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Found 6 results

  1. I've always wondered why the Book of Mormon has to be prioritized over the Bible in terms of where we as members are directed to focus our time. The New Testament is my favorite when I read about Jesus's life and his apostles. But I almost feel guilty on any given day for wanting to read the New Testament without having read the BOM. This guilt stems from the constant initiatives of the Church to have it's members focus on the BOM in our scripture study. Why not ever have special initiatives for us to focus on the New Testament? Maybe there has been New Testament initiatives, and I just don't know or wasn't paying attention. But I don't recall one time the Church has had us focus our personal scripture studies on the New Testament over the BOM. I know the Church upholds the BOM as the book that will bring us closest to God, but here's my admission: I feel closer to God reading the New Testament. And I've read the BOM 3x cover to cover. I've studied it on a daily basis for some time - growing up in the Church, attending Seminary, serving a mission for a year, and personal scripture study beyond that. I'm not priding myself on the fact I've studied the BOM as much as I have since I know many of you are much more scholarly than I, but more so I'm making the point that I'm not someone who has merely glossed over the BOM in a cursory review in my comparison how I feel when I read the New Testament. Is it the Church's initiative that we always place precedence on reading the BOM above reading the New Testament? Or is it just an every-now-and-then type of initiative. And why does it seem like as a member of the Church I have to make time to read the Bible outside of what we are specifically instructed to do as members? Do I understand how the Church wants us to approach scripture study, or am I taking an old initiative of prioritizing our BOM study too seriously?
  2. Let's follow the counsel from Conference today and Ponderize! Please share your scripture (and if you like testimonies of how doing this helps you) here. I'll start. My first scripture for Ponderizing will be: Romans 15:1313 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. I made it the lock screen on my phone, and I'll save it as my signature.
  3. I've seen several of the books in the "Made Harder" series such as can been seen Here: and Here: And was wondering if anyone has read or used them. I was thinking about possibly getting one or some of them for scripture study, but was unsure if it would be worth it or not. I would like to hear about your thoughts, or reviews of them.
  4. In the “Looking for deeper meaning in scripture” post started by Sojourn in General Discussion Forum I was asked, “could you direct me to the 3 degrees of glory pattern in the Book of Mormon?”I didn’t reply directly, instead encouraging Sojourn to study it out in their mind and pray. I am posting the answer under the Scripture Studies Forum to show: 1) I’m being honest and not just making stuff up. 2) As an evidence of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, it wasn't just made up either. 3) To help others with their scripture study. This may not seem like much of a pattern to some and that’s OK, that’s their business. However, to any that find this of interest I hope this serves as a witness to you that if the spirit would reveal this to me through prayerful pondering and study of the scriptures he will do the same for you for God is no respecter of persons. *** In the Celestial Kingdom those who have proven worthy have the presence of the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost and angels. There is a temple in Heaven. There is a Book of Life (which I will liken here to the scriptures). Those who enter into heaven will have lived after the Manner of Happiness and been obedient to the gospel’s plan of salvation and the ordinances such as baptism of water and baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. They will also be endowed. Celestial or 1 Nephi & 2 Nephi The Father 1 Ne 1:8, 2 Ne. 31:15 The Son 1 Ne. 11:11, 2 Ne. 11:2-3 The Holy Spirit 1 Ne. 2:16-17 Angels 1 Ne. 3:29 Temple 2 Ne. 5:16 Scriptures 1 Ne. 1:16-17, 1 Ne. 5:10 Lived after the Manner of Happiness 2 Ne. 5:27 Baptism of water 2 Ne. 31:5 Baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost 2 Ne. 31:14 Endowment 2 Ne. 32:4 *** Those of the Terrestrial Kingdom will have the presence of the Son and the Holy Ghost but not the Father. To enter into the Temple you must have a Recommend which gives evidence you are living at least a terrestrial (as opposed to a Telestrial) life style, however many who are not members of the church (having neither baptism or gift of the Holy Ghost) will also be worthy of Terrestrial life. Terrestrial or Jacob Saw The Son [2 Ne. 11:2-3] The Holy Spirit Jacob 7:8 Temple Jacob 1:17 Scriptures Jacob 1:1-4 Missionary Work Jacob 7:24 Anti-Christ Jacob 7:1-20 Pride Jacob 1:16 *** Those of the Telestial Kingdom will only enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost. Telestial or Enos The Holy Spirit Enos v. 5 Scriptures Enos v. 16 Missionary Work Enos v. 14 Pride Enos v. 22 *** This is (one of) the pattern(s) I have found in the Book of Mormon. I hope it helps any who may also be searching their scriptures. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" Matthew 7:7.
  5. Long story short, my husband thinks the Second Coming is right around the corner. He's been obsessing about food storage, the Illuminati and secret combinations, and "living in the wilderness" when the time comes. He has his reasons for thinking so - he's very smart and good with Scripture interpretation, and there is a LOT of speculation about that very topic on hush-hush sites around the internet. He's reading so much into other people's ideas, predictions, and interpretations that it's seems like it's taking over his mind. Don't get me wrong - I love my husband, and I think he's a wonderful man with great intentions, but we definitely don't see eye to eye on this. He was raised in the Church and I was not, so I have a very liberal understanding of the Scriptures and am a pretty free spirit. I can't really even pinpoint why I'm beginning to worry about it; my husband has had obsessions before, but he's never gotten so lost in it before. He's very defensive about it, in my opinion, when I bring up the possibility that it won't be so soon. He's recently started studying the Scriptures multiple times daily, but it's for the purpose of learning more for the Second Coming and how to cope when the end of the world does happen. Truthfully, this hurts my feelings because at the beginning of this year, I spent hours creating a YEARLONG calendar detailing an intensive Scripture study program that would increase and solidify our familiarity with ALL of the books in the Scriptures, ALL stories, ALL prophets and ideas...and he basically just blew it off. He always told me he "didn't feel like it" or "wasn't into it". But now that he has the end of the world to read about, he's all into it. This is the core, I think, of the problem, is that he's becoming self-centered. His greatest concern is ensuring that HE is prepared spiritually. He actually said to me, 'Well ONE of us has to be prepared when the day comes." We've only been married for a year and a half, and we have a five-month old daughter, but this is NOT the only marital issue we've had. We've always been prone, even while dating, to screaming matches, name-calling, and deliberate skewing of each others' words and intentions. We almost split up about a year ago because we were fighting so much (I had just gotten pregnant and was in a very depressed place and it just wasn't good for our relationship.) I don't have the time or space to cover, even in a general sense, all the problems we have, and I didn't explain our situation very well with the LARGE amount of space I've already taken up. I guess I'm just not looking forward to this...the next couple of years, I feel, are going to be all about the end of the world. He's completely given up on having a future in this world in case it DOESN'T collapse, and has told me more than once that he's "banking on" this time coming to an end. Truthfully, if this continues with this intensity, I don't actually know if I'll be able to take it. He's not an easy person to talk to when he's made up his mind and someone disagrees with him, and he's definitely not an easy person to talk to about feelings and emotions, either. I don't, in all honesty, feel comfortable talking to him about this. We do not have a peaceful or understanding history, and now it feels like he's pushing me away in favor of this world-end agenda. Someone please give me some advice, i don't really know what to do, and this is starting to affect me mentally and emotionally.
  6. My threads will be on what scripture I am currently studying. I will post my insights on that chapter, welcoming yours, and when I feel I have gotten every drop of blood from that "turnip," I will post the next chapter, etc.