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  1. Guest

    Mission Equipment

    What is the recommended stuff to take on a mission? Other than your scriptures, which is kind of a given.
  2. I think many Latter-day Saints believe that we are getting close to a time when there will be a separation of the righteous from the wicked, the wheat from the tares. That separation may mark the division between those whose life choices have prepared them to endure a Terrestrial (Millennial) glory, and those who have chosen Telestial and will have their physical bodies destroyed by the glory of our Savior's perhaps imminent "Second Coming." "And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left." Matthew 25: 32-33 Matthew 25 There are many more scriptural references to nations, kindreds, tongues, and people: Word Search: nations kindreds tongues people As Latter-day Saints, we are commissioned to help lift God's children from a Terrestrial state to a Celestial state by adding to the truths found in all other churches. We perform authorized priesthood ordinances, and in holy temples apply the apostolic sealing power to bless God's children eternally. That is why LDS missionaries lovingly work even among righteous fellow followers of Jesus Christ, to add to what they already have. But that work is in preparation for a time beyond the Millennium when this world will leap from a Terrestrial to a Celestial glory. God sows His seeds early... In addition to that exclusive Celestial work, I believe that Latter-day Saints are also commissioned to help lift people from Telestial wickedness to Terrestrial righteousness. That task I think we share with god-fearing people of all religious denominations. And that task is the one most urgently needed to be carried forth in these days when it may soon be too late for the wicked to repent and qualify for life during the Millennium. The common sexual sins of our time will almost certainly place unrepentent fornicators and adulterers on God's left hand, they may not survive into the Millennium, they must be warned. Also, the Gospel still needs to be carried to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. It is my thinking that much of the work of helping lift people from Telestial to Terrestrial (wickedness to righteousness) including perhaps preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations can be carried out today by Cyber Missionaries of all denominations, not just by the Saints whose focus is on priesthood ordinances and FULNESS. Am I wrong in this? What do you think? God is no respecter of persons, Latter-day Saints may have many more helpers than we sometimes think we have. Perhaps in these tempestuous last days of preparation for the leap from Telestial to Terrestrial we have more COMMON GROUND with other Christians and god-fearing people everywhere than we tend to think we have! "That these plates of brass should go forth unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people who were of his seed." 1 Nephi 5:18 1 Nephi 5 The above reference is to the brass Plates of Laban, the commandments of the Lord to the descendents of Joseph. This could refer to parts of the Bible and possibly the Torah - which of course could be taught to other nations, kindreds, tongues, and people by god-fearing people who are not necessarily Latter-day Saints. Do you think we are nearing a separation of the righteous from the wicked, the wheat from the tares? Do you think that many god-fearing people everywhere are as capable as Latter-day Saints of helping lift God's children on earth from Telestial to Terrestrial so they can survive the end times and live on into the Millennium or qualify for the first resurrection? How can we best get the common ground message out to Christians of other denominations and effectively join with them as Cyber Missionaries in the task of crying repentance, and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation? (Granted, baptism by proper authority is essential to continue on the road to Celestial glory, but perhaps only righteous living is required to escape the fire to come??) Comments anyone?