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  1. Just re-listened to Elder Renlund's talk "Abound With Blessings." I still don't get it. If all of these things are necessary before a blessing can be received, why didn't Jesus say this? Matthew 21:22 and multiple other scriptures seem to make is seem much more simple. Ask and you will receive! Have mustard-seed faith and move a mountain!
  2. Faith gives happiness and joy to loved ones, family and friends. It graces us with the eternal joy we have always dreamed of. With a clear meaning of faith we can finally share our joy the way we always wanted to. The_Definition_of_Faith.mp4
  3. recently I life hasn't really been that great. There has been a lot of things I have been praying about. For example. School. Saving up to go to college. I've only finished one year of college. I had to stop for a bit because I didn't have to funds to continue. I've been praying and the only prompting I get is to save money. Just when I had enough to pay tuition I get a major concussion that results in a hefty medical bill and now my savings are gone. I prayed about it again so I started saving up again. but Once again as soon as I got enough to for college. I break some equipment at work that I have to pay for myself. That was just last month. now my savings are drained again. This has been similar with dating. I pray about a girl Ive been going out with and I feel great about her. I go to the temple, pray there and I still feel great. But It never goes anywhere. I feel like I listen to the Lord a lot and follow what I believe is his promptings only to be lead time and time and time again to the same pathway that is blocked by massive gate. Ive recently felt like God has been mocking me. Sending me these good feelings about these girls even though he knows it won't work out. Or that he waits right until Im ready to spend money on college to send a disaster and destroy that thought. I Don't know maybe Im just being so negative. I just feel like The Lord knows exactly what it is I want and need, but for some reason He holds it back. I just don't understand Ive done everything Ive been asked to. Fullfilled my calling and invited people to church/institute and yet I don't see any blessings. even says have Patience but how can I have patience if nothin has changed in the past 5years? Id not really know what I am asking here. but if y'all have any advice I would really appreciate it. thanks y'all
  4. This is the truest Definition of Faith I know of and it has changed my life and anchored me in the Definition of Faith. It has given me joy and it has expanded my spirit. The_Definition_of_Faith.mp4
  5. First posting ever. I shared this email with my sister. Also a university professor. Thank you for the warm welcome. Hey sis, Here are my deductions and boiled down notes from the last few days - a bit of a crisis of religious identity. I thought I would share with you my notes from the last couple of days. In going through this I realized that maybe this is something you can relate to. Honestly even more than that I feel like for whatever reason I understand something about you specifically that I hadn’t before. Like I’m realizing something you have realized and figured out way before I did. Love you! -jay You can righteously teach your children this principle. Church: It is a construct to share true principles. The failures are because of this- human beings act human when dealing with something as profound as a true principle There are examples of reformed Egyptian everywhere. Because there are examples of the attempted forgery everywhere. There IS truth that the attempted characters are found other places. Of course they are because they were copied in the first place. The church is the product of a sustained cultural phenomenon that could have gone in favor of any number of successors. Variations that contain true principles. Be a truth seeker of principles, service, and good. My search is just to find my faith and I think Mormonism can be a good vehicle for people to live faith. To live principles. I don’t know about the doctrine or absolute truths. Safe guards of absolute truth and authority and current conclusions: -can’t have faith and fear -Have to pay for privileges -Prophets can’t tell lies or they will be taken away. -Grace is sufficient. It is necessary. It is not after all I can do. It is already given if Christ is to be believed in context -Time does exist. Even with layered existence and multiple realities there is a before god as god and an after. As described to me in the church. -Praying for the described feeling over and over will eventually yield that result. That is learned behavior? This is not a negative tool if practiced responsibly. -Don’t monetize these teachings because we have.
  6. As a life-long Mormon (so far), I've always known that one of the requirements to get into the celestial kingdom is to be a faithful member of the church (LDS, obviously). I have also often heard the question come up (and wondered it myself) whether if someone that's never heard of the church or its teachings would be penalized (not allowed into the highest kingdom) simply because they weren't members, and if that would even be fair. My teachers have always answered that question saying that everyone will have the chance to discover the church throughout their lifetime and whether they decide to explore it would be their choice, therefore making it fair for everyone. However, there are many countries on the Earth that do not give citizens the freedom of religion. For example, the majority of people in China are unaffiliated with a religion and general Christianity only accounts for about 5% of the population. China only has 5 registered religious organizations, which are the Buddhist Association of China, Chinese Taoist Association, Islamic Association of China, Three-Self Patriotic Movement and Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association. Any religious groups outside of this can be subject to anything from harassment, forced conversion, imprisonment, and torture. These horrible consequences have happened many times before. Now, for my question. In the scriptures, it has stated several times that it is very important to follow the laws of your country. So, say someone from China or anywhere with similar laws had discovered the church and had maybe even gotten to the point where they were praying and reading the Book of Mormon, etc. If they were to continue practicing Mormonism, would that be considered a sin if it is illegal in their country? And if so, how would they be able to enter the celestial kingdom without having to leave the country? Please, only leave relevant answers! I have been wondering this for a while and I would like to see what other people think.
  7. Hi, i am writing a short film currently which will be about mormonism and a young girl growing up in a mormon household. I am aware that people of this faith do not recite specific prayers, but instead come up with them on your own? Would anyone be able to provide me with a template of a prayer you might say when you wake up, or before you go to sleep, if thats something you do? Thankyou. I am very curious to learn more about this religion.
  8. We've had favor with government for over 200 years in the U.S., but now face the dismissal of our prayers and meaningless, or even partisan. We answer by loving God-neighbor-and enemy, by taking care of the widow and the orphaned, by not tiring in doing good works, and by lifting up the name of Jesus. We'll not be pigeon-holed into political parties or positions. I'm just a migrant laborer here--my true citizenship is in heaven.
  9. As a new president is about to enter office I offer on his behalf the same daily prayer I've uttered for over 30 years: God grant the wisdom of Solomon and Joseph. Spare this land for the sake of the righteous. Use our leaders to prosper & protect your church & your church to prosper and protect this land. In Jesus' name, Amen.
  10. This is a question that I hope will result in an increased understanding of how prayer works, and its power and impact, by asking three questions. The answers to the questions are not essential, in that whatever the answers may, I will not be changing my current actions in relation to praying for President Monson. However, it may well be that whatever further understanding I may gain from this discussion could increase, and make more effective, my faith. I believe that every day, in temples and homes and church meetings around the world, there are thousands of people praying for President Monson. How many more people would it take to pray for increased health and strength for President Monson before we could expect to see an increase in his health and strength? How many fewer people would it take to pray for an increase in President Monson’s health and strength before we could expect to see a decrease in his health and strength? Will President Monson’s current levels of health and strength be unaffected no matter how many or how few people pray for him as long as that level of health and strength is what the Lord wants it to be?
  11. Father, spare this land for the sake of the Righteous. Grant church and government leadership the wisdom of Solomon and Joseph. Use Caesar to prosper and protect your church. Use your church to prosper and protect this land. Finally, LORD, draw your people with hope--to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and pray that you would heal the land. I ask these things in Jesus' matchless name. Amen.
  12. Hello again... I'm really in a bit of a jam here and I really need an answer... Basically, last night, I was feeling strong temptation in my mind to sin, but I resisted it. But as I went to bed, I still felt it strongly. So I prayed earnestly to please have it removed. I prayed for 5-10 minutes for this thing, and I had faith that the Lord could and would help me. But... I received no help... And I do not know why. It's been said numerous times that sometimes we have a delayed response to our prayers. It is also said that if our desires do not align with God's, we will not receive what we ask for. (Most of the time. The other times being when Heavenly Father wishes to teach us something.) I understand all that... But my desires were clearly righteous... I do not understand why Heavenly Father would leave me to my temptations when it is also clearly stated over and over to pray so you may receive strength to resist temptation. I feel kind of abandoned here... Did Heavenly Father wish me to pray more? Was I doing something wrong? I just don't know...
  13. Time lapse created over a month's time. Watch how a family finds strength by gathering together as a family - Twice A Day. Short Video - 2 min Enjoy!
  14. Prayer to Honor Veterans Preparatory comments: In the Old Testament book of Joshua (1:9) we read God’s charge to the people of Israel, who were about to face many battles, as they entered the Promised Land: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." And then, in the New Testament book of John (15:13), Jesus offers a bit of wisdom that ought to shine honor on every veteran. He said: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. Let us pray: LORD, the military personnel serving today, and those veterans we honor on this day, they have been—and are—strong and courageous. They have loved, not only their friends, but their country—and even those our nation seeks to protect in far-away lands. Because our veterans and military pledge and risk their lives—because they love so sacrificially—we honor them today. They may not seek public accolades. They may not even fully recognize just how much they gave and risked. You do. You see all. So, honor our veterans today: First, by protecting our men and woman who continue to serve in dangerous places today. Then, by providing blessing to our veterans. Bring peace to their hearts and minds. Drive away all anxiety and distress. Provide for their families. Heal their bodies. And, would you plant within them a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction? Military service is never clean, neat and easy. Pain, frustration, and uncertainty are abundant. Heal all of that—and bestow upon our veterans honor—honor for all they risked, and for signing up to defend us when they did not have to. GOD, honor our veterans today … In Your most holy name, amen.
  15. Every day there is a portion of my praying that goes like this: Lord grant our church and political leaders the wisdom of Solomon and Joseph. Use Caesar (government) to prosper and protect your church, and your church to prosper and protect this land. Many feel that Caesar may be growing increasingly hostile towards the church. If so, let us double our prayers, and work even more faithful for the protection (spiritual and physical) of this land!
  16. We have a lot of non-LDS on the board lately and have had some really good discussions, so I thought I'd take advantage to ask a question thats been on my mind for a while. We LDS folk are really into praying to God for answers to questions. I ask God about faith, work, family etc. However, when I talk to a non-LDS person, praying to God for answers seems like a foreign idea. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, which probably means I'm misunderstanding something somewhere. So, non-LDS folks: why do you pray?
  17. Hello everyone! My first post. I read the rules, so I hope this is all good in here! I have been dating a man for a little over three months. He is simply wonderful in every way. He came from a pretty bad environment, and has a hard past behind him thanks to circumstances caused by his family, yet came out a virtuous, honest, and loving man. He recently joined the church, and we have been attending together since. He's suprised me endlessly with his faith, loyalty, and dedication to both me and to God. After some intense prayer... I've found a strong inclination that this is the man I should marry. We've had a lot of discussion, ranging from our own personal preferences of media, hobby, and lifestyle to how we'd like to raise our kids and more personal matters such as personal relations (I am a born-in-the-church virgin, he is not, but I feel it's very important to discuss one's expectations with their potential spouse in an appropriate way so no one is blind sided by any sexual expecations or lack thereof). We match perfectly, and we get along so very well. So far, we have been doing great. I personally believe we have exceeded expecations thus far for control and respect of each other. He is, in all terms, absolutely perfect and patient with me. I had some issues as a young woman, due to a forced sexual encounter with a man who didn't respect my small sixteen year old self, that led to many years battling pornography and problems with depression and OCD. To this day I am a parasomniac, suffering from vivid nightmares and problems with "fall-asleep-everywhere" syndrome. Cars, floors, everywhere is a sleeping place. Luckily, my sweet boyfriend is respectful and caring when I have my "fits", and quietly holds on to me until I wake up. I couldn't ask for a more patient and loving potential spouse. The problem is, the wait... A year is a long time... it's how long we've got until he can get his endowments. And as someone who suffered from pornography years ago, I KNOW temptation is a strong thing. It's only a matter of time until it starts to try and creep. I've always been told to avoid long engagements for this reason. I also have an issue with the definitions of temple worthiness. I believe the temple is INCREDIBLY serious.... I fear if we wait until he can get his endowments, our minds won't be in the right place. Not that I see us not being worthy (I'm sure with enough incredible force, prayer, and mass fasting we could make it...) but I also don't want to rush. The temple sealing is an incredible commitment that even I as a lifelong member don't fully understand. I often don't feel worthy of such blessings, even though I haven't done anything wrong! I'm also concerned for his health... He is a type 1 diabetic, and I fear that if something happens to him in the next year, I won't be able to be sealed to him in any life... And just the thought breaks my heart... However, civil marriage brings it's own issues... My family, would, FREAK. They have always pushed the temple as the one-and-only, and they aren't wrong to do so. The importance of sealing ordinances and eternal families is BEYOND the importance of mortality. The year between our civil marriage, if we have one, would be a year of my family "rending their clothing" at the idea that I might never ever be sealed to them. While I'm personally not worried about his comittment (as the promise of an eternal loving family is really what caught him on the gospel in the first place), it might cause bitter ties in my family. They may even go so far as to wonder if we broke the laws of chasity. I've tried talking to the bishop... Actually, two bishops! My singles ward bishop is still green, new to the field. He gave rushed, textbook answers, not understanding that I have experienced powerful and spiritual feelings about this situation. I appreciate his love and compassion, but... He just didn't help. My old home ward bishop (the man who helped me through my youth) simply hasn't had a response. I texted him, since he's a bit far from me, and I suppose he just doesn't know what to make of the situation. We are urged not to delay the temple sealing, but some situations are just kinda wonky, like this. He told me he'd circle back when he could, but he is busy and may not know quite what to tell me! We also have some friends at the hobby store we met at who happen to also be LDS, who did the civil marriage and are waiting to be sealed... Everything seems well and good, kinda against everything I grew up being told about how temple marriages are THE ONLY WAY... It's starting to really chew on my poor boyfriend. I want to have this figured out before getting engaged. He is willing to fight for either way, and knows that God will give me the answers I need. But it hurts him to not be engaged, and he's very excited about the gospel and starting a life with me. And I admit, I'm excited too! So, what advice do you all have? A civil marriage would help us focus on the temple as a couple, get us going on our lives (and get him out of his horrible and less then kind parents' house), and also elliminate that long wait period that could cause risk for sexual temptations (as we are very attracted to each other... always have been for the year we've known each other, even before we were dating. We just have control and our respect and love outweight our lusts). But it could traumatize my family, and may spread negativity through my clan. A temple marriage would get us sealed right away, made to spend a wonderful eternity fighting reality and all that it brings together. My family would approve without a doubt. But it may be that doing so could be too rushed, without proper purpose and spirit in mind. It also puts the risk that if he gets very sick from his illness between now and then that we may never make it to that point (I'm not sure how likely or unlikely that situation is currently, and won't know until his next check-up in February. Last Check-up he had some kidney damage....). Not to mention the temptations a year-long engagement brings.... Any thoughts? Anyone here have a civil marriage first? Thanks everyone! Tl;dr. Civil or Temple?
  18. I was just wondering why we never see prophets or apostles praying in General Conference, or Area Conferences. Any thoughts anyone? We see them pray at temple dedications and other temple related events, and in their General Conference addresses we sometimes hear them make reference to their prayers, but we very rarely actually see it.
  19. I’ve talked to many Mormons over the past few years, but I’ve always been skeptical of their claims, including the doctrine of testing a faith or religion with prayer. I was recently talking to a few missionaries and they encouraged me to read Alma 32 to help understand the doctrine. Verses 27-43 helped explain the doctrine, but they also raised more questions. Three of the verses, 27, 33 and 36, describe planting and watering the seed as an experiment. If this is a valid experiment and a reliable way to test if something is true or not, couldn’t it be used to test similar doctrines or claims of truth? Let’s say, hypothetically, that a Mormon used the model of testing truth described in Alma 32 and Moroni 10 to test the Protestant claim that the true Gospel was never lost and never needed to be restored and they receive what sounds like a “No” response. What do they do next? What does Alma say we should do if a seed doesn’t grow? Alma 32 38 But if ye neglect the tree, and take no thought for its nourishment, behold it will not get any root; and when the heat of the sun cometh and scorcheth it, because it hath no root it withers away, and ye pluck it up and cast it out. 39 Now, this is not because the seed was not good, neither is it because the fruit thereof would not be desirable; but it is because your ground is barren, and ye will not nourish the tree, therefore ye cannot have the fruit thereof. So if a seed doesn’t grow, it’s because the person praying didn’t nourish it and their ground is barren. Moroni 10 isn't as clear as Alma 32, but the same implication is there. If someone doesn’t get a “Yes” response to the prayer, it’s because they didn’t have a sincere heart, real intent and faith in Christ. So how does the Mormon get an answer about the Protestant claim? It sounds like this model is saying they should keep praying about it with a sincere heart, real intent and faith in Christ. Is this really a reliable experiment and model for testing truth? What kind of experiments predicts the result before you even start and then blames you if you get any other result? Have you applied these verses to the RLDS church or any other LDS splinter group? If it’s a valid way to support the LDS church, can’t it be applied to those other groups? If you have applied it to those groups, what response did you receive?
  20. This video touched my heart today. I hope it does your's too.
  21. aeglyn

    My Prayer

    Father in Heaven, I thank thee for every moment, heartbeat and breath I thank thee for this earth And these bodies so blessed For our freedom to choose To do what is right in thy sight No matter world views I thank thee for our family and friends And would treat kindly with them Always as thou would intend. I thank thee for life’s experience That teach us compassion, wisdom Charity and perseverance I thank thee for giving thine only begotten Who paid the cost of all of our sins To remember Him always, not forgotten. Let us not fear our future And grieve no more pains of our past Lead us by thy hand, our Tutor Too all goodly endeavors and deeds In service, love and charity To our brother’s and sister’s needs Bless their lives as thou has blest ours Let us feel the warm tears of joy And upon them all blessings shower Strengthen us to stand in the light That we may find peace amid chaos In the hurricane of the world’s plight. Watch over and protect those we love With angels sent from thy presence above Let all our thoughts to thee bend Uphold us to endure to our end Open the path Father, not just for me That we all may find our way Home to thee. Aeglyn 2014
  22. Before I start I want to state that I am an active, temple holding, member with a "strong" testimony of the gospel. With that said, one principle that has been hard for me in life is prayer. SO EASY! principle. But what I can't get are answers. So here's the problem. We're taught that if we need guidance we should work it out in our minds and then ask God if it (what we reasoned out for ourselves) is correct. If it is, we'll feel good about it and if not, a stupor of thought. Well the problem is that it just seems like that's basic human psychology. Of course we feel good or peaceful about a problem after we've worked through it and made a decision! because the confustion is gone! So whenever I try this excersice, I already feel good BEFORE I pray (Because I've reached a decision) and so recieve a "yes" answer. And anytime I simply can't decide, I have a stupor of thought (Because I'm still confused and haven't made a decion). Problem is, I don't believe that I'm just that smart. I can't possibly always work things out and arrive at the right or best choice. And if I simply don't know? well, I've never had an experience where pray in and of itself has shed light on the matter (not to discount the possibility of receiving blessing because of prayer. I've definitely been blessed with things I've asked for). So the question for those of you who do receive revelation through prayer, how does it work for you? How does your experience differ from mine? Thanks, Eman
  23. Hello everyone. I am brand new to this forum. However I am definitely not brand new to the LDS religion. I have been born and raised LDS. It's been less than two years since I have come home from my two year mission. Yet I am finding myself in a dilema. My dilema is that I cannot find the motivation or desire to pray or read the scriptures. It's not that I don't believe the church is true or anything. I definitely believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that this is the true church. I know the Book of Mormon is true. Yet I've read the Book of Mormon a number of times, and the idea of just reading it again bores me. I know this is going to sound arrogant, but I want to explain how I feel. I feel like I know everything. Not like I am a Mr. Know-it-all, but it's like I've already been taught the basics. Now I feel like I know what I should do, but whether or not I chose to do it is another problem. Deep down, I do really want to be keeping the commandments. I want to enter the celestial kingdom. Obviously I recognize that my choices contradict these wants. It's just... I know I need to get back into the habit of reading scriptures faithfully and praying daily, but I just can't get myself to do it. Any advice on how I can get myself interested in faithfully reading the scriptures again?
  24. With permission - wanted to share a poem from a friend of mine Yearning - A poem and a prayer I pray unto thee father the longing of my heart For one of thy pure daughters home and family here to start In my blessing thou hast said son find one worthy of thee yet oft the opposite I have asked grant one of whom I'm worthy In my singles ward there are thy daughters many fair yet when I prayed unto thee Lord thou said she is not there Where oh Lord bidst thou I seek I ask thee oft to show I can not find such on my own Oh Lord please let me know Impress upon my heart and mind When face to face I see A daughter holding within her soul the virtues you've put within me An equal to my heart and soul Who seeks to thee delight guide unto me Lord I pray let such find in me matched light I know that I'm not perfect though I seek to so become yet this I know assuredly it takes two to become one Man by his own can not obtain the highest lofty height Of thy kingdom heavenward in which I've placed my sight I'll love her with all of my soul And always faithful be I'll cleave unto her and her alone For all of time and all eternity One daughter fair I seek to find and in the temple wed eternally My worthiness to thee I've shown Please let me start a family As I close now this my prayer I send it to thee above In the name of my Savior dear Whose name is also love
  25. So I've been working out in Vancouver, Washington for the last few months selling attic insulation door to door. I knew beforehand about what I was getting myself into, but I prayed dilligently for an answer of whether I should work there or not and the spirit told me that it was where I needed to be this summer. Its a very high paying job, and I'm not bad at it, but its terribly difficult and I've been holding out for the last month and a half just telling myself "work harder...". To be perfectly honest, the only days where I feel completely at peace are on sundays, because they are the only days that I don't work. Every day when I get home from knocking on doors for hours and crawling through attics, I come home so relieved that I get to stop. I'm only 18 years old and I took on this job so that I could pay for my terribly high tuition at Southern Virginia University. I'm so very behind on money and I have so much pressure on me from all sides to succede and remain financially independent. I dread going to work everyday. Is that even healthy? Don't get me wrong, I love some parts of my job, but I feel as if I'm failing at being happy. My job doesn't provide me with adequate satisfaction and not enough money because I earn commission rather than salary. My church life has been not much better. I attend a single adult ward and I am definitely the youngest attendee in the ward. Most of the people in my ward that I spend my time with are older than me by 5 or 6 years, and as if my opinions and participation in conversation doesn't matter to them. All in all, I'm very lonely. I almost had a mental breakdown today so I left work early and sat down in a cemetery for about two and a half hours with my scriptures. I read a lot and a prayed a lot... about my job, my peers where i currently live, my financial situation, my parents and my real friends back home. I'm praying so hard about whether I'm supposed to go home and find another job and finally find a degree of peace and happiness or stick out my job for the rest of my summer. I don't know if the voices in my head are telling me to stay or go. On top of that, I don't know if those voices in my head belong to the still small voice or my own mind. I want to be impartial. There is good news to be shared though. I have changed so much for the better since I moved to Vancouver. My spirit has grown. I have become a more mature and independent person and I have learned to love and respect myself a lot more than I used to be capable of. What can I do?