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  1. I have a temple prep question, if it's ok to ask it. Where in the temple may I write? I'm an avid journal-er, partially because my memory is simple gone nowadays, and I don't want to forget my first trip to the temple... I don't want that memory to be gone. Additionally, the written word is how I pray: how I distill my thoughts for Heavenly Father and the medium through which I listen to the still small reply. I... I don't want to be banned from writing.
  2. I would like to know if anyone can help me identify the title and artist of this painting. It is found in the entrance of the El Salvador San Salvador Temple.
  3. For the past few years, I have been reading many books and pamphlets issued by the church in an attempt to gain a fuller understanding of what we believe. In addition, I have attended the Temple at least once a week if not more bringing my own family names for the past nine months. Are there any books you would suggest? Here is a list of what I have read already. The Book of Mormon (Various Editions) The Doctrine and Covenants The Pearl of Great Price The Old Testament The New Testament Revelations in Context The Work and Glory (All books in the series) Preach my Gospel Gospel Principles Answers to Gospel Questions Vol. 2 by Joseph Feilding Smith The Holy Temple by Boyd K. Packer Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide 2 To Make Thee a Minister And a Witness Mormon Doctrine 2nd Edition by Bruce R. McKonkie The Kingdom of God by Oscar W. McConkie Jr. Endowed from on High: Teachers Manual The Joseph Smith Papers Revelations & Translations Facsimile Edition Mormon Doctrine 1st Edtion by Bruce R. McKonkie Handbook 1 Stake Presidents and Bishops (2010 Editon) (Harold B. Lee Library) Handbook 2 Administering the Church (2010 & 2019 Edition) General Handbook of Instructions (1899 Edition) (Harold B. Lee Library) The Book of Commandments Journal of Discourses: Volume 1 President Brigham Young's Doctrine on Deity Vol. 1 by Fred C. Collier Unpublished Revelations Vo1. 1 Fred C. Collier Homosexuality Second Edition 1981 Understanding and Helping Those Who Have Homosexual Problems Suggestions for Ecclesiastical Leaders 1992 2019 The House of the Lord by James E. Talmage Journal of L. John Nuttall Information and Suggestions for Patriarchs (2016 Edition) Come, Follow Me- For Individuals and Families (2019) Baptisms for the Dead in Early Christianity by David L. Paulsen and Brock M. Mason "Temple Pro Templore": The Salt Lake City Endowment House by Lisle G. Brown 'Not to be Riten': The Mormon Temple Rite as Oral Cannon by Kathleen Flake BYU Speeches, Patriarchal Blessings by James E. Faust The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony by David John Buerger The Fulness of the Priesthood the Second Anointing in Latter-Day Saint theology and practice by David John Buerger The Washing of the Feet by Richard Ware The Book of Anointings Temple and Cosmos by Hugh Nibley
  4. I'm a single young adult woman in the Church. I've been going through the repentance process for a while now, and recently made some choices that have hindered my progress. Because of this, my Bishop told me not to go to the temple for a while. Although these sins are not related to breaking the law of chastity or my interactions with men, he implied that I should not be dating. He said that if a man were in my position and brought a sister he was dating to meet him, he would tell her that he is "bad news." I'd been dating a guy I really like, and I feel we have a really healthy relationship. He asked me to be his girlfriend a while back and I said we should keep on getting to know each other, which we've been doing. But now with this counsel, I feel I need to be clear with what's going on. How can I say this to him? I don't feel like it's his business to know, and I don't have this level of trust established with him yet, especially since my ex boyfriend broke up with me when I confided it to him (even though he had a porn addiction, but whatever.) I still would like to make it known that I want to see if it would work out in the future.
  5. A little background about me: I was born into the church to a single mom. We were inactive until I was about 7, and by this time my mom had married my stepdad. I got baptized at 8. We moved out of state when I was 16 and my parents became inactive, which made my young siblings become inactive. I quickly fell to inactivity as well. My marriage story: Six years ago at 17 I met my now husband, who was not a member. I broke the law of chastity with him while we dated. We got married when I was 18, and he is 7 years older- we had dated for a year. Although I did love him, I also felt like I HAD ago marry him since I'd slept with him, feeling guilty due to my upbringing in the church. I honestly was not totally ready for marriage but I convinced myself I was. Plus my parents were about to move out of state again and I would not "shack up" with a boyfriend so I rushed the marriage even more. I wasn't sure he was totally ready either, but it later seemed he just acted like he was to not disappoint me. Our first year married was tumultuous. He was from another country and a much more traditional culture: women were responsible for all housework, cooking, and child rearing. I was 18, so I was taking college classes and I worked full time but was still expected to take on the home responsibilities. This caused a lot of tension and fighting, as I felt I was being treated unfairly. He made much more money than I did and often felt justified by that and his upbringing. I am impatient and can be sassy but he would be pretty cruel in his words. He often drank. It wasn't unusual for him to get drunk, although he knew I hated it- this also caused fights. He often accused me of cheating while not at home- more fighting. Three holes had to patched up in doors/walls at our first apartment. He was a good man despite these issues and never physically hurt me but our tempers and stubbornness did a lot of emotional/verbal damage to each other and it was clear we had not prepared for marriage properly as far as actually doing it for the right reasons and having certain important discussions before rushing into it. He seemed ready for divorce in the first year, and I was miserable too, but I didn't want divorce and always tried to end problems quickly, but he just wanted things done on his own terms. A year after marriage I got pregnant. At 20 I had our child. I thought this would mostly fix our issues. In some ways it did, but bad things continued as stress increased and sleep decreased. I developed a mild-moderate post partum depression and felt numb to most things, and had no motivation for anything besides my child's well being. Our fights were still ongoing. We faced crippling financial issues which seemed to fuel many fights, along with housework and cooking not being done due to being an exhausted and depressed first-time mom. I started to think he may be cheating, too. In some fights he even said he was only here for the baby. A friend invited me back to church soon after I had my child, so I went. I started going regularly and had my child blessed. My husband was never against the church, but worked every Sunday and did not care to go out of his way to attend. I was a stay-at-home mom for two years and continued to attend church, sometimes missing a week, but not enough to be inactive again. The same relationship issues were happening. I sought help from the bishop's first counselor, who referred us to a marriage counselor from LDS Family Services- the ward funds paid for part of it and we set up monthly payments for the rest. Our counselor helped us be very honest and open about our feelings. At this point I was burned out by the marriage and did not have much desire to continue it. Things would temporarily improve in specific areas that the counselor had us work on, but old habits would come back quickly and ruin what we'd seemingly patched. I honestly felt more of a best friend type of love than a romantic type of love towards him- for some reason I also didn't feel very attracted to him anymore (he didn't physically change or anything like that) but I didn't share any of this. I spoke about how I wanted a sealed, active family and that I felt I'd never have it with him. He offered to start coming to church, and he did, but I could tell he didn't understand just how important this was to me. He's the type that goes on Sundays but doesn't make it his lifestyle. I wanted an LDS-lifestyle in my marriage and I needed a companion who could help keep me in check, and we could keep each other motivated & accountable. It seemed clear that this wouldn't happen, even though he enjoyed going on Sundays and attending ward functions. Towards the end of our sessions it seemed I grew less and less motivated to continue the marriage and my husband became more motivated. In one of the last sessions, the counselor asked us to decide if we still had hope and would continue working on it, or if we'd lost all hope and would divorce. I knew what I wanted but didn't feel "justified" since there hadn't been physical abuse, abandonment, or known affairs. I had love for my husband but would feel awful. I was honest and said I was unhappy and felt hopeless. I didn't want to wait years on end to feel happiness from the marriage, or possibly never reach that point throughout my life in the marriage. My husband was shocked, since I'd not shared these feelings during the sessions- I had been hoping I'd suddenly have a revelation that would shut down my fears and figured I shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings, if mine were going to change anyways. I also thought about my son, who'd live in broken home if divorce happened. I went home with every intention of it being over. My husband was angry and hurt, and I felt bad, but I also felt free after declaring my decision. He very rarely cries but he did. I told him that I still loved/cared for him and thought he was a wonderful father and that I wanted him to remain active in our child's life and to be a good role model. I was worried he may resort to drinking again. He said he couldn't promise that he wouldn't resort to his old ways. This worried me greatly. I didn't want that for him or for my child. Something in him switched and the very next day he was cleaning the house, cooking, etc. It was obvious he was trying to win me over. I appreciated it, but in my mind it didn't change everything I felt, or the lack thereof. This continued for a couple weeks. We awkwardly avoided the divorce conversation but it became an unspoken decision that I wouldn't pursue divorce any longer, although I can't say that anything really changed in me. He took missionary discussions that summer (two years ago) and got baptized. This was great, of course, but I still longed for the LDS-lifestyle with my husband that I truly wanted since I was a youth. I thought about the missionaries (who were my age) and how spiritually mature they were and how much it appealed to me in a man. I had big doubts about whether my husband could/would ever get there. He had to work many Sundays so he was just partially active with attendance. However he'd quit coffee, hadn't had alcohol even for awhile before missionary discussions, and tried to read the scriptures. The scripture reading and daily praying didn't last long, which didn't surprise me. His consistency isn't the best. This only made me more discouraged about having the marriage/family that I wanted and felt I really needed. Later that fall I started my first job since motherhood; it was full-time and I found a lot of fulfillment there. For over a year everything at home stayed the same. We didn't really fight anymore. If we had a disagreement he often just backed down and diffused it right away but nothing was ever really resolved either. It was just an at-least-we're-not-fighting-anymore numbness. I continued to have a lack of romantic love for him but no heart or courage to say anything or to just end it. I didn't want to hurt him or our nearly 3 year old. We didn't tell each other we loved each other. We've continued to have sex (although not as often as when we were dating or as newlyweds) but I often hid that I really didn't want to do it. (He would never force me, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings with constant rejection.) He would kiss me on the cheek or forehead sometimes but I wouldn't kiss him. I didn't want to hold his hand, hug, or cuddle. I truly felt like he was just a close friend and actually felt awkward being physically intimate in any way with him. I interpreted this as not being in love with him anymore, if we ever truly were. This last fall we got into an argument before I went to see a girlfriend of mine. It seemed to be okay by the time I left. I got back home and he took off to hang out with friends. He came home nearly at 3am and was very drunk. I was shocked and disgusted. I told him to sleep on the couch. It brought back so many terrible memories from the past and I immediately felt like I wanted this marriage to end and prayed to know what to do. Worried he'd lost all his cash or may damage his car/himself, I searched his pant pockets to hold onto his wallet and keys in case he tried to leave again. In one pocket I found a small 3-count box of condoms- but there were only two inside. It was as if this was an immediate answer to my prayer. I was devastated by the betrayal. Even through my feelings I had, I would never cheat. He was passed out so I texted him that it was over. I was so distraught that I called off work the next day- how long had he been doing this? The next day he came to me and swore the condoms were from a moving box that was still in his truck (we'd just moved in with my grandma) and that he'd taken them out to bring inside. I honestly didn't know what to believe. He's a very loyal person, I thought, but I also thought back on a couple of fishy situations involving other women that happened before we got married and felt increasingly doubtful he was being truthful now. For a couple weeks I lived in total discomfort. I felt filthy sleeping next to him. I only really spoke with him when it came to childcare arrangements. He kept saying we needed to talk but I was too angry and upset. Finally he cornered me in the living room and begged me to talk. He wanted to know what was going to happen from here. He'd already made an appointment with a lawyer for himself. He said he was going to move out right away. I said this was a bad idea since we were tight on money and that he should stay in the spare room while we figure things out. He just wanted to leave, feeling weird that we'd be separated and still living together at my grandma's house. He then brought up our child. He was afraid I'd take our nearly 3 year old away from him. I assured him I would never do that, not having had a close relationship with my own biological father due to distance. I shared my concerns about our child being in an less-than-ideal environment if my husband became inactive in church, took up drinking again, had women over, etc. He made it seem as though that was "just too bad" because divorce was what I wanted. By the end of the talk, he begged me for another chance. I explained what I'd said before: I don't want to wait indefinitely for happiness. It was clear to me that we were not even in love with each other anymore. He said that we could fix it and that if it wasn't better by the end of the year we could get divorced if I wanted to. I told him I didn't want to try anymore but if he really felt this strongly about maybe changing my mind about this marriage, I'd let him try. It's now been 9 months since then. My grandma passed away two months ago and that took a big toll on me, and still does. We attend the ward I was born into and the ward my grandma had been in for nearly 50 years. That part feels right. I've been promoted at work and things are going great there. In the marriage we're back to where we were nearly two years ago. Comfortable and not really fighting, but still I have a lack of romantic feelings. I'm not "miserable" or necessarily "unhappy" because other big things in my life are going fine, but my marriage doesn't bring me happiness. I still don't hold his hand, hug or cuddle with him. I still don't kiss him. I still don't really want to have sex with him, although I do in order to spare his feelings. Physical intimacy in any form feels so awkward, probably because I feel we aren't in love or are even heading down that path. I don't see an eternal companion with my husband. He attends church as often as possible but again I don't see the priesthood leader that I want and need in a husband. He's been a member for two years and it seems he still doesn't have a strong testimony or a strong grasp of the gospel. Spiritual maturity is just not there. I'm only 23 now but I feel time is escaping me so quickly. He is a great man and has truly made great changes but I can't help but feel he is just not the one for me. I feel like we've just crammed a square into a circle but that it will eventually pop out, and I don't want to wait until this happens in order to move on. We haven't been sealed yet, either, and I'm definitely not pushing for it while being so unsure of this marriage. I think of how life would continue after a divorce: when I remarry, will my "ex" allow our child to be sealed to me and my new spouse? Will my "ex" even stay active in the church? Will my child become inactive if my "ex" does and doesn't have support & encouragement from both parents? Will we still attend the same sacrament meetings together for awhile? I'm so overwhelmed by this and want a clear answer. I have prayed many times about it over the last 3 years but don't feel I've ever received a clear answer, or maybe I'm just not in tune with the spirit the way I need to be. I'm consumed with guilt over my feelings and haven't told my husband or anyone else. I'm at a loss and just don't know what to do. I will continue to pray about it but I've never been great at finding answers to my prayers and am not really sure how to do so. I'm willing to wait til the end of the year to have a sure answer, but until then, this is so hard on me and I'm really not sure what to do. Any constructive advice or related experiences are welcome.
  6. Good afternoon everyone, I'm so grateful for the information shared on this site. I'm a newer convert, and am getting ready to get my endowment and get sealed to my wife. However, I have had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ for many years, and have already made covenants with God. My temple prep classes did not at all talk about what covenants are made in the temple, and I am concerned that one or more of the covenants made in the temple endowment ceremony may conflict with or attempt to alter terms of covenants that I already have made with God. I am perhaps over-thinking this, but I'm concerned that if I go to the temple endowment ceremony, and find out during the ceremony that there is a covenant that I cannot make, which will ultimately mean that I cannot receive my endowment, and that it will cripple my relationship with my wife (who was raised LDS and has not known any culture or community outside of the LDS church). Church leadership seems to agree that I should just "go through the endowment ceremony and find out" and not be concerned with this issue at all. Ultimately my question is this - am I absolutely required to make/agree to every single covenant that is part of the temple endowment ceremony, or does that remain between God and me? If leadership cannot answer that question, does it matter if I do or don't agree to every single covenant made during the ceremony? Thank you all in advance for your insights.
  7. I know we are supposed to be sealed and I believe it to be a true doctrine but I have never really understood why. Is there a principle of physics requiring a binding of spirits in order to accomplish eternal goals or is this just one of those things we don't/won't understand in this life? Insights anyone?
  8. Hello I am due to attend the temple in the next couple of weeks (hopfully) and i want to try to work out how much it is going to cost to purchase everything that is needed - how much are a set of garments (in ÂŁ perferably) and cermeonial items ( i know the dress and other items are discounted are the ceremoniacl clothing) Also does anyone have any advise of the type to get i have been told about alot - i am a larger lady uk size 18 and wear dresses mainly - 1 sister recommened longer tops and shorter bottoms , another receommeded petite( i have very short legs). One older sister even told me to get a one pieice garments ??? no idea Any help is much apprechiated
  9. I am currently dating a Non Member. I am in love with her. We've been dating for a really long time and know everything about eachother. She has made it clear that she doesn't want to join the church, but completely supports me to continue to be active in it. We've talked about things like marriage and children and tithing that would affect our relationship because of a religious difference. Idk if this is normally taboo for a Mormon guy like me to say but, I don't want to have kids. If I do, then I'll be happy with them, but... I don't plan on having any. And we talked about that as well and we feel the same way. Certain things I stay far away from for religious reasons such as drugs, alcohol, and pornography//bad movies , She stays away from for other reasons. Although anonymous I don't wish to share those reasons, but I know that she could/would never want to drink, or do drugs or anything like that. I want to marry her. And, we haven't tied any knots yet, but I know she wants/plans on marrying me as well. After reading some of the posts about things like this it seems like marrying a Non Member is some crazy sin. Is it really a sin? Also, I've always been taught that sex is between a legally and lawfully wedded man and wife. If we got married, though not in the temple it would be legal and lawful. So what's wrong with marrying her? I feel really good, and happier than I've ever been before when I think about marrying her. I have prayed about my relationship with her, and, all I can tell is that I'm happy with her. And honestly, I'd like to believe that later on in life she might want to be baptized, and if not I will still love her the same and be happy the same. I want to be with her, even if that means I can't make it into the highest part of the celestial kingdom.
  10. Hi, my bishop took away my temple recommend for no valid reason. I will explain what happened, I missed church for 3 weeks because I had work commitments that I couldn't get out of despite my best intentions. Also, a woman at church who is married was texting me because we are friends and I was only texting her back to be nice but apparently I sent her flirtatious messages (I didn't think they were at the time but I sort of see why they may be interpreted that way now). They were the 2 reasons the Bishop gave me to take away my temple recommend. I think he just prefers her husband to me so he is being unfair and spiteful. I am meant to be getting married in 10 weeks at the temple so this is a complete disaster. I made an appointment to see my stake President in a few days, do you think he will be fair? Or will he side with the Bishop? Do you know the general process? Will the stake President have the final say? Do I just need to get him on board or is it more complicated than that ?
  11. How come there aren't as many women Sunday school presidents or councillors etc, likewise men on primary presidencies ? What about 'non practicing' Temple recommend holding gay men teaching, or being on a primary presidency or auxiliaries ? Or non practicing gay women in auxiliary presidencies ? Mixed presidencies in non priesthood callings . Also on another subject why do sisters still have to 'vail their faces' in a certain part of an ordinance in the Temple ?
  12. So, I was wondering, when would a bishop take away a temple recommend if you stopped going to church? Would he let you know? Or would you just visit the temple and when they scan it, "Oh, I'm sorry, it's not valid anymore. Go talk to your bishop."? What's happening: So, the week before the eclipse in August, I got my second job at the Super 8 hotel! Yay! So for the last month or so, I've been working 65 hours a week. Yahoo! Dollah, dollah bills, ya'll! But my job at the call center had me working one Sunday a month. And now, since all the old school gals at the Super 8 decided to be flakey as all get out lately and got theirselves fired today, my boss wants to make me her assistant and now I have to work Sundays, 9-1 there. Yaaayyyy.... And today, I changed my schedule at the call center because I need a day off sometime and Saturdays, the only shifts available are 8 hour shifts and I have to either work every Sunday OR work every Saturday and just one Sunday a month. ...So I chose Sunday. 3-8 because I work at the Super 8 9-2 basically every single day. My sacrament meeting starts at 1:30. Because of these shifting things going on, my attendance has been spotty. I went 2 weeks ago but then this last week was my "one Sunday" for the call center and so I went to a different ward, earlier in the day. But then I'm thinking, "My bishop probably doesn't know that." And I wasn't able to get done at Super 8 until too late today because of all"position changes" happening. My cousin gets married in the Idaho Falls temple October 7th and I'd really like to be able to go. I'm going to try to keep going, since my church building is actually positioned between my two jobs, I could make it for the hour for sacrament meeting. But it's a YSA ward in a college town and you have to schedule a meeting with the bishop in order to just sit down and talk with him. I was just wondering because he hasn't known me for longer than 2 months and I'm scared he'll think I'm inactive...because temporarily, I have been as I've been trying to sort juggling all the things. I just wanted to know how this sort of thing works, even though I know the most likely answer is that it is based on individual circumstances and the revelation he receives on how to deal with my specific circumstances. And yes, in b4 "talk to your bishop!"
  13. Besides those who are endowed members of the church, in the instance of a brother, obviously only male endowed members can dress them in Temple clothing and robes and vice verse for sisters. My question is, can a wife who was sealed to her husband be involved and participate along side male endowed sons if desired ?
  14. Guest

    Temple work

    Besides praying and petitioning the Lord with hope, what are the chances that maybe the endowment will be shortened including a much shorter version of the film ? Ive seen a few changes to the endowment, many different films and alterations to other work in the Temple to speed up the work and bring into line with modesty and correctness etc. At present finding ancestors is easier than it ever has been in history and that side has speeded up magnificently , but unfortunately the 'bottleneck' at the Temples will not go away and only get bigger unless we all get our fingers out and do our missionary work , build more Temples quicker and get more people to go to the Temple, or/and the endowment and film must be chopped and shortened a lot more. All other work in the Temple is quicker Is the first presidency 'contactable', and do they listen to a mere mortal with his petition to the Lord.
  15. Hello. I am a convert to the church, and I have been baptized nearly 2 years now. I am not the typical convert as I am the only member of the church, and I am fairly young (approaching 18). Recently I have been experiencing a strong nudge towards going through the temple. This all started when I was growing close to my one year mark. Ever since then it has only increased, and now it's getting to the point where I feel like I should be doing something about it. So I started making a habit of going to do baptisms, and trying my best to incorporate the gospel into my daily life. Yet part of me is considering discussing it with my bishop. I know it used to be that you had to have a mission call, or be engaged, but a few weeks ago someone in relief society brought up not knowing when she should seek endowment. Then a member of the bishop brick started explaining that the policy on when you can receive endowment has been changing, and a mission call or finance is not necessarily required anymore. I'm not sure if this is a discussion I should bring up with my bishop, because I am a little on the young side. So I was looking for any opinions/ advice for what I should do with my promptings. And if it would be a good idea to speak with my bishop, how do I approach him on the matter?
  16. Hi! I received my endowments almost exactly a year ago, and just got married 7 months ago. The thing is, I'm still trying to find the perfect garment size/type. Does anyone else have the problem of the garment bottom sliding down all the time? I thought a size up would help, but nope. I tried this with natural waist length and a cotton top to help with the carinessa bottoms. Only helps a little until the top starts bunching up. I also prefer the slick tops, but those ride up and make the bottoms slide down worse. This isn't as bad when I'm wearing pants, but with dresses and skirts its a nightmare. Especially when I'm doing temple work and really can't fix anything for awhile haha. I wear carinessa large bottoms, drislique 46 bottoms, carinessa medium tops, and 38C tops in cotton and silk. Any recommendations to help with the sliding and bunching up?
  17. In January I submitted an article to Meridian Magazine at titled Divorce and the Eternal Perspective in the LDS Church. Recently I looked through the comments and noticed most agreed it was very uplifting, and one...not so much. I didn't take offense at all. I know very well people have different perspectives and appreciate a certain voice when it comes to advice and comfort. My voice can only reach so far, but I'm hoping it reaches a bit further by posting it here.
  18. My family lives on the Island of Kauai. My son and I had to make a trip to Oahu recently and we took along our drone and decided to make an aerial video of the Laie Hawaii Temple while we were killing some time. Don't forget to choose the highest resolution that your capable of viewing. The video is recorded in 4k.
  19. I am a new adult member, baptized just under a year ago. I have been numerous times to the Baptistry to perform proxy work. As my year mark approaches, I have been preparing to receive my Endowment. I will be ~8 months pregnant that first time. I believe I have found a white temple dress that will work during and after Baby, but the Garments and Ceremonial clothing- I'm drawing a blank. I do not feel 100% comfortable walking up to any women in my ward (or the male Temple Prep teacher!) to ask about these things, so hopefully this forum can help out. Can anyone help me with advice on pregnant belly and the fit of Garments and Ceremonial Clothing? My hope was to purchase the ceremonial clothing rather than rent it. I have been told there are ties or a hook type thing, but perhaps an endowed Sister can help me with feedback on what works best during (and after!) pregnancy. As far as Garments, I was hoping feedback could help me figure out what to order, since I cannot try on anything beforehand. To help with the advice, my height is 5'6 and I am normally 130lbs. This is my 2nd baby, and I was BIG with the 1st one. my belly got lots of comments.... :-I Thanks for the help!
  20. When doing family history, what tactics do you use to find names for the temple? It can be very daunting and there are far better ways of finding lost ancestors than just aimlessly wandering through your family tree. What I tend to do is go back as far as I can and view an ancestors tree, switch to descendants mode and then go through all their descendants (which is far more than what is shown on my tree). Last time I went through it for about an hour and found 45 names needing ordinances done, many of them needed all of them done. I would recommend doing that. what tactics do you use? Is hope chest any good??
  21. I'm a looking into the roles of attendees at temple sealings. Does anyone have some resources which can help me out? And by attendees I mean people besides the groom/bride/sealer. Thanks in advance.
  22. As many of you know, after 4 years of prayerfully studying and praying about going to the temple, I am finally going. And very much looking forward to it! But I do still have some very deep questions, questions that I have not been able to find answers to on my own. I was hoping that my temple prep class would be a place to ask questions about preparing to go to the temple... it is not. My teacher reads from the manual (which I have read MANY times already) and... suffice it to say that the class is extremely unhelpful. So my question is, where to go with questions? I have not been able to find the answers on my own.
  23. Hello everyone, I have been extremely discouraged lately about my inability to get a temple recommend. Every time I get close, I shoot myself in the foot and ruin everything. I haven't held a temple recommend since I was 12, it's been 10 years. I work so hard to try to improve, but it feels like I'm spinning in a hamster wheel. I am engaged to a wonderful Mormon girl. We are both active in the church, and have been dating for 21 months. If I had a temple recommend, we would already be married. Unfortunately, I've been working through a 11 year porn addiction, which started at age 12. Through all the ups and downs, I've never given up. I recently have been getting closer and closer to a temple recommend. I've been "clean" for 2 months, which has been difficult and miserable, my withdrawals feel like torture. So being 2 months clean felt great, then I goofed up again. My fiancé and I got handsy, and engaged in in appropriate touching. Between my being clean for 2 months, the resulting withdrawals and cravingsfrom this insane addiction, and two sex-starved young adults, we just had one night where we were both very weak. Its important to note: we did not have sex. We did not touch front genitals. We engaged in other inappropriate touching (petting). Im terrified. Completely terrified. How will our bishop react? Ive been "clean" from my addiction for 2 months, and bishop wanted me clean 6 months. Will this recent petting transgression between my fiancé and I put us back at square one? Or can I hold my head high and continue to say, "I've been clean for over 2 months" and we will simply keep plugging along and trying to better ourselves? Just very worried this will delay our marriage plans even further. It's an awful feeling. Obviously we both regret what we did, and wouldn't do it again if we could go back and fix the mistake. Please, no judgemental comments. I've worked my butt off to fight off this addiction. Countless men inside the church struggle with it. We have been dating for 21 months. We broke down ONE night and engaged in petting. Don't judge. Most relationships in society have sex and sexual touching on the first date or within the first week of dating. We went 21 months without any of that, and still haven't had sex. We are active members of the church, and truly our trying our best to improve ourselves and stay strong together. Both of us feel a lot of pressure right now. Everyone keeps asking us when the wedding date is. It's my fault we haven't set one yet. This entire situation has already been extremely painful for me, and now this feels like another brick on the shoulders. I want a temple recommend, and I desperately want to marry THIS girl in the temple. I love her so much, we are the best of friends. That was a lot of talking and explaining. Ultimately my biggest question boils down to: Can I repent and get a temple recommend within the 2016 calendar year, between now and December 31st? Gosh I hope like crazy this process doesn't take longer than that. Since everyone is expecting us to set a wedding date soon, I would hate for us to get dragged through the mud and still not be married when 2017 comes around. Helpful comments and advice only, no judging. Thank you! GoldenOrange
  24. First off. I am a mid single and I love it, however this will be a question about eternal marriage. I do not want this to come across as a bitter rant, because it isn't. Noooooo, no, no. The purpose of this topic is to gain insight and get some theraputic release into why mid singles who are in their mid thirties go straight up weird and desperate. I'll elaborate.......For the past 11 years I have met a sizable amount of members at church, "the majority of whom are return missionaries, college graduates, and obviously active because I wouldn't have me them in the first place" who, starting right around age 28 begin expressing this sadness about not being married and begin to develop a deep, bitter regret about life. This sadness has reduced full grown men to tears and turned other wise polite, timid, ermm "awkward" girls into raving lunatics. I know that a temple marriage is one of the main goals every Mormon who's really a Mormon should aim for however why is it that they go straight up cray cray? I have had girls every year for the past 7 years try to guilt trip me into dating them and ask me in public and online to marry them. One time when I refused to be this girl's boyfriend she started to scream, cry and stomp her feet on the ground at a mall in plain view of everyone. Just last year a friend of mine asked me to be her boyfriend in a McDonald's and when I told her that I wanted to just remain friends, she broke down and sobbed in plain view of everyone for a whole hour. That kicked off a 5 month-long, downhill slide that culminating with her going straight up psycho on me, shaming me on Facebook and an attempt to get me fired from my job. I'll spare you all the the details about the stuff others have actually said up on the pulpit (Fast Sundays) to try and get attention in some really, really poorly calculated attempt to appear adorkable because quirky is better than boring.... right? I'm sure you've all seen your share. I'm not trying to lampoon anyone but I just want some answers. Answers to questions like, What is it about this whole being alone thing and even this whole getting old thing where seemingly normal people willingly transform themselves into human train wrecks??? What gets switched-on "or off" in the minds of people when they near the big 3-0 that they go completely nuts? I am getting sick of dealing with it, and when I have talked about these experiences with others I get treated like there is something wrong with me for having had anything to do with these people. And to think this all came about from me interacting with them because of my callings in church or just by sitting within 5 feet of them. Also I am currently living in Honolulu, and from what I've heard my experiences are not just unique to the church... but it seems like there is a large number of slightly "off" people who come here. Any insights, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Horrified and confused.
  25. I just got out of an eye opening adult session of stake conference. I'll share one topic here and another in a second thread. The Houston temple president came and spoke to us about Christ's statement about visiting those in prison, clothing the naked, feeding the hungry... He spoke to the youth at a vicarious baptism session. He asked if anyone had ever gone to a prison to visit someone. None raised a hand. He told them that they had just done so. Their actions that day had released people from spirit prison. Later the work done by adults would clothe the naked, bring strangers into the fold and family of God, strengthen the spiritually sick, and give meat & drink to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. No one had ever brought that to my attention before. I thought I should share.