationship issues. Our Bishop has approached us about teaching a marriage class that is outside the normal information the church has released (Strengthening Marriage, Strengthening Marriage & Family). He is wanting us to put together a class that teaches real tools and information that help couples with communication, conflict resolution, forgiveness, sex & intimacy etc. Class has started and going very well but we are needing some unbiased LDS input. One of the things we want to discuss in class is sex & intimacy. We have some ideas but want to see if were on track. From an LDS standpoint, what questions would you want answered or information would you want to learn about with your spouse in this class regarding sex & intimacy to improve your relationship?
  6. My name is Chelsea Curran and I'm a newly published author! My first book "Unseen Road to Love" comes out April 11th, and I wanted to have the chance to connect with all my fellow LDS romance readers about the books we love so much, and why they make our hearts sing. I'm a young single adult and spent the last six years trying to figure out the ins and outs of love. At 18, my parents decided to divorce. It wasn't messy, but it struck a raw nerve that forced me to see that growing up, the evidence of their love wasn't consistently present, especially later in their marriage. It was when my mother had agreed with the quote, "Love is what's leftover after the passion and the romance dies" that I wondered if love was even worth pursing. My parents were grieving over so much emotional heartache that it left me with very little hope for myself. At the time I wasn't much of a reader besides enjoying the "Harry Potter series" or "Twilight", and my friends took it upon themselves to introduce me to the wonderful world of LDS literature. Over the past six years, I've read roughly 450 romance novels. Most LDS, others Christian themed or morally based. During this time of intense romantic study, I gained the perspective of literally dozens of authors and their take on what love is truly about. It's one thing to watch a movie where actors portray a feeling on behalf of the writer, but it's another to dive deeply into the thoughts of someone who truly believe love does exist and can be found. Over time, I started gaining my own dating experience and began to apply what was real and what was fantasy based on what I read. What's amazing is that I was able to relate to LDS romances, not just for the obvious reasons, but because each story contains a certain amount of realism in love. If anybody knows of Anita Stansfield, then they know her content contains a lot of trials that people overcome not just in love, but in life. They are stories that people can relate to, such as dealing with divorce, infidelity, death, illness, etc., specifically in the church. These topics are disheartening, but real and allow people to feel a certain empathy in a situation where they lack emotional support. What's even better is that she applies gospel teachings in a realistic example to show how people can heal from it. Of course there others that are just plain fun and put a comedic twist on issues that are my entire life. Living in the single's ward, my lifestyle is every bit as cheesy, dramatic, complicated and awesome as the books are. Finally, I was able to relate to something in bigger ways than "Twilight". Not to bag on "Twilight" but I think you know what I'm talking about. Overtime, as I obtained my own philosophies and writing skills from education and observation, I decided to write my own novel. Gradually I gained more experience in life, refining my ways in how to deal a good story, but more importantly, I learned how to tell a real story directed to the hearts of people who feel the things as I do. I didn't have a big voice growing up, but this was my chance to say something that I learned from all my fellow authors out there. LOVE IS REAL AND ITS FANTASTIC...IF YOU WORK FOR IT. As a teen, I had little hope for it as I blossomed into adulthood, but I had authors willing to share their voice, who gave me what I needed to move forward with confidence and understanding in finding someone to experience it with. I wanted the chance to do the same for others, and so I wrote a story inspired by real events and people who have changed my life for the better. Cedar Fort Publishing felt I did just that! If you want to know more, check out my website or search my LDS romance novel "Unseen Road to Love" on Amazon, available for preorder. My friend and I also have a web show on YouTube called "Words on the Rocks" where we talk about dating in the singles ward and even reenact the awkward dating stories people send us. So tell me...what is your favorite LDS romance novel, and why?
  7. My friend, Rockford, and I agreed to start a YouTube channel called "Words on the Rocks" where we talk about the wonders of dating as a Mormon millennial living the YSA life. "Young Single Adult" and asked people to comment on our facebook page their worst date stories. We picked two and reenacted the one typical to what it's like when members get set up on dates with nonmembers. some can be really fun; a nice way to reconnect with old friends or meet new people. This women didn't realize the two men she encountered had a reputation for breaking the law! The video is very low budget, but fun to watch. Our other videos talk about the creepers we encounter in the dating world, as well as cliques in singles wards. Check it out!
  8. Hi everyone, I know a lot of people on the board are converts, and I was wondering if anyone has had experience/advise dealing with the anti-Mormon family obstacle course. This is a conversation I'd rather have via PM, if anyone is interested. Thanks in advance!
  9. Seeking advice on how to handle a tricky situation-- My MIL is... she fearfully freaks out whenever the LDS church/faith/beliefs are mentioned. She's an Evangelical who's been fed anti-Mormon half-truths her entire life. She's unwilling to talk about it or address her fears, and honestly believes I am Hell-bound, and leading my daughter and her son down that path. As she refuses to talk about it (I've tried), the working solution has been to Not Talk About It when she's around. I think this is silly, and she'll have to face it eventually, but this is her choice. Normally for Christmas we visit her state and go to church with her, with me catching my LDS ward's Christmas celebration the Sunday before, so MIL can ignore the issue. This Christmas things are different: we are hosting Christmas at our house, and Christmas is on a Sunday so I will be going to my ward. To be blunt: I refuse to ditch church on Christmas simply because of MIL's phobia. I'm going and so is my daughter and husband. I know my MIL: she'll refuse to go-- which is fine with me, but she'll put on a big show of boycotting it with great disapproval, and be I-Don't-Want-To-Talk-About-It fuming angry the entire week visit. Any advice???? Part of me wants to talk her into visiting for Thanksgiving instead and inviting the atheist in-laws over for Christmas instead (they're actually really supportive of all of us going to church).
  10. The church recommends to be prepared in case of disaster or anything likely that would come close to civil unrest or any situation where the civil order is disturbed and interrupted for undetermined periods of time. While having a 72 hour kit recommended, we often sometimes find ourselves caught far away from it, either at work or in traffic or some other circumstances. Some us have one and some us are in the process of establishing it. Some may find it hard due to financial strain to get there. What I would love to suggest to those who haven´t heard of it or who want to make first steps to get acquainted with the topic, would be an every day carry kit. Something you carry on your personage that gets you home to your 72 hour kit or at least provides you with a means of not being completely helpless. It will cost significantly less then a full 72 hour kit but could still range in cost depending on your personal preferences towards material. I do recommend that you get a pouch or a small case that you can carry on your belt or in your bag ( if you are a lady) Usually I would recommend Tasmanian Tiger as it is a solid brand that is durable and of high quality. Within you can store medicine you need or should have in case something happens ( aspirin, diarrhea medication, salt tablets etc.) What I also recommend is a thermal blanket. small enough to fit in there it can keep you either from heat or cold when you get stuck and cant light a fire. Some gauze you will find in mine for minor injuries, along with a fire steel to light fires. Not to forget would be a small flash light. Very important however would still be a knife. You can obtain decent knives for as little as 30$ already ( look into Mora of Sweden) which you can carry, if you have to means and do live in a very urban environment then you would be best served with a multitool, though leatherman is a very good tool, you will find that it will cost accordingly. A middle way here would be the all known Swiss army knife, as it has for a good price decent appliances that will come in handy in the different situations. There is more to add of course however what you will it with depends on your personal need and attitude. Some kits differ from other. While EDC's can contain fire arms some are more geared towards bugging out with maximum evasion in mind for that matter ( shout out to Lehi for pointing out I was using a wrong vocabulary before my edit) , Especially if you live outside the US where laws for guns and weapons are more restrictive. If this interests you and have questions. I will be happy to assist you or provide you with the lead to follow up on your own. Naturally I will adhere to the forums rules and not post pictures that would be akin to commercial, however I am willing to snap a picture or to and upload to a place of your choosing.
  11. I recently had a daughter and ever since have been thinking about donating my eggs to help others conceive for many of my own reasons. I understand the churches stance on egg donation, but one thing I have not been able to find is information about sealing in this case. My husband, daughter, and I plan on being sealed soon, but what happens if the eggs I donate end up becoming full term pregnancies and end in a successful birth? Genetically these children would be related to me. So my question is, would these children end up also being sealed to me since they are technically mine? I plan on speaking with my bishop Sunday, but wanted thoughts first. I am for sure about donating, except for my question about being sealed.
  12. Growing up in an Evanglical-Pentecostal church, I loved hearing conversion stories. Christians who had left some dead, false spirituality for new life in Christ were thrilling to hear from. They might talk about hypocrisy, or meaningless rituals, or realizing that what they had been doing was empty and unfulfilling. I imagine that LDS often have these same stories to share. In the past couple of weeks the seriousness of such stories hit me hard. A dear friend and fellow clergy has resigned his calling, and is converting to Catholicism. While I agree with the decades-old assessment (on the Catholic side) that we are really just "separated brethren," it still hurts. So, what I would appreciate reading are posts from those who have converted from another faith. Of course, you should bear your testimony. However, to the extent that is comfortable on an internet forum, it would help to hear about the struggles over doctrine, over close ones who are still in the former religions who feel betrayed, etc. What I realize is that conversion is seldom short, sweet, and without heartache. For those brave souls willing, I really hope to learn from your stories.
  13. Seeking advice on how to handle a tricky situation-- My MIL is... she fearfully freaks out whenever the LDS church/faith/beliefs are mentioned. She's an Evangelical who's been fed anti-Mormon half-truths her entire life. She's unwilling to talk about it or address her fears, and honestly believes I am Hell-bound, and leading my daughter and her son down that path. As she refuses to talk about it (I've tried), the working solution has been to Not Talk About It when she's around. I think this is silly, and she'll have to face it eventually, but this is her choice. Normally for Christmas we visit her state and go to church with her, with me catching my LDS ward's Christmas celebration the Sunday before, so MIL can ignore the issue. This Christmas things are different: we are hosting Christmas at our house, and Christmas is on a Sunday so I will be going to my ward. To be blunt: I refuse to ditch church on Christmas simply because of MIL's phobia. I'm going and so is my daughter and husband. I know my MIL: she'll refuse to go-- which is fine with me, but she'll put on a big show of boycotting it with great disapproval, and be I-Don't-Want-To-Talk-About-It fuming angry the entire week visit. Any advice???? Part of me wants to talk her into visiting for Thanksgiving instead and inviting the atheist in-laws over for Christmas instead (they're actually really supportive of all of us going to church).
  14. Hi all, first time ever on here. Just ... needing some LDS-based support on this one, as our views on family have just become so different from the worlds'... Here's the thing: my husband and I have 2 beautiful children, a boy and a girl. They are little handfuls; full of life, crazy energy, smart little boogers. I know I should be grateful for what I have, and I am. But I know I'm not done. I have always, always wanted more than two. Ideally, 4 seems perfect to me, and I have always said this. And more than that, our family simply does not feel complete. But my husband? He has absolutely no desire to have more. We've discussed it a few times already, but for some reason this weekend it's really hitting home: We will not have any more. I spent all list night crying about it, and even now I cannot stop the tears. But he is unmoving. Just this morning he said to me "I know the thought of not having more makes you feel sad, but for me.. I just feel relieved." He doesn't feel capable of having more and is just not open to it. As much as he genuinely loves our son and daughter, he does not enjoy small children. He cringes at the though of more babies. And while I have joy in the two already here, I still find myself heartbroken and grieving. And it's only getting worse with time. I will continue to pray for comfort, for a way to cope and find happiness. I will do my best to have faith that all will be well. And I will try my best not to goad him, harass him about it, or coerce him into having children he doesn't want. But how can I have any hope when my husband feels this way? If this is how things are now, what's the point in hoping for anything different in the next life? How can I cope with the possibility of my eternal family being limited to what it is now? I just... need to talk about it I guess. Is anyone else facing this, or has faced it? Please, share your experiences, thoughts and feelings with me.
  15. I often hear "the Lord will provide" whenever people talk about starting a family when finances are tough. I've seen families struggling to support themselves which can be quite scary but I would like to hear specific stories of how you've seen the Lord's hand when you decided to welcome children into this world but weren't in a favorable financial situation. My old neighbor was able to find not only a better paying job but something that he actually would rather be doing around the same time his wife gave birth. I also know some people that found better employement and also started a business around the same time they had children. These people had already good careers and weren't struggling by any means but it was interesting to see that they were able to move forward even more once they had children.
  16. What is the one dish (food) that you make regularly in your family and that your family enjoys? Some countries may have a national dish, some areas may have a local dish. What is your families? If you were invited to eat at The Jibbs house, you would most likely be served Salmon tacos with small freshly made flour tortillas (still store bought but made fresh). Topped with fresh veggies, cheese of your choice, sauce of your choice (EG lemon, hot...). House favorite! Another one is breakfast for dinner. Usually once a week with eggs, pancakes, toast etc. Now, what would I eat if I visited your place of residence for dinner?
  17. Oh dear, I truly am terribly sorry to bring such negativity in what seems to be an exceptionally bright and lively forum, however I'm afraid that my husband and I are quite lost. As devout members of the Mormon church, truly, our wishes have always lied in the saving of young souls, through although, recently, our son of fourteen years has declared himself as atheist, through a rather lengthy letter which described why he felt a disconnect towards the Mormon religion. Included within it, he mentioned that he felt as though our consistent Mormon outings were rather harmful to him, and the cause for his often sullen and irritable mood. Also mentioned, were several debunked pieces of Mormon evidence (such as Nahom, how joseph smith could have written the Book Of Mormon, the witnesses, ect.), as well as what he felt were logical flaws in the book of Mormon (linguistic troubles, "anachronisms", population, "impossible" events, ect.) . He fears that a continuation of his Mormon practices might result in terrible pain, however, my husband and I worry for his soul if we do not force him to attend the Mormon church, and believe in our religion. Would anyone happen to have any recommendations or advice?
  18. For me, the most frustrating part of being married to a non-Mormon is the Evangelical MIL. Despite my sharing my testimony of Jesus, my love and acceptance of the Savior, and my attended (her) church with her numerous times, she refuses to accept me as anything as an "unsaved heathen". This belief causes her active pain and distress, but she refuses to listen to how I love my Savior and am "saved" by her own standards. She refuses to my professing of Jesus, saying "you're just brainwashed to go where you're comfortable". Brainwashed is the literal word she uses. I... this honestly makes my blood boil. I don't understand her willful ignorance to cling desperately to a belief which actively causes her great pain and refusing to at least talk to me about it. I don't understand. And I must accept it. I must accept it as her choice and how things will be for the time being. Man, this is hard....
  19. If you were dying what would be the last thing you would try to tell those you cared about? Looking back at the April Conference addresses, Elder Packer's address was headed, "The end of all activity in the Church is to see that a man and a woman with their children are happy at home, sealed for eternity." Elder Perry's address was headed, "Family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness." Just a short time later they would pass away and the Supreme Court would rule in favor of same sex marriage. How profound and insightful their words seem now. Truly we have prophets in these latter-days.
  20. I am so overcome with joy today, my wife and I were finally married after being together for seven years, she isn't LDS yet but will be getting baptized in a few weeks from now. I have been ex-communicated for over 10 years and had a lot of challenges to overcome. My wife and I have been going to church together for seven years and have a strong testimony of the gospel, there have been things in our lives that we had to overcome as a couple and individually that prevented us from getting married sooner but I believe everything happened in God's timing and now that we are married and can progress in the gospel and as a couple striving to be sealed in the temple together, our lives are just being blessed tremendously. Today, I found out that I won't have to wait a year before being re-baptized which means that my wife and I can be sealed in the temple a year sooner than we both had thought. I can probably be baptized the same day as my wife now and what's even better than that is that my sister in law and her two kids just told us they are all getting baptized in the church on August 29th! They had been coming to church with us for a year several years ago and had Anti-Mormon literature presented to them and stopped going after that. It was the most disappointing thing as her kids loved going to church with us. I feared that they would never regain that desire to come back but again, the lord was working his plan in their lives and now they are getting baptized. Growing up mormon I always wondered how my dad always had the desire to live righteously. I had never had that burning desire to be so righteous but now that i'm married and can finally progress in the gospel I have the overwhelming love for the Gospel and realize how much I have missed being in good standing with the church and living my life according to the commandments. I honestly can't stop crying as I am so grateful that all these things are finally happening and I know how much joy the gospel gives us. Just had to share all this with someone! God is so great!
  21. Hello!!! We are Team Family Wall. We are a quirky and goofy Mormon family of 5. My wife and I are both lifetime members. I served a mission in Brazil and my wife served a mission in Taiwan. After returning home from our missions, we hid our real selves away in fear of being ridiculed by self-righteous Mormons. Unless you are one of them, you know who I'm talking about!! Recently, we decided that we would put our real selves out there and let the haters hate and the "judgers" judge. We now have a daily blog chronically our lives and our journey to allow our real selves to be seen. Our journey has led to a lot of joy and happiness!!! It is liberating to be yourself and no longer fear what others are going to say about you. If you have felt the same way... if you have been afraid to be yourself in fear of the self-righteous, come join us in our journey and in life's adventures! Here is our YouTube channel: We would love to build a community of members and nonmembers who struggle to be themselves because of cultural norms. Hope to hear from you!!! Team Family Wall
  22. A little bit of a story with a happy ending to share-- For me, the most difficult part about being in an interfaith marriage is not the non-member husband, but handling the evangelical mother-in-law that comes with him. When hubby and I started dating, MIL was a huge fan of me… except for my “Mormon problem”. Needless to say religion has been a rocky subject. To learn about Mormonism, MIL signed up for a class on the subject at her church, entitled “Mormonism and the Evil Cults” (or something like that). She got a lot of bad information, and doesn’t really listen to what I say because she honestly thinks I’m brainwashed and hell-bound (roll eyes). Though, to be fair to her, I haven’t been perfect on the issue (like not inviting her far enough in advance to baby girl’s blessing). Anyway, the purpose of this post is to celebrate: last night we chatted and had a great discussion sharing testimonies. I learned a lot more about her and feel that she learned a lot more about me. Not only did she not stone me for sharing me testimony, she liked it! I’m still kind of in “wow” shock…. Just wanted to share good news with you all J.
  23. Hello everyone! New to this site. Just recently started getting more involved with online forums and being that I'm Mormon, it was nice to find this one. Look forward to chatting with and getting to know others who share my same faith! My name is Robert or Rob. I'm 24 from small town Ohio. Near Columbus. I enjoy meeting new people,spending time with family, tennis,volleyball, movies,going out to eat..walks,camping all fun. Laid back and get along with just about everyone. But anyway, hello everyone! ☺
  24. Dear members, My wife is due with our first child this month (February 2015) and we are super excited! We are having a baby girl! I thought I would ask all those who have experience if they could share some advice on this thread. Please share your thoughts about habits, traditions, best practices, stories, or special activities you have done that have helped you with your first child. Sincerely, -Tybrad
  25. Bloomberg conducted a study a few years ago that showed most Americans no longer have faith in the American Dream. Bloomberg reported; "The widening gap between rich and poor is eroding faith in the American dream. By almost two to one — 64 percent to 33 percent — Americans say the U.S. no longer offers everyone an equal chance to get ahead, according to a Bloomberg National Poll. And some say the government isn't doing much to help." "The lack of faith is especially pronounced among those making less than $50,000 a year: By a 73 percent to 24 percent margin, they say the economy is unfair. Even 60 percent of those whose annual income is $100,000 or more bemoan the absence of a fair deal while 39 percent say everyone has an equal shot to advance." These results shouldn't surprise anyone. After all, the Media's preoccupation with income inequality ends up creating the perception in the minds of people that the American Dream is a myth and that the rich are getting richer at their expense. No wonder they want the government to intervene. The truth of the matter is that the American Dream has nothing to do with income inequality, but everything to do with whether or not you come from an intact family. The National Review featured an article on its website a few weeks ago, "What an Intact Family Has to Do with the American Dream, in Six Charts." The article discusses a study that reveals why those from intact homes are more likely to achive the American Dream. As the family continues to fall apart, its only logical that we will see an even greater divide between the rich and poor. Rather than focus on the root cause of the problems in society, this generation will turn to the government even more which will only make the problem worse. To save the reader time, I went ahead and highlighted the main ideas from each of the six categories listed in the study. One: Fewer families are headed by married parents. “One big reason ordinary families are struggling is that fewer families are headed by married parents.” This matters “because married parents are more likely to pool their income, save more, and spend more on their children, compared with single parents. To make matters worse, this retreat from marriage is concentrated among Americans without college degrees.” Two: Children raised in intact families are less likely to fall afoul of detours on the road to the American Dream. “Boys and girls raised in intact families are more likely to flourish in the labor force later in life. One reason? They are less likely to fall afoul of the detours on the road to the American Dream that can put teens and young adults on the wrong track. A nonmarital birth, for instance, puts a real economic strain on both women and men. That’s partly because such births can derail schooling and decrease adults’ future chances of getting and staying married. And a stable family protects them against these kinds of detours. The chart below shows that young men and young women from intact families are, respectively, 5 and 12 percent less likely to have a child before marriage, compared with their peers from single-parent families.” Three: Children raised in intact families are more likely to acquire the human capital they need to live the American Dream. “Children from intact families are less likely to drop out of high put this positively: Young men and women are more likely to acquire the education they need to compete in today’s global economy if they were raised in an intact home with both of their parents.” “Having two parents in the picture typically increases the amount of time, attention, encouragement, and money that can be devoted to a child’s education. It also protects children from the household moves and emotional stress associated with family instability, both factors that seem to hurt children’s odds of educational success in high school and beyond.” Four: Young men and women raised in intact families work more hours. “It’s a simple idea: On average, the more hours you work, the more experience you gain in the labor force and the more money you make. What’s clear from the data is that young men and young women who are raised by their own biological or adoptive parents in an intact family work more hours as young adults aged 28 to 30...our analyses suggest that part of the reason is that these young adults have more education and fewer children born out of wedlock in their personal histories.” Five: Young men raised in intact families make more money. “Today, young men and women who are raised by their own biological or adoptive parents in an intact family make more money. Specifically, 28- to 30-year-old men make more than $6,500 more than peers who come from single-parent families but otherwise hail from largely similar backgrounds; their family income is also about $16,000 greater, on average.” Six: Young women raised in intact families make more money. "Likewise, young women who grow up in an intact family also make more money for themselves and enjoy more family income, compared with their peers who grew up in single-parent families but who were otherwise comparable to them in most respects. They make at least $4,700 more personally, and enjoy family incomes that are at least $12,000 greater, compared with their female peers from single-parent families. Note here that one reason that these young women and men enjoy higher family incomes is that they are more likely to be married compared with their peers from non-intact families." The bottom line: “Both young men and young women who grow up in an intact, two-parent family have a leg up in today’s competitive economy. By contrast, young adults from single-parent families are much more likely to be floundering in this economy. It’s for that reason, in part, that Americans of all stripes — be they conservative or liberal — concerned about the health of the American Dream should be concerned about the health of the American family.”